1. Answer the following questions using the information on the Han Dynasty Page

(a)The Han Dynasty is in two parts – the Western Han and the Eastern Han. How was China ruled in the period of time between these parts?

(b)Who was the victor after the end of the Qin Empire?

(c)What name did the victor take as his title?

(d)What is significant about the Confucian system of life and government as established under Wu Di?

(e)Who was the emperor who ruled in the Han Dynasty

  1. For the shortest time?
  2. For the longest time?
  3. Who was the first empress?
  4. Who was the youngest emperor?
  5. Who was the last emperor?
  1. Answer the following questions using the information on the Brief History of the Han Dynasty page

(a)How did Liu Bang get rid of the threat of the Xiongnu-led federation when he came to power?

(b)What did Liu Bang do to make the statement that this was a new dynasty and was no longer connected to the Qin?

(c)Who did Liu Bang use to run his empire? Be careful, this is not a simple answer – there are two groups, make sure you get both.

(d)Liu Bang made three decisions which brought the peasants on to his side. Which do you think would have had the greatest affect on the peasants

  1. In the short term?
  2. In the long term?

(e)What was the reason Liu Bang created a new class of people, the gentry?

(f)Wen Di and his grandson Wu Di introduced major changes to China in their periods of rule. Using the information under their sections on this page complete the following chart

Political Changes / Economic Changes / Social/Cultural Changes / Military Changes
Famine relief / Famine relief
Adopted Confucianism / Adopted Confucianism
Encouraged trade

(g)Which three groups of people controlled the various emperors after Wu Di’s death?

(h)Wang Mang introduced a series of reforms as soon as he became emperor. Who would have gained the most benefit from these reforms – the wealthy, the peasants or the merchants? Why?

(i)Who were the Red Eyebrows?

(j)Wu Di is considered one of the most important emperors of the Han Dynasty.

Complete the following cartoon to explain

  1. why the three groups of people on the left felt they did not get justice from the Emperor and, by the end of the Han period, believed he no longer had The Mandate of Heaven
  2. what arguments the Emperor may have put forward to counter his opponents and justify him remaining Emperor