Summer Staff Application
Sivells Baptist Camp and Retreat Center
1254 Cox Canyon Highway
Cloudcroft, New Mexico 88317
Office 575-687-3535
A ministry of the Baptist Convention of New Mexico
Applicant’s Instructions
Thank you for your interest in employment with Sivells Baptist Camp and Retreat Center. You may keep the following two pages of the Application Packet for your information and reference.
Please complete the attached application and release forms in its entirety. Please type or print out the information so it may easily be read. Be certain all forms are completely filled out and signed. Incomplete applications will not be considered. Use the abbreviation “N/A” if a particular question or section of the application is not applicable to you.
You will notice the back two pages of this application are for you to run off and get your personal references to fill them out and return them to us. Please do not turn in these forms yourself. Ask your references to return the filled out forms to us themselves.
Your application will remain in our active files for one year. If you are among the most qualified applicants for the position, an interview will be arranged.
Employment decisions are made on the basis of qualifications to perform the work for which you are applying. Qualifications include education, training, work experience and reference background check. Your credentials and experience will be verified through schools, former employers and references. In addition, you must be in agreement with Sivells’ Mission and Vision Statements.
If, you and Sivells Baptist Camp and Retreat Center are willing to pursue the possibility of employment after the interview, then Sivells will ask for you to submit to further background checks; criminal, driving history, and sex offender. Upon the results of those background checks, you will be notified whether you have been awarded the position.
Once an applicant is hired, they must be free to serve for the entire weeks required to fulfill the responsibilities of that position.
All employees of Sivells Baptist Camp and Retreat Center will have occasions to where they will come into contact with minors. The position of the camps is that we will not tolerate any child abuse; physical, verbal, sexual or of any kind. Any such action, real of alleged, will be reported to the appropriate authorities for further investigation.
JOB TITLE: Summer Staff
RESPONSIBLE TO: The Camp Administrator of Sivells Baptist Camp and Retreat Center
PRINCIPLE FUNCTION: The Summer Staff position can be summed up in one word; service. It is not as glamorous or appealing as many other summer positions, but the Summer Staff is essential to God’s call on Sivells to serve Him and His Kingdom. As a Summer Staff, you will have the opportunity to positively impact hundreds of lives for Christ’s glory, as well as, grow personally in several ways from your summer experiences.
ESSENTIAL DUTIES: While serving as a Summer Staff, you will have the privilege of serving in several different roles; cooking, serving meals, wiping tables, sweeping floors, mopping up spills, washing dishes, working our Snack Shack, cleaning restrooms, picking up trash and helping to supervise many of the recreational activities on the campus.
RELATIONSHIPS: As a Summer Staffer, you will have the opportunity to work with many different people. Along with assisting the Camp Administrator, you will get the opportunity to work with other Sivells Camp personnel, other Summer Staffers, volunteers, camp leadership and campers to assist in providing a Christ-honoring, positive, highest quality camping/retreat experience for all groups that come to the camp. As a staff member of Sivells, we are expecting all of our staff members to “set an example for all believers in speech, in conduct, in love, in faith, and in purity” to the glory of Christ.
QUALIFICATIONS: We are looking for highly motivated, cheerful, cooperative individuals who have graduated from high school (or the equivalent), who love the Lord and are growing toward maturity in their personal relationship with Christ and who are flexible and pleasant to be around.
Individuals who are CPR, First-Aid, EMT and/or Challenge Course certified, are highly favored and definitely taken into consideration while hiring.
ASPECTS OF THE JOB: Our Summer Staffers will live, work and play in close proximity of other staffers all summer long. Getting along with other Summer Staffers will be a must. The job will require long hours, work under high expectations and will receive the great joy and blessing for serving Christ and His Kingdom.
Sivells Baptist Camp and Retreat Center
Summer Staff Application
Home Mailing Address
City State Zip
Alternate Address
City State Zip
Home Phone Number Cell Number
Birth Date Age Gender: Male / Female
Have you ever been charged with, indicted for or pled guilty to a felony offense?
Yes / No
If yes, please explain
Were you a victim of sexual or physical abuse or molestation while a minor?
