PO Box 12555, Prescott AZ 86304 Toll free 1 888 issues –9 Bob & Geri Boyd
www.issuesineducation.org Third Quarter 2004
When the righteous are in authority, the people rejoice; but when a wicked man rules, the people groan ." Pr 29:2
How can anyone shoot or blow up perfectly innocent little school children?
It was Islamic terrorists who slaughtered over 300 people (about half were children) in Beslan Russia. It was terrible and gruesome. Imagine the horror of the grieving parents.
Could American school children now be targets for the same deranged Islamic terrorists?
How we fight this onslaught of ISLAMIC terrorism will be determined by whom we choose for President.
Think of the inhumanity of these MUSLIM terrorists! How incredibly cold-blooded. How could they go into a school and hold hundreds of children hostages without food or water for days? Kids were fainting but that meant nothing to these beasts. How could they shoot innocent little boys and girl?
Human life means nothing to these animals – not even their own lives.
Terrorists have sunk to a new level – the butchering of innocent little children. They're like Nazis.
"In Beslan we saw how the terrorists measure their success -- in the death of the innocent, and in the pain of grieving families…Members of the United Nations, the Russian children did nothing to deserve such awful suffering, and fright, and death. The people of Madrid and Jerusalem and Istanbul and Baghdad have done nothing to deserve sudden and random murder. These acts violate the standards of justice in all cultures, and the principles of all religions. All civilized nations are in this struggle together, and all must fight the murderers." President George Bush's address to the United Nations on 9/22/04
But many American journalists try to avoid identifying these terrorists as Muslims, or even using the word MUSLIM next to the word “terrorist.” The media has ignored the fact that many or most of the victims were Christians while most of the terrorists were Muslims.
Here are the facts: A radical Islamic group affiliated with Al Qaeda took "credit" for the massacre.
But that got only one line in the Washington Post and zero mention on the network news.
The terrorists wore "Islamic prayer caps" and had long beards. One female terrorist ordered the hostages to pray to Allah. And, of course, the attack on the school was not "unprecedented," as the media suggested. Just a week ago, nine children and a teacher were killed in an attack on a school in Afghanistan. The main suspect for that atrocity is the school's Islamic religion instructor.
Across the globe, the toll of those murdered and maimed by Islamofascists grows, but the media refuses to educate the public about the danger we face. They continue to tell us our war is against "terrorism" instead of Islamic jihadists! While these atrocities took place in Russia, it would be incredibly naive to assume it could not happen here.
It has been three years now since the brutal attack against the United States by Muslim terrorists on September 11, 2001. During those 36 months, our enemy has waged a war marked by depravity and animated by an evil many of us are still unaware of.
From Jerusalem to Jakarta, from Madrid to Beslan, the tally of the corpses of the innocent grows. We have seen helpless civilians beheaded, school children shot in the back, and Spaniards, Australians, and Israelis brutally blown to bits while engaged in the daily activities of modern life. And always the killers are shouting praise to Allah while our leaders tell us that none of this has anything to do with Islam.
The reality of our time is that our Islamofascist enemy is desperately planning on killing not 3,000 of us as it did on September 11th, but hundreds of thousands of us today or tomorrow or whenever it can. There is nothing to negotiate, nor is there any concession we could make to divert them from this goal unless we convert to their demented and demonic branch of Wahhabi Islam. Gary Bauer
Among the information our forces found in Afghanistan were training manuals, meticulous notes, and videotapes of terror training. One of the videotapes included footage of terrorists storming a mock school and shooting schoolchildren. Although these atrocities took place in Russia, it would be incredibly naive to assume it could not happen here.
That's why there are schools here that are practicing MOCK terrorist attack drills. The only problem is they don't seem to know who the terrorists are. One school in Muskegon Michigan said, "This exercise will simulate an attack by a fictitious radical group called Wackos Against Schools and Education who believe everyone should be homeschooled."
That slam against home schoolers generated such negative publicity Daniel Stout of the Muskegon Emergency Services wrote this apology: "This fictional group and scenario was not meant to offend any home school students. Home school students are a very important part of our nation. This scenario will not be used again."
Other "leaders" don't seem to know who our enemies are. FORMER VP AL GORE EQUATES WAHHABI ISLAM WITH EVANGELICAL CHRISTIANITY. Al Gore said this about George Bush's faith, "It's a particular kind of religiosity. It's the American version of the same fundamentalist impulse that we see in Saudi Arabia, in Kashmir, in religions around the world."
That is a breathtaking statement, even for Gore. He has just equated Wahhabi Islam, which has lead to beheadings, massacres, the September 11th attacks, etc., with the President's evangelical faith. Perhaps the former vice president can tell us when was the last time that fundamentalist Christians, Jews, or Hindus flew planes into buildings or killed children in the name of "God." And just think, GORE was almost elected president! (Gary Bauer) Only 537 votes in Florida defeated Gore.
Yet there are sizeable numbers of our fellow citizens who, rather than recognize the enemy at our throat, choose to blame George W. Bush or American foreign policy. Meanwhile, some would-be "leaders" continue to suggest that they can make the danger go away by talking to the French more often. More sensitively.
The threat of Islamofascism is just as menacing as Hitler's Panzer brigades and Stalin's war machine. Islamic terrorists are on a religious crusade to conquer the world. If we don't crush this enemy, their insatiable blood lust will plunge the world into another Dark Age. Gary Bauer
Unveiling Islam #862
Can America win this war over ISLAMIC terrorism? Are we in a religious war?
