Famous Hispanic Americans

K & 1

If you have a Studies Weekly teacher account, please login to access the videos and articles mentioned in the lesson plan. If you do not have a Studies Weekly teacher account, or you do not have access to the publication listed, please be our guest and use our demo account. To access your state materials you will need to use the two-letter U.S. Postal code for your state followed by ‘teacher’. To login with a demo account:

  • Go to
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Materials list:

  • Projector
  • Computer
  • Access to Studies Weekly OnlineFirst Grade Studies Weeklypublication,Celebrate Americaweekly unit(Culturearticle
  • Chart paper or whiteboard space for student responses
  • Video – Famous Hispanic Americans(
  • White copy paper
  • Crayons/Pencils
  • Scissors
  • Glue

(Extension activity materials)

  • Display Tray (

Approximate time the lesson will take not including the video:

  • 50 minutes

Balanced Literacy Format:

  • Shared Reading

Lesson Presentation Format:

  • Whole Class

Specific Strategy:

  • Observation
  • Listening
  • Independent Writing
  • Fine Motor Skills


  1. Introduce the lesson by defining what culture is. Then do a shared read aloud of the article Culture found in First Grade Studies WeeklyCelebrate America weekly unit. Poll the students to see what different cultures are represented in your classroom.
  2. Discuss with students why people come to America and what the “American Dream” is.
  3. Watch the video Famous Hispanic Americans. Ask students to listen for different types of jobs thepeople in the video have/had. After watching the video,have students sharethedifferent professions they heard about and write them on the board. Discuss with the students if they think these famous Hispanic Americans lived their American Dreams.
  4. Ask the students what their American Dream is by asking them what they want to be when they grow up and/or what problems they want to solve.
  5. Have students create a flipbook with two flaps. Students will write “My Culture” on the first flap and “My American Dream” on the second flap. Students will draw pictures of different things that represent their culture and their American Dream under the flaps.
  6. To learn more about Flipbook by Studies Weekly go to log into your account > click onyour publication > select the article > scroll down toK-6 General ResourceProfessional Development on Demand Flipbook by Studies Weekly.
  7. Or go to theStudies Weekly YouTube Channel and view the video Flipbook by Studies Weekly.


  • Pause the video to write down the jobs.
  • Have students work in pairs or small cooperative groups.
  • Create a couple of flipbooks prior to the lesson.
  • Instead of writing and/or drawing on the Flipbooks, students can glue pre-printed vocabulary words and/or images.


  • Have students create a Display Tray about themselves and their American Dreams. Ask students to think about what they would need to do to achieve those dreams, such as graduate from high school, go to college, etc.
  • To learn more about the Display Tray go to log into your account > click onyour publication > select the article scroll down toK-6 General ResourcesGeneral Resources Display Tray Instructions.


  1. America has many different ______.
  2. countries
  3. cultures
  1. Many people come to America to live ______.
  2. their American Dream
  3. alone

Answer Key/Complexity Level:

1. bLow/1

2. aLow/1