Unit : 6 “The Presidency”
Elaborated Unit Focus
Unit 7: Executive BranchIn this unit students will study the power and governance of the President including the qualifications for the office, his roles, foreign policy making and diplomacy. Students will analyze the process of impeachment with emphasis on the cases surrounding Andrew Johnson and Bill Clinton. Students will study individuals, groups and institutions and the functions of the Cabinet and the executive departments.
SSCG12 The student will analyze the various roles played by the President of the United States; include Commander-in-Chief of the Armed Forces, chief executive, chief agenda setter, representative of the nation, chief of state, foreign policy leader, and party leader.SSCG13 The student will describe the qualifications for becoming President of the
United States.
a. Explain the written qualifications for President of the United States.
b. Describe unwritten qualifications common to past presidents.
SSCG14 The student will explain the impeachment process and its usage for elected
a. Explain the impeachment process as defined in the U.S. Constitution.
b. Describe the impeachment proceedings of Andrew Johnson and Bill Clinton.
SSCG15 The student will explain the functions of the departments and agencies of
the federal bureaucracy.
a. Compare and contrast the organization and responsibilities of independent regulatory agencies, government corporations, and executive agencies.
b. Explain the functions of the Cabinet.
SSCG20 The student will describe the tools used to carry out United States foreign policy (diplomacy; economic, military, and humanitarian aid; treaties; sanctions; and military intervention).
Enduring Understandings/Essential Questions
1. Analyze the roles of the President of the United States, and how the President is able to deal with so many task that are presented to him.2. Describe the function of the executive department and how the executive department helps the President make decisions.
3. Compare and contrast the roles of the President to the roles of the Governor?
Balanced Assessment Plan
Description of Assessment / Standard/Element / Type of Assessment
Unit Exam / all / formal summative
Quiz over the roles of the Presidency / sscg12 / formal formative
Essay on qualifications / sscg 13 / formal formative
verbal questioning / sscg14,15,20 / informal formative
Sample Performance Task (attach rubric)
Have groups/individuals create a “quilt/mosaic” of the powers and roles of the President.In groups create a poster illustrating one of the powers or roles that the President has. When you’re finished your group will combine your posters with everybody’s to create a large tile mosaic of the President’s job.
2. Create a game (board game or jeopardy style) that illustrates examples of the President carrying out his roles/powers. These can be hypothetical or historical examples.
A game company has asked you to create a board game or computer game that can teach the day to day activities of the President. Create the rules and be sure to include the different scenarios that could come up during a four year term.
3. Debate on whether or not the powers/roles of the President should be expanded in a time of emergency.
The country is at war! The President says that he needs more power to be able to act quickly. Congress says that the President would be too powerful if he could act without Congressional approval. Write an opinion on the matter and be prepared for a class debate to settle the issue.
Map and Globe Skills:
Information Processing Skills:
Resources for Unit