Spanish 1/Spanish 3

Teacher: Mr. Gustas

Phone: 374-3817


Plan Period: 10:00 – 10:50

Book: Realidades

Workbook: Communication Workbook with Test Preparation

Leveled Vocabulary and Grammar Workbook – Core and Guided Practice

Items needed daily: book, workbook, notebook, writing utensil

Dictionaries are in the classroom if needed.

Objective of the class:

Spanish 1:

The initial emphasis will be on listening to and repeating basic phrases in areas of everyday Spoken Spanish. Special focus is devoted to the use of the language in daily communication. Correct pronunciation will also be stressed. Later, reading and writing will be introduced with emphasis on the basic structure of Spanish. A general overview of the customs and cultures of Spanish speaking countries will be presented. Students will exhibit a positive attitude toward language learning and different cultures. Students will demonstrate behaviors appropriate in the cultures of the languages being studied.

Spanish 3:

All structural areas of the language are completed and refined. Students should be able to participate at a conversational level in all areas. Reading and writing are further developed with the introduction of selected pieces of literature. The history and culture of many Spanish speaking countries will be highlighted.

Homework is given daily. Assignments missed can be viewed in the homework folder upon returning to school. Missed homework is due the day back in school. Homework is usually worth 5 points a day. As per school policy, no late homework will be accepted. All tests will be announced. Students are expected to take tests on the day given. If student is absent on the day of a test, he/she will take the test on the first day back in school.

Vocabulary quizzes are given daily. Word lists are given at the beginning of the week. Vocabulary quizzes are to be made up before the scheduled chapter tests. Vocabulary is first given as Spanish to English until all words are covered. Then the quizzes are English to Spanish. Spelling and accents marksarecounted. Quizzes are usually worth 10 points.

Homeworkassigned can be found on the calendar page. I also have a binder in the classroom for work assigned to the students. The textbook can be accessed by following the link on the main page if he/she has forgotten the textbook at school.

Grading scale:




A- 90

B+ 87


B- 80

C+ 77


C- 70

D+ 67

D 63

D- 60

F0 - 59


1st/4th 9 weeks: 40%

2nd/5th 9 weeks: 40%

Midterm/Final: 20%