Was our war on Iraq a mistake or is President Bush a "Lincoln" setting millions of captives free?
America freed more than 10 million women in the Middle East. Where are the feminists who should be celebrating instead of criticizing our Commander-in-Chief?
Although Dr. Emir Caner was a Muslim (his dad led the prayers in the mosque), he came to faith in Christ. As a Muslim, that meant he had to choose between his family and Christ. Who would you choose? He chose Christ. Now a professor at S.E. Baptist Theological Seminary, Dr Caner, author of Unveiling Islam, says, "There is a religious motivation behind our enemy. In fact, it’s more than just Islam vs. Christianity. It's the spiritual war of the ages."
Any war strategist knows the best way to get your opponent to surrender is to defeat them mentally. Once they feel it's hopeless they will give up. So why is the liberal media in this country trying to get us to give up on the war on ISLAMIC terrorism? We didn't start it.
The message from the national press, other than bashing President Bush (even if it means making up forged documents like Dan Rather on CBS did), is "Christians surrender! Accept the inevitable. Your religious and moral values are no longer relevant. Be tolerant (buzz word for homosexuality) and live in peace." If we believe this, we underestimate and we SHAME our LORD. We need to realize the severity and scope of this war! IT TAKES DEDICATION AND A FIRM RESOLVE TO WIN A WAR!
At the beginning of WW II many were shouting, "Surrender!" as bombs devastated entire city blocks, and bridges fell, as the blitzkrieg and sirens shrieked night after night. But Prime Minster Churchill refused to surrender or compromise. He said, "Surrender is not an option if you plan to win a war. Victory at all costs, victory in spite of all terror, victory however long and hard the road may be; for without victory there is no survival." Winston Churchill, May 13, 1940. A GREAT QUOTE!
America has the most powerful military the world has ever seen. America has the strongest economy and greatest wealth of any nation that's ever existed. But EVEN this nation could be defeated. Look at past civilizations on the ash heap of history.
"The wicked shall be turned into hell and all the nations that forget God." Ps 9:17
What will it take to win this war over Islamic terrorism?
A Presidential Legacy #863
We can learn a lot today from President Reagan's success. When Ronald Reagan became President, communism was on the march around the world! American hostages were being held in Iran for 444 days! The economy was a mess! Taxes and inflation were skyrocketing.
Liberals severely criticized the President's Reaganomics. But by the time President Reagan left office, he had revitalized the economy, brought the marginal tax rate down from 70% down to 30%, and fueled one of the greatest economic recoveries in history.
Liberals called Reagan a warmonger! They said, "violence leads to more violence." No, appeasement leads to more violence. Peace comes through strength. Appeasers didn't liberate Europe from the Nazis. US soldiers did. The UN didn't liberate 25 million Iraqis from a tyrant who killed thousands. US soldiers did.
Liberals said Reagan would start WW III. But Reagan built up the military and brought down communism! HE WON THE COLD WAR!
He set a BILLION people FREE, who had been imprisoned behind the IRON CURTAIN.
What can we learn from President Reagan's successes? It was strength that brought us peace – not appeasement. Listen to the words from the man who brought down the Berlin Wall and WON the cold war: "Those who would trade our freedom for the soup kitchen of the welfare state have told us that we can have peace without victory. They call their policy accommodation. That if we avoid direct confrontation with the enemy, he'll forget his evil ways and learn to love us."
Ronald Reagan said to the nation, "You and I have a rendezvous with destiny. We will preserve for our children this, the last best hope of man on earth, or we will sentence them to take the first step into a thousand years of darkness. If we fail at least our children and our children's children will say of us – we justified our brief moment here on earth. We did all that could be done."
Ronald Reagan's son, and talk show host, Michael Reagan, talks about his dad, the differences between the major party platforms and stem cell research.
The media tries to blur an important point on stem cell research. Michael Reagan and Tony Perkins make the point that it's embryonic stem cell research that destroys human life, not adult stem cells- from body fat, bone etc. But the media is making it sound like President Bush is against adult stem cell research and blocking valuable research. Because of this media blurring this issue there are people who will vote against the President. But clearly he is not against adult stem cell research but the creation of human life, human embryos, simply to sacrifice it for spare parts. That's wrong.
Tony Perkins, President of the Family Research Council, says the most important election issue isn't even being discussed. It's the debate over homosexual marriage. Former President Bill Clinton told John Kerry not to let the Democrat Party be seen as the party of the gays.
At one point in history, the German people made a choice in an election about what direction their nation would go. In 1923, members of a revolutionary political party met in a Munich beer hall to elect their leader. By one vote Adolph HITLER was elected leader of the NAZI party and history was forever set on a tragic course that would destroy millions of lives. BY ONLY ONE VOTE!
Tony Perkins asks each of us, "As our nation dangles over the precipice of moral degeneracy,
what are you going to do? Will you even vote?"
ALL OUR FREEDOMS. In times of moral crisis- neutrality is treason.
Voting is not simply a right or privilege. It is a solemn responsibility where you give authority to certain people to govern over you. Christians, of all people, have a higher level of accountability to be good stewards with what God has entrusted to us. We are accountable to God with what we do with it.
YET only 25% of Christians even bothered to vote in the election of 2000. Out of 60 million Christians only 15 million voted. That means 75% of Christians did not bother to vote.