September 7, 2001




William E. Bauer, Ph.D., C.R.C., Chairman

505 E King Street, Room 502

Carson City, Nevada 89701-3705

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Meeting Minutes

State Legislative Buildings in Carson City and Las Vegas

September 7, 2001

Members Present:Members AbsentStaff

Ralph BakerKathleen OlsonBarbara Legier, Chief, BSBVI & Program Services

William BauerGillian WellsJim Hadwick, Chief, BVR & Operations & Special

Ed Guthrie, Jr.Robert WhiteServices

Beth HorriganWilliam Hamilton, Rehabilitation Division

Marsha LakesHoward Castle, District Manager, Program

Linda LueckServices (BVR) – Las Vegas

Lorraine MarshallRob Johnston, District Manager, Program

Karla McCombServices (BSBVI) – Las Vegas

Denise PurselGuests

Charlott SerlineLibby Jones, DETR Director’s Office

Mike StubblefieldKitti Barth, Governor’s Committee on Employment of People With

Pat WilliamsDisabilities

Maynard YasmerDonny Loux, Chief, Office of Community Based Services


1. Meeting Agenda

  1. Minutes of June 15, 2001 Meeting (draft)
  2. 2001 Needs Assessment/Satisfaction Survey Materials
  3. Developmental Disabilities Council Report
  4. Roster of VRC Members (August 2001)

Bill Bauer called the meeting to order at 9:15 am and took the roll of members.


Ed Guthrie moved approval of the minutes, seconded by Mike Stubblefield, and approved unanimously.


Bill Bauer asked new members and staff to introduce themselves. Dee Pursel is a prior vocational rehabilitation (VR) client, was director of Projects With Industry, has been a social worker in a long-term care facility, and now works in human resources for Washoe Health Systems. Charlott Serline works for Nevada Easter Seals and is head of programming and human resources. Jim Hadwick, newly appointed Chief of BVR and Operations & Special Services for the Rehabilitation Division, received an undergraduate degree in VR, has worked for the state’s university system, has worked in social services and in private business.

Mr. Hamilton said that, with the departure of Marcia de Braga from the Council, there is a business & industry position vacant. Nominees should be submitted to Bill Bauer (phone 800.633.9879). Because the VR programs now have an interlocal agreement involving Native Americans, a Native American slot needs to be created on the Council.


This topic was moved forward from item VII, B on the agenda. Donny Loux, Chief of the Office of Community Based Services, discussed what has occurred since passage of AB 513 by the State Legislature. The bill included a component for a long-term plan to ensure the availability and accessibility of health care and support services (including personal assistance services and housing) to meet the needs of people with disabilities and to enable them to live independently, including moving from institutional settings. Input will be received from disabled individuals, their families, providers of disability services, payers, etc. Task forces will meet on September 12, when Department of Human Services Director, Michael Willden, will speak. The study should be completed by June 1, 2002. The availability of health care is a critical element for clients of our vocational rehabilitation programs.

  1. Marketing and Advocacy.

1. Legislation subcommittee. Lorraine had no report. Ed Guthrie considered the work discussed by Donny Loux as exciting and useful for Council members’ involvement. Lorraine also said that the Margaret Roberts item on the agenda could be deleted.

2. CD/Technology Subcommittee on Marketing.Marsha Lakes said that input from the VR programs was lacking during the summer but Rob Johnston now is providing help. She hopes that good progress on the VR programs CD can be made by the next Council meeting.

3. Brochure Subcommittee. Mr. Bauer has submitted, to the State Printing Office, the Council-drafted brochure to promote the VR programs but has not yet received a proof copy.

4. Parents Forum. Gillian Wells was absent. There was no report.

5. Disability Resources Website Subcommittee. Lorraine Marshall said she should have a draft RFP to Barbara Legier within two weeks.

  1. Oversight.

1. Comprehensive Needs Assessment/Satisfaction Survey. Mr. Hamilton gave a background on the Council-sponsored needs assessment/satisfaction survey. The questions were developed by the Council in 1999 and refined this year by the Rehabilitation Division and UNLV’s Cannon Center for Survey Research, although job developers in the 2001 study were substituted for rehabilitation counselors in 1999. Some changes in the 2001 study were made to include information relevant to the federal 2001 VR program guidelines. Some changes were to make questions more understandable to clients, hence generate more clear responses. At least one question in each survey was open-ended, to encourage spontaneous responses.

