Analysis and Recommendation ConcerningCR 16-001
Date Presented to the IGG: Click or tap to enter a date.
CR Number: / 16-001 / Requestor: / US Army Corps of Engineers /CR Date: / 1/22/2016 / Detail if “Other”:
Requestor’s Overview of Proposed Change:
Add MD_Distribution Element back into SDSFIE-M.
IGG Chair Policy Review: / PASS /
IGG Chair policy review comments, if any, go here.
DISDI Program Team Recommendation: / ACCEPT /
Summary of Analysis of the CR:
DISDI Program team recommends that the changes be implemented as proposed.
IGG Chair Review Findings
A summary of the IGG Chair review goes here.
IGG Chair Recommendation: / ACCEPT /
SDSFIE Support Contract COR Review Findings
Not applicable, since the change is to the Metadata standard, which is in the purview of the DISDI Program.
SDSFIE Support Contract COR Recommendation: / ACCEPT /
Recommendation to IGG:
The text of the final recommendation to the IGG for voting goes here.
IGG Decision: / Choose an item. /
Analysis and Recommendation ConcerningCR 16-001
Spatial Data Standards for Facilities, Infrastructure, and Environment (SDSFIE)
Change Management Process
Analysis and Recommendation
Concerning Change Request #16-001
January 22, 2016
Submitted By:
DISDI Program Team
1Change Request
Requesting Organization: US Army Corps of Engineers
Summary:Add MD_Distribution Element back into SDSFIE-M.
Detailed Description: Add the MD_Distribution element back into SDSFIE-M as optional. It should appear just as it does in ISO 19115 (and ISO 19115-1).
Rationale: It was removed during development of SDSFIE-M because there was no stated requirement about Component distributing their data. However, USACE does distribute data and needs this element to document said distribution.
1.1Complete Description of Changes
This change would require:
Updating the SDSFIE-M document to include the element.
Updating the schemas to include the element.
Updating the SDSFIE-M Metadata Style for ArcGIS to include the element.
2Analysis of the Change Request
2.1Do the proposed changes align with the scope and intent of the SDSFIE?
2.2Do the changes make technical sense to complete?
2.3Recommended approach to implement the change in the Metadata
DISDI Program team recommends that the changes be implemented as proposed.
2.4Alternative approaches
One alternative would be to do nothing. This is not recommended.
2.5Expected impacts to the SDSFIE Web site, SDSFIE Repository, SDSFIE Tools, SDSFIE Training, and SDSFIE Documentation.
No impact, outside of the changes occurring, is expected.
2.6Functional SME Inputs.
The proposed changes came from the functional SME community in USACE and thus are completely in-line with their intention.
3Costs and Benefits
4 hours for SDSFIE-M editor to add to the document (during the development of the 1.0.3 version). 8 hours to update the schemas. 16 hours for the SDSFIE-M Metadata Style for ArcGIS developer to add back in the code that handles the element.
The benefit is that already created and future distribution metadata will have a place to go in the metadata.