- Welcome and Apologies
- Matters Arising
a) Nappy Library
b) Sling Library
c) Regular meetings
d) Cost Projections
e) Co-Operative
f) Funding
g) Night Out
- Any Other Business
- Details of the next meeting
Minutes of the Hartlepool Attachment Parenting Group held at 2 Tennyson Avenue, Hartlepool on Tuesday 6th November 2012 at 10.30am.
Present:Lyndsey Allen (LA), Jessica Thomas (JT), Claire Herron (CH), Gemma Palmer (GP), Jude Walsh(JW)
Apologies:Natalie Campbell (NC) and Michelle Malham (MM)
- The Chair welcomed everyone to the meeting and the minutes of 23rd October 2012 were agreed as a true record.
- Matters Arising
a) Nappy Library
LA reported that the nappy guru training is underway. LA is starting the information for the training guide from scratch and is using product information from the ‘Fill Your Pants’ nappy guide. LA has a list of nappies to be reimbursed for and will submit a list to the committee for a decision on how much to be refunded once the funding has been secured.
Other committee members will start to work alongside LA using a buddy system during the regular meetings at One77 for the nappy library. It was discussed what would happen if someone wants to buy a product. The committee agreed that if there are duplicates in stock then a product can be sold as long as there is a fair trade or equitable cost. CH suggested that there should be a review process for the prices of nappy hire of in a year. The committee members agreed to a 6 month review.
Action: LA to submit list of nappies for reimbursement.
b) Sling Library
The Sling Library has taken off really well and there are 5 slings out on loan at the moment. LA proposed a rota for the trouble shooting of slings at the regular group meetings. A guide for the washing instructions for the slings needs to be collated.
Action: CH to collate washing instructions.
The information for slings also needs to be added to the HAP website for download under the documents section. GP reported that she would like to do the baby wearing training which will cost £120. The committee agreed that a Fairtrade Deluxe Reversable organic cotton ring sling (£34) should be purchased from pouchlings. The HAP group will receive a 40% discount plus a free ring sling (worth £36). For every 2 orders the HAP group will receive another sling for free, ranging between £36 and £52.
GP suggested an asset list for the sling library so all members would know which slings are in / out. GP agreed to add some baby wearing images to the HAP website.
Action: GP
It was agreed that there should be a protocol for what should happen if items from the nappy and sling libraries aren’t returned. A procedure file needs to be developed and it was agreed that this should be one of the secretaries tasks. It was also agreed that the secretarial tasks should be divided between committee members.
Action: MM
LA submitted the following list of slings for reimbursement:
Palm and Pond Mei Tai £7.50
Simply Good Pouch £10
Funky Slings £19
Lenny Lamb £19
Total: £55.50
The slings on long term loan are:
Tricot slen – LA
Palm and Pond Mei Tai – CH
The slings that have been donated to the HAP group are:
Calin Bleu
Lifft Size 5
Lenny Lamb Mei Tai x2
Lenny Lamb woven
Lenny Lamb vest
Lenny Lamb stretchy
Babasling (CH)
Hippy Chick
c) Regular Meetings
It was agreed that GP would put together a calendar for December for the regular group meetings at One77 and weekly meetings from 5th January 2013.
Action: GP
Lyndsey has not received a response yet from Paul regarding the issues listed in the previous minutes but will chase him for a reply.
Action: LA
d) Cost projections
The list of cost projections is to be split between the committee members as follows:
API Training – LA
API Affiliation fees – LA
Insurance for assets – to be clarified
Storage facilities – LA/Paul Thompson
Storage for assets – JT
Meeting room hire – JT
Stationery and Stamps – JT
Printing costs - business cards/posters – LA
Advertising costs – JT
Website costs – LA
Toys (including cleaning and storage) and safety equipment - CH/JW
Room hire for regular meetings – JT
Bank charges – JT
Contingency – To be discussed by the committee
Additional assets needed now are:
Storage boxes
Weighted baby doll for use with slings
A toy drive was suggested for the first meeting in December.
Action: CH and JW
JT also suggested asking Patch for toys.
Action: JT
GP suggested putting a notice in nursery’s for any unwanted toys.
It was suggested that the weight of the baby doll should be around 7 ½ - 8 lbs and GP agreed that she would do this.
Action: GP
e) Co-Operative
To organise the HAP group as a Cooperative would include a setup fee and the group would need to be registered. Introducing membership fees were discussed and it was agreed by members that no fees would be charged.
f) Funding
The HAP group could obtain possible sponsorship from Tioxide / Herema but the committee agreed the HAP group should obtain funding from elsewhere.
g) Night Out
A night out was discussed and it was agreed by committee members that that this outing should just include HAP group members and not partners as well. A date for this is to be organised.
Action: Committee members
- Any Other Business
Links with other groups was discussed such as creating a link to the Newcastle sling meeting.
It was noted that some cloth nappies have been donated by MM.
- Next Meeting
It was agreed that the next meeting is to be held on Tuesday 13th November 2012 at 1pm at 17 Caledonian Road, Hartlepool.
Chair thanked everyone for their attendance and closed the meeting.