The survey of 107 employers, 921 consumers and 36 job developers was carried out by the Cannon Center through an inter-local agreement. The Center’s goal was to reach about 80-90 employers that had familiarity with the VR programs, 1,000 consumers both “closed” and “in plan” during July 2000 – April 2001, and about 25 job developers. Members were given a copy of the survey results and a copy of the PowerPoint presentation. During the presentation, the following observations were made by Council members:

  • Well-defined goals of the survey that impact on sampling methodology, such as what is to be learned from and what are the limits associated with inquiries to the target group(s)
  • Desire to know how many businesses called chose not to respond to the survey
  • Concern about the businesses being pre-selected from VR programs lists rather than from random lists, since results from self-selection are likely to be skewed more positively than if a chamber of commerce list of businesses, for example, is called
  • At businesses, which personnel/employer positions were interviewed
  • In survey results, identify that businesses surveyed were familiar with the VR programs
  • The Council was interested in comparisons to 1999 survey results and in comparability from survey to survey
  • For client questions #10 and #11, what was the comparative rating of service quality in rural Nevada, Northern Nevada and Southern Nevada
  • Compare responses of clients successfully closed and unsuccessfully closed
  • Use a consulting firm, or the survey firm, to help put the questions together
  • A sampling and surveying process that is more scientific, or “quasi scientific,” than that associated in the current design and carrying out of the surveys
  • Ask the Cannon Center about the reliability and validity of the results presented, and the limitations of the survey and its results.
  • Identify what specific things need to be in the instrument, such as information for federal authorities
  • Ensure that, in the next study, the above items, including limitations of the data, are known in advance and taken into account

Libby Jones recommended that the Department of Employment, Training and Rehabilitation’s Research and Analysis unit be invited to discuss some of these questions.

Karla McComb moved, and Pat Williams seconded, that Council members review the survey results and address comments to Chairman Bauer within 30 days, with presentation of that input at the next VRC meeting. Motion carried unanimously.

2. State Plan Amendments. Barbara Legier said that she had received no recommendations for changes since the June 15 meeting and that members had been sent the State Plan Amendments as revised.

3. Council’s Annual Report. See the Administrator’s Report.


The Rehabilitation Division was asked if a VRC member could be found to represent the Council specifically, and the VR programs in general, on the advisory group. Gillian Wells was approached and agreed to do this, subject to approval by the Council. Ed Guthrie moved, and Lorraine Marshall seconded, that approval. Motion carried unanimously.


Mr. Yasmer commented on Ms. Legier’s and Mr. Hadwick’s new position titles and responsibilities.

$39,780 is the Council budget for the current and next fiscal years, down from the past two years, when all funds were not used. If additional funding is needed for demonstration projects and grants, he invited the Council to contact him for possible alternatives. Ms. Legier will try to project the Council’s budget by category by the next meeting.

Mr. Yasmer recommended that the Council’s annual report include Council goals, objectives, accomplishments, and ongoing work (e.g., the satisfaction survey/needs assessment). Mr. Bauer said the annual report is to involve a review and assessment of the VR programs. Given its reduced budget, the Council discussed options for doing the report. Ed Guthrie moved, and Denise Pursel seconded, that the report be performed in the most economical way possible, which is that the VR Council, with the assistance of the Division staff, develop the report. Motion approved unanimously. Bill Hamilton, from the Division, will work with a Council subcommittee of Mike Stubblefield (Chair), Dee Pursel, Beth Horrigan and Karla McComb.

Mr. Yasmer said that, although the Vocational Assessment Centers are closed, external assessments are available, and vocational evaluation staff is still available within the VR programs—such as for specialized testing services.

Howard Castle spoke to agenda item X, B (BVR coordination with decentralized transition-to-work programs in school districts in Clark County). The occupational transition team previously in place has been disbanded. He does not anticipate changes in service delivery at this time. BVR is represented at each high school, and BVR staff meets monthly with school district representatives from each region to discuss issues.

In response to Council questions about the VR programs budget, Mr. Yasmer said that two intern positions had been picked up in the budget process. As to state general funds, BSBVI dropped about $50,000 as of June 30, whereas unspent Title I funds will carry over if they can be matched in July. He was not sure about the status of BVR funds.


Barbara Legier said that Native American diversity training has been delayed until November, but there will be a rehabilitation technician training of about ten individuals, likely before then. Preparation of the training calendar for counselors, technicians and other staff will be made based on results of surveys sent to counselors in August. San Diego State University will compile the results of the survey to counselors. Hispanic cultural diversity training may be held in November. A leadership academy for training of supervisors is expected to begin in January.


A. State Workforce Investment Board. Karla McComb said that the next Statewide Workforce Investment Board meeting will be held close to January. She wants ideas from the Council and VR staff about what issues they feel are important to take to the Board. Mr. Bauer asked that VR counselors ask their co-workers to give their impressions of the advantages and disadvantages of cooperation resulting from the Rehabilitation Act being part of the Workforce Investment Act.

B. State Department of Education. Marsha Lakes reported that the state improvement grant submitted by the Nevada Department of Education to federal authorities was not funded. The Department is undergoing a self-monitoring process for the U.S. Department of Education. She is working on secondary transition issues, notably in regard to a continuous improvement monitoring process, and some VR members are on a team with her. The Individuals with Disabilities Education Act will be up for reauthorization in 2002. The issue of discipline related to children with disabilities in schools is a big issue associated with IDEA.