Yes / No
If yes, please explain
Is there anything you are presently involved in that might be considered questionable, Christ-like behavior?
Yes / No
If yes, please explain
Church where you are a member
Church you currently attend
(If different from above)
Pastoral Reference
(Name)(Name of church)
Church Activities/Ministries you are personally involved in right now
High School Graduate Yes / No
College Course of Study
Other Educational/Technical Training
Do you hold any of the following certifications?
CPR Yes / No Expiration Date Red Cross (circle) Yes / No
First Aid Yes / No Expiration Date Red Cross (circle) Yes / No
EMT Yes / No Expiration Date
Challenge Course Yes / No Expiration Date
You will need to copy the Confidential Reference form (2 pages found at the back of this application packet) and have each of your references fill out the form and fax or mail it to us. Please, do not turn these Confidential Reference forms in yourself. To maintain confidentiality, your references will need to handle the forms themselves.
Please list people who are well acquainted with you. Please do not list your best friends or relatives. Appropriate references might include teachers, pastors, employers, etc.
Address, City, State and Zip
Phone Number E-Mail
Address, City, State and Zip
Phone Number E-Mail
Address, City, State and Zip
Phone Number E-Mail
Please list starting with your most recent position.
Employer Supervisor
Job Title Duties
Start Date End Date
Phone Number Reason for leaving
Personal Rating of Your Own Performance (circle one) Excellent Good Fair Poor
Employer Supervisor
Job Title Duties
Start Date End Date
Phone Number Reason for leaving
Personal Rating of Your Own Performance (circle one) Excellent Good Fair Poor
Employer Supervisor
Job Title Duties
Start Date End Date
Phone Number Reason for leaving
Personal Rating of Your Own Performance (circle one) Excellent Good Fair Poor
Employer Supervisor
Job Title Duties
Start Date End Date
Phone Number Reason for leaving
Personal Rating of Your Own Performance (circle one) Excellent Good Fair Poor
Please circle the appropriate number where you see yourself in each of the following categories.
Poor Average Good Superior
Teachable ...... 12345678
Follows Instructions 12345678
Fulfills Obligations12345678
Sense of Humor ...... 12345678
Temper Control12345678
Follow-through ability12345678
Get along with others . . . . .12345678
Leadership Ability12345678
Respect for Authority12345678
Work Ethic ...... 12345678
Personal Hygiene12345678
Energy Level12345678
Depth of Commitment12345678
Spiritual Maturity12345678
Please rate yourself in the following areas using the rating system below.
0 – No experience3 – Experienced but still learning
1 – Participated in once or twice4 – Very knowledgeable and experienced
2 – Some experience5 – Can lead and teach others in this area
Sharing your testimony (one-on-one, small groups, or large groups)0 1 2 3 4 5
Leading games, relays and recreation activities0 1 2 3 4 5
Interacting with children (ages 4 – 12)0 1 2 3 4 5
Interacting with youth (ages 12 – 18)0 1 2 3 4 5
Leading Bible Studies0 1 2 3 4 5
Leading Day Camps, VBS Backyard Bible Clubs, etc.0 1 2 3 4 5
What has God been teaching/doing in your life this past year?
What does it mean to be a Follower of Christ?
How and when you became a Follower of Christ? What led you to make this decision?
What activities, organizations, people and/or events have been significant in your growth as a Follower of Christ?
Who is the Holy Spirit? What role does He play in our lives?
Briefly explain your beliefs about the Bible and its purpose.
Describe three qualities that you believe should be self-evident in a believer’s life.
God is Holy and He calls us to be Holy. How do you apply this to your life?
What is Evangelism? How are you currently sharing Christ with others?
Have you ever worked or served at a camp before? Yes No
Name of camp Dates
Have you ever served on a mission project or on a mission trip? Yes No
Where Dates
Do you think you can live with others in close quarters for the entire summer?
Yes No
Do you have the abilities to work through problems with fellow staffers?
Yes No
Can you perform all the essential functions of the position for which you are seeking? Yes No
If not, which of the functions can you not perform and what accommodations would be necessary for you to perform these functions?
