Year Three Home Study Challenge. Autumn 1 Name:
Areas of Study / 1 point / 2 points / 3 points / 4 points / 5 points / 6 points.Language and Communication. / Write ten interesting facts about yourself. Include some things we don’t already know. / Use a computer to design and create a poster showing how to behave in the classroom. / Draw an illustration of a character from a book you have enjoyed. / Play Scrabble with an older friend or grown up. / Write or video a review of your favourite book. / Write story set in an ordinary home or school or park.
Health and Wellbeing / Write down three reasons why you need a good night’s sleep. / Teach your family to play ‘Who Looks Different?’ or ‘Who Feels Different?’ / Look at and find out about e-safety. . / Keep a tooth brushing diary for two weeks. This is helpful...
/ Draw some picture prompts to remind infants how to look after themselves. / Write a description of a really true friend. (It can be real or made up).
RE/PSHCE / Copy out the Ten Commandments or the Lord’s Prayer. / Make a list of ten rules for a happy family life. / Write an application for membership of the School Council. / Find out about the important rules in a religion other than Christianity. Make a poster to show them. / Find out about a person who has broken or changed bad rules. Eg Nelson Mandela Write down what s/he did. / Draw a plan of the downstairs of your house or your garden. Add a description making it sound either really luxurious or really basic.
Science and Design Technology. / Complete the wordsearch:
/ Create your own wordsearch about bones. / Have a look at this…
/ Create a picture to show what your body looks like inside. You might want to use lift up flaps or other techniques. / With an adult, cook a healthy meal and photograph it. See if you can include ingredients that are good for your bones! / Find out about some of the bones and/or muscles in your body. Create a fact file or booklet to show what you have discovered.
Creative Arts / Find a stone or piece of wood that you could use to try Stone Age cave painting on. Bring it to school as soon as possible. / Sketch an object from your house. (Eg a flower, a Lego piece, a shoe.) Experiment with pencil effects. / Find some examples of Ancient Eqyptian art either in a museum or gallery or on the internet. / Write or video a promotion for your favourite piece of music. / Compose a short piece of music to help a person relax. Can you record it? / Find out about the clothes people in Britain might have worn during the Stone Age. Sketch your own designs for at least three Stone Age outfits.
Maths and Problem Solving. / Tell an adult or sibling what time it is at least once a day. You might see analogue, digital, Roman Numeral or 24 hour clocks. / Create a picture using lots of 2D shapes, or play this game:
/ Make sure you know your 2,3,4,5,10 times tables. You need to know the answers in any order! If you already know these, try 6, 8 and 9. / Play this game (Warning – American!)
There are links to more word problems on the WoodlandsJuniorSchool website. / Measure the height of all the members of your family. Add them together. / Design and make a maths game involving multiplication, addition, division and subtraction. We will test your game during one of our maths lessons!
Choose a minimum of six activities, at least one from each row. Your challenge is to earn more than 20 points over the half term. A parent or carer needs to initial each activity as you complete it. Your deadline is Friday 21st October.
Dear Parents,
Year three has a different way of doing homework! The aim is to make it flexible and to offer a lot more choice about the way the children learn.
Children in year three will still be given a spelling list to learn each week and will still need to read their reading books. In addition, they are asked to complete a selection of the tasks on the attached sheet. The tasks link in some way to the topics we will be studying this half term and beyond.
The aim is to earn at least 20 points. Each child must complete at least one task from each row of the chart and must complete at least six activities. Of course, they can do more than six if they wish!
Parents and carers are asked please to highlight/tick and initial each task completed by their child. Any writing, pictures or project work, art work or photographs should be handed in by Friday 21stOctober. We plan to make a display of the things the children have produced. Please ensure that everything is named.
We do hope you will find this a pleasant way of tackling home learning. Please let us know how it works for your family.
Best wishes,
Mr Brooks
PS: Unfortunately some of the interactive activities may not work on certain tablets/ mobiles and they will need to be played on a desktop or laptop. Alternatively you can install a browser app onto your ipad/ iphone to avoid the ‘requires Flash Player’ message. You may of course find other fun activities and games based on the same themes. If so please make a note of what your child has done. Thank you.