C. Developmental Disabilities Council. A written report was submitted by Ken Vogel, Executive Director of the Council.

D. State Independent Living Council. Ralph Baker said that its State Plan was submitted. Accomplishments at the State Legislature were identified as well as ways to provide input and be involved in different studies and needs assessments that will result from some bills that passed. One is AB 513, including a personal assistant (PA) task force to make recommendations for PA funding in Nevada. Another is the Medicaid buy-in plan. Ralph also said that an increase in funding for independent living services was approved by the State Legislature.

E. Governor’s Committee on Employment of People With Disabilities. Kitti Barth said she will do two Ticket to Work and Work Incentive Improvement Act (TWIIA) trainings this month.

She reported on a U.S. Department of Education systems change grant application and distributed the abstract and other information about the grant. One grant purpose is to expand competitive employment opportunities for people with mental or physical disabilities who receive federal, state or local public support. Another purpose is to create a program to enhance collaboration in existing systems, including TWIIA projects, administered by the Social Security Administration. The grant involves a consortium of at least the state VR agency, state welfare agency, a state education agency, state agency that administers the Medicaid program, and an agency administering an employment or employment training program supported by the U.S. Department of Labor. However, the Division has chosen not to support the grant at this time. A partnership with other programs also is desirable in the application and implementation of the grant.

F. Mental Health Planning Council. No report. Mr. Bauer wants communication with and input from such a council. Mr. Yasmer said the Division will contact Carlos Brandenberg of NHDS.


A. Ticket to Work. Ms. Legier said that, in regard to TWIIA, the roll out of tickets in pilot states has been delayed. She and Kitti Barth said that it is voluntary for state VR programs to join, so the impact on state VR programs will depend on whether they work with the employment networks. Mr. Bauer discussed some limits on the use of such tickets, such as age restriction.

B. General Programs Report. Barbara Legier gave VR program statistics for July 2000 – June 2001 on applicants and successful employment outcomes. In terms of active caseload, last year’s figure was 94 per rehabilitation coordinator (counselor) in BVR and 55 in BSBVI. Ed Guthrie asked about the availability of year-to-date statistics concerning programs in the Council’s meeting packets, including comparisons to prior years, so that meeting time can be used to ask questions rather than hear reports. Ms. Legier said that the most likely information that can be provided is monthly-compiled performance indicators.

Ms. Legier said that the Department of Employment, Training and Rehabilitation had arranged training on “fish,” a means of boosting morale and improving results. Supervisors, district managers and central office staff attended. A book was utilized and a website to be consulted is: Lorraine Marshall said that her employer has experienced positive results from similar training. Mr. Bauer believed that, for VR consumers, a major benefit should be for VR staff to be “nice to customers” and to “lighten up.”


Recruitment of members was addressed, and clarification of Denise Pursel’s status as BVR client vs. business and industry representative was requested.


Pat Williams reported that issues she addressed at the last VRC meeting had been discussed with Mr. Yasmer and Ms. Legier. Beth Horrigan said that Barbara Legier would be meeting with Las Vegas staff to resolve some issues. Ralph Baker asked about the concerns, and Ms. Williams will send them to him.


No new opportunities were identified.


The Council wants this item early on the agenda if the length of time is reasonable and is controlled by the Chairman.

Ralph Baker received an e-mail from a VR consumer who has concerns and suggestions for VR counselors that work with people with mental disabilities. He will give it to Bill Bauer to distribute as appropriate and wants her to attend a VRC meeting to discuss the issues.

Kitti Barth expressed concern over the VRC’s budget reduction and asked who is monitoring the expenditures. Mr. Bauer will undertake the task. The Division will provide a budget update at each VRC meeting.

Ed Guthrie asked if the Division has new U.S. Census figures, to know how many people are in Nevada eligible for service, and by geographical area. Moreover, what is the Division’s plan for how to serve the gap between people who are served and the eligible population. This should be part of the strategic planning process and resource allocation. Mr. Yasmer responded that Richard Nelson had done a study in 1999, and it will be updated as quickly as possible.

Mr. Guthrie is interested in knowing if the Employment Security Department has information available on the number of disabled, or severely disabled, Nevadans unemployed.

Ed Guthrie asked if Ed Crispell, General Manager of the Imperial Palace, had been contacted about potential membership on the Council. Linda Lueck volunteered to talk to him, for a likely designee he could name. Other business candidates may be from the Eyesight Center, from the Chamber of Commerce and Van Heffner of the hotel/motel restaurant association.


Ed Guthrie moved, and Linda Lueck, seconded that the next meeting be November 16. Members will meet face-to-face, although teleconferencing should be available for those for whom travel is a hardship. Bill Hamilton will arrange the meeting location(s).


The meeting was adjourned at 2:10 pm.

Recorded by:


Karen Yates, Sierra Nevada Reporters

Edited by:


William Hamilton, Rehabilitation Division

Approved by:


William Bauer, Chairman