By filling out and submitting this application for possible employment, you acknowledge your agreement that you have evaluated your readiness to assume the responsibilities of serving Christ and Sivells Baptist Camp and Retreat Center through in a summer position. That your beliefs align with those stated in the mission and vision statements of Sivells and, with God’s enabling, will strive to embody those truths in all that you do.
No Yes
This application is to be completed by all applicants for any and all positions. It will further assist our camp family to provide a safe and secure environment for all boys and girls who participate in the ministries and use of our facilities. Thank you.
(last)(first)(mi) month / day / year
(i.e. maiden name, alias, etc.)
SS #
The information I have provided in this application packet is correct to the best of my knowledge. I further consent and authorize the Baptist Convention of New Mexico, the Camp Administrator of Sivells Baptist Camp and Retreat Center and its authorized agents to conduct a background search to seek further information regarding my character, general reputation and fitness for working at Sivells. You are hereby authorized and requested to reveal and to discuss with its authorized agents and representatives any and all information you have concerning my employment history, academic history, and/or other information deemed pertinent to my background.
I waive any right I may have to inspect any and all information provided on my behalf by personal references.
Should my request to serve at Sivells be approved, I agree to be bound by the bylaws, policies and procedures of Sivells to refrain from unscriptural conduct in the performance of my services. I further state that I have carefully read the foregoing release and know the content thereof and sign this release as my own free act. I hereby release and agree to hold harmless from liability any individual or entity requesting or supplying information with respect to my character, general reputation and fitness for work provided they do so in good faith and without malice. This authorization is to remain in effect during my entire employment if selected to serve.
Please return Application Packet to:
Sivells Baptist Camp and Retreat Center
1254 Cox Canyon Hwy
Cloudcroft, NM 88317
Personal Reference Form
Name of Applicant
The above applicant has applied for the Summer Ministry Team of Sivells Baptist Camp and Retreat Center and has submitted your name as one of their references. Would you please fill out the form below and return it to us at your earliest convenience? The information you provide is very important to our application process and will be kept in the strictest confidence. We ask that you answer the questions to the best of your knowledge of the applicant and then return the completed form to us either by mail or by email. Thank you!
Sivells Baptist Camp and Retreat Center
1254 Cox Canyon Hwy
Cloudcroft, NM 88317
(575) 687-3538 office
SPIRITUAL QUALITIES Superior Good Average Fair Poor Unknown
1. Spiritual maturity & stability54321?
2. Christian example – lifestyle (reputation)54321?
3. Evidence of Christian love and humility54321?
4. Commitment to serve Jesus Christ54321?
5. Practical knowledge of the Scriptures54321?
1. Quality of work performance54321?
2. Imagination, resourcefulness & initiative54321?
3. Ability to work together well with others54321?
4. Ability to relate well with children & youth54321?
5. Cooperation with supervisors54321?
6. Responsibilities and dependability54321?
7. Leadership and Judgment54321?
8. Uses good judgment54321?
1. General appearance & neatness54321?
2. Health, energy, & endurance54321?
3. Emotional maturity & stability54321?
4. Willingness to learn54321?
5. Social ability & friendliness54321?
WHICH BEST DESCRIBES THE APPLICANT? (Circle only one in each of the following groups)
1. Extrovert Introvert2. DetailedVisionary
3. Loud Quiet4. Self-servingOthers focused
5. Talker Listener6. LeaderFollower
Confidential Release Form (continued) page 2
Areas of Strength
Areas needing Improvement
How long have you known this person?
In what capacity?
Have you observed this person in a one-on-one basis and/or in a group context?
If a group, what size and type of group?
Any other comments you believe we would want to know about the applicant
I expect the applicant’s work to be (circle one) Poor Fair Average Good Superior
Please check the appropriate answer
_____ I recommend hiring the applicant
_____ I do not recommend hiring the applicant, please see my reasoning below.
Name of Reference Person (Please Print)PositionPhone
Signature of Reference Person
Thank you for taking the time to fill out this form on behalf of the applicant.