University of Edinburgh, 18-19 September 2013
McEwan Hall Reception Room
This workshop is co-sponsored by esrc and ukieri grants to look at dalit politics and marginal populations respectively. It will interrogate processes of institutionalisation and its effects.
Day 1: 18th September
9:30-10:00: Coffee10:00-11:30: Session 1
Chair: Hugo Gorringe: Introductions and Workshop Note
Abdul Shaban (TISS): Muslim Question and Citizenship in India: Politics, State and Infringement of Rights
Qudsiya Contractor (TISS):Institutionalising peace? – Mohalla committees in Mumbai post the 1992-93 communal violence.
11:30-12:00: Coffee
12:00-13:30: Session 2
Andrew Wyatt (University of Bristol):Elite formation within a political party: The case of the DMK
Valerian Rodrigues(JNU): Devaraj Urs and Backward Castes Mobilization in Karnataka, India
D. Karthikeyan (The Hindu & UoE):Contentious Spaces: Guru Puja and the Production Political Community
13:30-14:30: Lunch
14:30-16:00: Session 3
Bipin Jojo (TISS): Large Development Project: Negotiating Political space between Coastal and Princely state Regions in the state of Odisha, India.
Supurna Banerjee (UoE):‘We are still Junglis to them’: understanding institutionalisation among the Adivasis in Dooars
Jeevan Sharma (UoE):Adivasi Janajati movement and Nepal’s political interregnum
16:00-16:30: Coffee
16:30-18:00: Keynote
Jim Manor (School of Advanced Study UoL):
Attempts at institutionalising inclusion: The best and worst of the Indian state
18:00-19:00: Drinks Reception
Day 2: 19th September
9:00-9:30: Coffee9:30-11:00: Session 4
Suryakant Waghmore (TISS): Challenging Normalised Exclusion: Humour, Anger and Hopeful Rationality in Dalit Politics
Roger Jeffery (UoE):Institutionalising marginal actors in UP and TN: Insights from Dalit electoral data
Sam Gundimeda (Charles Wallace Fellow & Council for Social Development, Hyderabad):Fractured mobilizations: Dalit movement and politics in contemporary Andhra Pradesh
11:00-11:30: COFFEE
11:30-12:30: Session 5
Hugo Gorringe (UoE):From the Margins to the ‘Mainstream’: Dalit Politics in TN
Martin Fuchs (ErfurtUniversity): Institutionalizing informal socialities: The local struggles of Dalits/urban poor
12:30-13:30: Lunch
13:30-15:00 Session 6
Chair: Radhika Govinda
AntjeLinkenbach (ErfurtUniversity): Social Justice versus Processes of Institutionalisation: Exploring forms of inclusion among Dalits of Uttarakhand (India)
Carole Sparry (University of York):'Performing representation: inclusion and marginalisation in Indian parliamentary debates'
Wilfried Swenden (UoE):Managing Diversity in India: From Integration to Accommodation?
15:00-16:00: concluding discussion (coffee to be served in the room)