Ponderosa Elementary PTA Meeting Minutes
October 2, 2012
Board Members present: Angie Essex, President; Les Allison, Vice President; Chris Archie, Treasurer; Jen Melaragno, Secretary
Others in attendance: Paula Robke, Janesa Landen, Ben Essex, Shannon Voggesser
6:30pm Meeting started
· Les made a motion to approve September minutes, approved.
· Officer Reports
-President: items for the agenda will be due to Angie by 5pm the night before the next scheduled meeting
- Principal no report
-VP no report
-Secretary no report
-Treasurer: Chris purchased 24 pinnys, $84, and has donated them to PTA. Chris and Jen attempted to sign on the PTA account, were not successful. They will attempt to get it taken care of in the next week. * Let it be noted that at the April 2012 PTA meeting it was approved that Chris Archie would take the office of treasurer, effective as of July 2012.
· It was decided PTA will pass on taking on the Pennies for Patients fundraiser.
· Sweetheart Supper: Some teachers have requested PTA move the date of SS to February 1st instead of the 8th due to parent/teacher conferences. After some discussion, it was decided to keep the date of the SS as February 8th. Susan Harding requested holding her spring choir performance during the SS. It was decided this would be fine, but logistics will need to be worked out by the SS committee. We will need an addition of a third seating for meals and this may include a time change.
· Walkathon Committee Update: Jen reported that everything is coming together. Waiting on t-shirt completion. Need to put out an email for volunteers. Jen will send Angie the daily schedule and she will create time blocks to send out to volunteers to sign up. Final count of monies will not be complete until the week of the 15 due to a date error on parent newsletter stating envelopes weren’t due until Oct 10th. PTA motioned and approved to allot $300 to the Walkathon committee to purchase prizes.
· VITAL: Les will take on the role as co-coordinator, if the district will allow it; we currently have approx. 180 registered volunteers
· Budget: Further discussion about budget allocation will be held at the next PTA meeting. We will extend the next meeting by ½ hr to accommodate the budget discussion. November 6th from 6:30pm-8pm
· It was decided that PTA will cover ½ of the Scholastic News for 2nd grade $215.33. Angie will communicate to Amy Pett the decision.
· Boxtops: Kandi Smith asked if PTA might be willing to pay for Box tops competition rewards for a competition held within the school. It was determined that PTA will not be purchasing them since PTA is not involved in the Boxtops program.
· Spirit Wear: PES has decided to change the logo, PTA will not change the logo on spirit wear at this time as it would require a $150 fee from the company. We will be offering a hoodie, t-shirts, a double walled insulated cup, water bottles, and a drawstring backpack. All of the items are available in green with black lettering or black with green lettering. Shannon will do some more research and put together an order form. We will need to decide on pricing of items since they are priced in bulk.
· PTA membership dues are due and were increased from $6.75 to $10. $6.75 will go to the association and $3.75 will be used to purchase PTA t-shirts. The annual insurance of $165 will need to be paid as well.
Meeting adjourned at 7:45pm
*Next PTA Meeting November 6th 6:30pm-8pm with a budget discussion
*PTA is looking for the next President!! Our current president Angie Essex will not be able to serve another term, so we are in need of a new president for the 2013-2014 school year. Please help the PES PTA continue to support our students and staff!