A Called Meeting of the Oglethorpe County Board of Commissioners was held on Thursday, June 19, 2014 at 7:00 p.m., in the Commissioner’s Office in Lexington, Georgia.

Members Present: Chairman Billy Pittard Commissioner Phil Sanders Commissioner George Gabriel Commissioner David Clark Commissioner Andy Saxon

Members Absent: Commissioner John Meyer

Staff Present: Josh Hawkins, Planning Administrator

Amy Forrester, County Clerk

Application for Retail Malt Beverage and Wine License: Commissioner Sanders made a motion to approve the application submitted by Donald Moody to engage in the sale of Malt Beverage and/or Wine at retail at a business located at 173 Railroad Road, Stephens, Georgia 30667.

Temporary Use (Event) Application: Commissioner Clark made a motion to deny the application submitted by Magic Moments, Inc. for a special event to be held July 19, 2014 until noon on Sunday, July 20, 2014, at 536 Wolfskin Road, Arnoldsville, Georgia 30619. Seconded by Commissioner Gabriel for purpose of discussion. After discussion by the Board, Commissioner Gabriel made a motion to approve the application. Seconded by Commissioner Saxon, with Commissioner Sanders and Commissioner Clark voting in opposition and Chairman Pittard voting in favor due to absence of Commissioner Meyer.

Special Event Catering: Commissioner Saxon made a motion to approve the application for a catering permit submitted by Magic Moments, Inc. for an event to be held July 19 - 20, 2014. Seconded by Commissioner Gabriel and unanimously approved by the Board.

Public Defender Budget: Commissioner Clark made a motion to approve the Northern Judicial Public Defender’s funding from July 1, 2014 – June 30, 2015, in the amount of $54,574.00. Seconded by Commissioner Saxon and unanimously approved by the Board.

Intergovernmental Agreement: Commissioner Sanders made a motion to approve the Intergovernmental Agreement with the Oglethorpe County School System regarding the use of the agricultural building. Seconded by Commissioner Clark and unanimously approved by the Board.

Health Insurance: Commissioner Sanders made a motion to approve Humana as the county’s health insurance carrier from July 1, 2014 – June 30, 2015. Seconded by Commissioner Clark and unanimously approved by the Board.

Stipend: Commissioner Clark made a motion to approve a stipend in the amount of $38.32 per month per employee enrolled in the employer sponsored health insurance plan from July 1, 2014 – June 30, 2015. The stipend will supplement the employer contribution to health insurance premiums. Seconded by Commissioner Sanders and unanimously approved by the Board.

Budget Amendment: Commissioner Clark made a motion to approve the 2014 budget amendment of $12,960.60 for stipend for health insurance premiums to be paid from Contingency. Seconded by Commissioner Sanders and unanimously approved by the Board.

Confirmation of Administrator: Chairman Pittard presented and read the Ordinance to Create the Position of County Administrator for Oglethorpe County.

2015 Budget: Commissioner Clark made a motion to approve the fiscal year 2015 Budget in the amount of $6,668,552.52. Seconded by Commissioner Sanders and unanimously approved by the Board.

There being no further business at 8:35 p.m., the meeting was adjourned until the next regularly scheduled meeting on July 7, 2014, unless sooner convened because of an emergency.

______Billy Pittard, Chairman Andy Saxon, Commissioner

______David Clark, Commissioner George Gabriel, Commissioner

______Phil Sanders, Commissioner John Meyer, Commissioner


County Clerk