Minutes of the Regular Meeting of Dilwyn Parish Council

held in Cedar Hall, Dilwyn on 4th July Tuesday 2017 at 7.30 pm

Agenda Item / Action
Present: / Apologies:
Cllr. D Brown / Cllr. R. Brown
Cllr. S. Thomas / Cllr. E Stilwell
Cllr. T Kyles
Cllr. P. Kyles
Cllr. J. Lewis
Cllr. P Stilwell
Cllr J Gerrish
Cllr. J.Hall
Cllr. I Brown
Cllr. A Brown
In Attendance: Mr Gwilym Rippon and Cllr. Mark Cooper
There were seven members of the public present.
Chairman welcomed Councillors and the members of the public who were in attendance.
096-2017 / Apologies: There wereapologies from Cllrs. Brown and Stilwell.
097-2017 / Declarations of Interest: All Councillors had an interest in the Crown Public House as the Council was the owner of the said Public House.
In addition, the following declarations were made.
Name / Item / Personal / Prejudicial
D. Brown / 15 The Crown /  / 
A. Brown / 15 The Crown /  / 
098-2017 / Written request for dispensation: The Clerk reminded members that he had received a written dispensation from all Councillors in respect of the Crown Public House as the Council corporate was the owner. Without the dispensation the number of persons prohibited by section 31(4) from participating in any particular business would be so great a proportion of the body transacting the business as to impede the transaction of business.
099-2017 / Public Participation:
  1. To receive the Police report.
The Clerk read out the police report which was noted.
  1. To receive the Ward Councillor’s report.
The Ward member gave his report; he continued to state that he had been contacted by a number of residents in relation to the Crown not being open on the hottest day of the year .
  1. To receive questions from members of the public
There were no questions from members of public.
100-2017 / Minutes:
To approve the Parish Council meeting held on Tuesday, 6th June 2017.
The minutes of the Council meeting of the 6th June 2017
were approved.
101-2017 / Information arising from the minutes.
 There was nothing to report under this heading.
102-2017 / Correspondence received:
The Clerk read out a request to add the name of a recently deceased memberof the armed services to the War Memorial. The Clerk was requested to contact the War Graves Commission to enquire as to the criteria / protocol.
103-2017 / Finance:
a)To note the bank balances for June 2017.
The Clerk reported the following
Current Account £1465.5
Deposit Account £ 299.75
Hub Account £9438.91
Total £11134.16
The bank balances as circulated were noted
b)To discuss and approve invoices for payment.
1. / HMRC / PAYE 2017. / 148.92
2. / G.J. Rippon / Expenses / 133.40
3. / Dilwyn Church / Clock maintenance / 198.00
Total Expenditure / £392.52
The Clerk was instructed to pay all invoices.
104-2017 / Highwaymatters.
  1. Balfour Beatty.
It was reported that there were a number of potholes at VenmoreRoad
The root that was coming through the road at Tyrrells has been resolved.
105-2017 / Planning matters
  1. 171888 – Application for a proposed extension to 'The Dairy' and its sub-division from the farmhouse to form 2 residential units at The Dairy, Little Dilwyn Farmhouse, Dilwyn, Hereford, Herefordshire HR4 8EY
This application was discussed;the Council supported the application and wished the following comment to be recorded: ‘The Parish Plan states that the Community wishes to develop any derelict buildings into suitable living accommodation, subject to any building constraints for conservation areas’
  1. 171889 – Application for a proposed extension to 'The Dairy' and its sub-division from the farmhouse to form 2 residential units at The Dairy, Little Dilwyn Farmhouse, Dilwyn, Hereford, Herefordshire HR4 8EY
This application was discussed and commented on as above for application 171888
106-2017 / The Village website:
This was discussed, the webmaster was away at present, the Clerk reported that it was part of the Transparency Act that the Parish Council should have a website. Cllr. Thomas was to attempt to contact the webmaster with a view to moving this matter forward.
107-2017 / Update on the Neighbourhood plan:
A full update was given as to the current position regarding the Neighbourhood Plan. Members were informed that a successful grant applicationhad been made; this would be utilised in paying for the questionnaire evaluation.
108-2017 / Village Clean-Up
It was agreed that, in future, the Lengthsman should be utilised to keep the weeds down on a regular basis, rather than expecting members of the community to do the work.
109-2017 / Items for the next agenda:
Community Website
110-2017 / Due to the confidential nature of the business of this agenda item, under the Public Bodies (Admission to Meetings) Act 1960 (3) a motion to exclude members of the public during discussion of this agenda item was passed.
*Confidential items
Issues discussed were resolved.
111-2017 / Date of the next meeting
5th September 2017, in St. Mary’s School

Meeting was concluded at 22.10hrs

Signed:………………………………………… Date: ………………………………………………….