SPC 217

Non-Emergency Ventilation in Enclosed Road, Rail and Mass Transit Facilities



March20, 2015

These draft minutes are not the official minutes until approved by this committee.


1.Call to Order and Introductions

2.Chairman’s Report

3.Approval of Prior Meeting Minutes

4.Review of Chapter Outlines

5.Next Steps


SPC 217Conference Call Minutes1March 20, 2015

standards To Be Reviewed by Staff For public review / Standards Projected
To Undergo
public review
In the Near Future
Starts 01/05/18 / Standards Currently
Public Review / Committee Presently Addressing Comments / Standards In
Process of
Reaffirmation / Standards Being
Reviewed by Staff
For Publication / Standards

1.Call to Order and Introductions

Call to Order

The Chair, Igor Maevski, called the meeting to order onTuesday,March 20, 2015at 1:00p.m.EST.


The Chair greeted members and guests. Introductions were made.

Voting Members
Igor Maevski, Chair(IM)
Kevin Chang, Vice Chair (KC)
Mark Colino (MC)
Robert Smith (RS)
Bill Lampkin (BL)
Non-Voting Members
Yuan Li, Webmaster (YL) / Guests
Norris Harvey (NH) / Voting Members Absent
Josiah Wiley (JW)
David Newman, Secretary (DN)
Ahmad Kashef (AK)
Non-Voting Members Absent
Yunlong (Jason) Liu (JL)
Provisional Members Absent
Jane Miller (JM)

2.Chairman’s Report

  1. Request to confirm a 1st draft date of July 2016.
  2. MC felt Jan 2017
  3. KC July 2016 is very aggressive. IM – Is Jan 2017 reasonable? KC June 2017 might be a more realistic date.
  4. BL believes Jan 2017 is the best date. Pushing out to June may cause further procrastination.
  5. IM to make sure the date is met, he will go with June 2017.
  1. BL had requested ASHRAE guidelines for the writing of the standard. Question: Does anyone need any access to any specific ASHRAE standards to perform the work?
  2. NH suggested a 1-week turnaround on the standard request.
  3. KC needs access to the standards
  4. MC suggests a short list of standard needs to be followed up with a longer list.
  5. An email to IM is requested within a week or two with the request.
  1. Drafts of this document are not to be distributed outside of the group developing the standard.
  2. YL to maintain and update a website for maintenance of current materials. The website is for members use only.
  3. Drafts to be sent to IM with an indication of whether these will be sent to others for discussion purposes. Submission of documents should be sent 2-weeks prior to the next meeting.

3.Approval of Prior Meeting Minutes

The minutes of the prior meeting were approved with the following comment.

KC commented on the point 14 in Chapter 9 AR questioned whether ASHRAE already has a standard for O&M. This will be investigated.

KC has researched the ASHRAE guidelines number 4 2008 and only found a building services related document title “Preparation of Operating and Maintenance Documentation of Tall Building Systems.

4.Review of Chapter Outlines

Draft chapter outlines were distributed at the meeting and presented by their respective Sub-committee chairs. The following discussion took place:

Link to be placed in the minutes of the meeting

Chapter 3 – Road Tunnels

Group A - Igor Maevski

  1. The mission of the document should be in the foreword of the document.
  2. IM has written 11-pages of document. Discuss tunnel air quality, different emissions for NO, CO etc.. Measurements and criteria. Cumulative effects of gases. Thermal effects on gases. Effect of icing. Air velocity criteria in the tunnels. Visibility. Information about sound. Equipment and controls. Ventilation Procedures. Methods of ventilation. Cleaning.
  3. Progress has been made but it has not been finished. If anyone would like to see it, they are welcome to comment.

Chapter 4 – Railway Tunnels

Group B - David Newman (Norris Harvey sitting in for David Newman)

  1. Not much progress has been made on the section.

Chapters 5 & 6 – Mass Transit Tunnel and Station

Group C - Mark Colino

  1. MC is updating material that is contained in the Subway Environment Manual. MC has requested input from within PB for this effort.

Chapter 7 – System, Equipment and Components

Group D - Josiah Wiley (Presented by Robert Smith)

  1. Not a lot of progress from last meeting.
  2. Not sure what the target document should look like. It was mentioned that a good starting point is ASHRAE 62.1.
  3. IM to work with RS offline to help him with the vision of the section.

Chapter 8 – Construction, Testing and Commissioning

Group E – Bill Lampkin

  1. BL has not had a chance to update the information. Some research has been performed to determine what has been done in the industry.
  2. IM suggested to keepElias Papadopoulos from AMTRAK in the loop as he has a lot of experience in this area.

Chapter 9 – Operations and Maintenance

Group F – Kevin Chang

  1. KC has developed language for chapter 9. There is no major change from the Chicago meeting.
  2. KC would like to see the other chapters as they are developed. He will develop this section based on what others are writing.
  3. KC has outlined the content that could be included. KC reviewed the outline content during the meeting.
  4. Chapter 9 outline to be attached to minutes of meeting.

5.Next Steps

  1. Next meetings will be conference callon May 15th at 12:00 pm to 2:00 pm EST
  2. Each working group should have a first draft prepared.
  3. By June 19 the first draft will be distributed for internal committee review. MC indicated that a completed chapter may not be completed, but perhaps not complete. BL same. RS believes there will be the beginnings of a draft.
  4. IM questioned committee on preferred day/time slot for Atlanta. The consensus was for Tuesday morning again, but with an additional hour allocated (9 am to noon).


The Chair adjourned the meeting at12:30pm CST.

SPC 217Conference Call Minutes1March 20, 2015