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Student Guide for Blog Posts:
Maths on Track: What Makes for Success?

How and Why You Should Be Posting to this Blog During the Unit

During this unit you will be making two types of blog posts. Both types will be assessed.

Type One: Throughout the unit your team will make several posts about what you are learning (see Posting Throughout the Unitbelow for details).

Type Two:At the end of the unit each team member will make one individual post as their response to the unit questions (see Posting at the End of Unit for details).

Posting Throughout the Unit

These team posts give your team an opportunity to share information with the other teams. In a team post your team lets other teams know about what you have found out. You should also post any resources that the team has found, or ask questions or seek feedback on what the team has done. If your team would preferit can run its own blog (if this choice is made please discuss your idea with your teacher first). A self assessment rubric has been provided for the team to use to assess the quality of its blog posts. The Blog Posts Self-Assessment Rubric can bedownloadedfrom the blog. (Posting regularly throughout the unit will give each team member opportunities to develop their ability to write clear and purposeful posts. This will make sure that you will be well prepared for blog post you will individually have to make at the end of the unit - see below).

Posting at the End of Unit

This is a major assessment task. Near the end of the unit, you will be required to post your personal response (not as a team) to each of the unit questions: What skills are important? and Why are teams important? In answering these questions you should give reasons for your opinion, referring to what you have learned from the activities you have done. Your response will be assessed twice; once by yourself and also by your teacher. You should use the Blog Posts Self-Assessment Rubric you were using to assess your blog posts throughout the unit. You should be skilled at writing effective posts by this time. Your teacher will assess your responses to the unit questions using a scoring guide that will be very similar to the self assessment rubric you have used.

Think for a moment: What “teams” operate in your life? What is a team? Can you consider your parents as a “team” that affects you? What about your teachers? What about medical teams? What about the government or shopping complexes or other organisations? How important are these teams to you having a successful life?

© State of Victoria2008

Alan Thwaites is involved in the Intel Teach Program and developed this portfolio, in collaboration with other teachers.

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