Begin: The Troop will meet at the lodge at 9:00amSunday 7/17/16 to prepare for a 10:00AM departure for camp
End: The Troop will return to the lodge about2:00pm Saturday 7/23/16
ITEMS NEEDED: (Note that this is not a complete list)
Required Items____ Permission Slips
____ Physical Forms
Personal Camping Gear
____ * Medicines
____ Pack or Suitcase
____ Summer Sleeping Bag
____ Sweater or Sweatshirt
____ Poncho or Raingear
____ Sneakers for boating
____ Uniform
____ Laundry Bag
____ Sunscreen
____ Jeans/Long Pants
____ Shorts
____ Extra T-Shirts
____ Extra Underwear
____ Extra Socks
____ * Swim Suit & Towel
____ Flashlight w/ batteries
____ Sturdy Shoes or Hiking Boots
____ Insect Repellent (Non-aerosol) / TOILET KIT CONTAINING
____ Soap in a box
____ Toothbrush & Toothpaste
____ Comb
____ Bath Towel & Washcloth
____ Other Personal Articles
* NOTE: Please pack these items near the top of gear so that they may be found quickly upon
____ Watch
____ Notebook & Pen
____ Camera & Film
____ Bible, Testament or Prayer Book
____ Insect Netting with poles
____ Canteen or Water Bottle
____ Spending Money
____ Pillow
____ Scout Handbook
____ First Aid Kit
____ Lantern (Battery Powered Recommended)
____ Ice Chest
____ Patrol Flag
____ Insulated Drink Cooler
____ Program Materials as needed
We suggest that each item of clothing and equipment be labeled with the camper’s name and Troop number. This will behelpful in returning lost items.
Troop 57 Permission Slip
______has my permission to attend the following event:
Summer Camp at Rodney Scout ReservationJuly 17th– 23rd 2016
During the event I (Name)______can be reached at (Phone)______
If I cannot be reached in the event of an emergency, the following person should be contacted.
Name: ______Phone: ______
Note: It is the parent's responsibility to see that their son takes any necessary medication on troop events. If it is particularly important that the medication schedule not be disrupted, be sure to notify one of the leaders attending of the required dosage and schedule.
Medication and Dosage: ______
Please list any health concerns, allergies to medication, etc. that would be helpful in an emergency:
Please list any dietary concerns: ______
In the event of an emergency, the adult in charge is authorized to act on my behalf. ______
Adult who will pick up and take your Scout home after the event:
Name: ______Phone: ______
If your Scout will be leaving the event early, please indicate day and time:
Day: ______Time: ______
DateScout's Signature
DateParent or Guardian Signature
Parent / Leader Info:
(Print your name) ______
_____ Iwill be attending this event
_____ I will drive for this event and can take ______Scouts. (Number of Seatbelts in Vehicle)
Cell Phone Number: ______
In accordance with troop 57 policies, all adults attending overnight troop organized events must have BSA Youth Protection Training prior to attending the event. A certificate must be turned into the troop and kept on file. Training is valid for two years from the date of completion.
Make / Model / Year / Num of Safety Belts / Valid Drivers License Y/N / Liability Insurace Coverage / Combined Single Limit$
Adult Youth Protection Training Certificate: ______Attached ______On File
Camp Final Payment
(To be submitted with fully filled out permission slip)
Fees: Early Fee (Payment by April 15th) Full / Late Fee
Youth $369 $444
$414 (If down payment was not made)