Ms. Hope7th Grade Civics

Syllabus – 2013-2014

Dartmouth Rules:

  1. Be on time
  2. Be prepared
  3. Be polite
  4. Be on task
  5. Be free of gum, candy, and electronics

Supplies List:

Spiral notebook (120 pages) / Pencils/pens / Glue stick
Student planner / Colored pencils / Loose leaf notebook paper

Grading Policy:

Grades will be based on a cumulative points scale. Each assignment, quiz, test, and/or project will be
worth a certain amount of points with more involved work being worth more points. At the end of each nine weeks, the total points earned throughout the nine weeks will be added up and then divided by the total points possible.

Civics End-of-Course (EOC) Exam:Students will be required to take the Civics EOC, a
comprehensive, state-level assessment of each student’s knowledge of course content. The EOC
is tentatively scheduled for early May, and will count as a significant portion of the class grade.
More information will be provided during the school year.

Make-Up Work/Late Work:

  • When you are absent, it is your responsibility to get your make-up work within three days of returning to school. When you come back to class, check the make-up work binder and look for the tab with your class period on it. Anything that you missed will be filed there. You may also check the teacher’s notebook to see examples of assignments that were missed. You should copy the planner from either the board or from the class planner. You will be responsible for filling in every day of your planner and completing your start up, even if you were absent. If you need to check out classroom materials (i.e. a textbook), or if you miss a test or a quiz, see Ms. Hope immediately.
  • Late work:
  • One Day Late: 70% of the grade the assignment would have earned.
  • Two Days Late: 50% of the grade the assignment would have earned.
  • Three Days Late or More: 0% of the grade the assignment would have earned.

Beginning of Class:

When you enter the classroom, you should sit down in your assigned seat immediately and start writing in your planner and completing your start up. If you are not in your seat when class starts, you will be considered tardy. All bags should be put under your seat to ensure walkways are clear and safe.

Ending of Class:

The teacher will dismiss the class, not the clock. In order to be dismissed, students will be silent for final
announcements, desks will be returned to their correct places, materials will be put away, trash will be
thrown away, and all students will be sitting in their assigned seats.

Contact Information:

School Phone #: 813-657-7266
Email: (This is the best way to contact me)

Website: (While the district is transitioning to Edsby,
our class website will be the BEST way to keep up with class assignments)