OCTOBER 11, 2011 Hanover Fire Protection District Board Meeting

CALL TO ORDER Jim Reid called the meeting to order at 6:30 pm.

ATTENDING: Jim Reid, Cathy Junglen, Dwane Baker, Cathie Salmon-Wolff and Paul Ogle.

VISIT FROM MR. KLEIN: Mr. Klein said he is here to observe and offer any technical assistance we may need. Jim Reid responded to some of the issues that were sent in anonymous complaints from a fictitious person named Teresa Boston who has sent several erroneous e-mails complaining about things she has no first hand knowledge about regarding the Hanover Fire Protection District. The first issue was Jim Reid being the Fire Marshall and on the board. As the Fire Marshall he has no authority over any fire district. So there is no conflict of interest. Second, Chief Tatum rents Jim Reid’s house. Again this is no conflict of interest. Next Jim is on the ESA board and Chief Tatum is also on the board. The chiefs elected Carl to the board long before Jim Reid became a member of the Hanover Board. There was also a 100-year-old house that was lost in a fire, however due to nature, the Hanover and Fountain fire departments were unable to save that house and also lost 3 other houses. They did save about 15 houses and saved 2 people that night. Jim was also impressed by the fact that Chief Tatum had full accountability and knew where everyone was at and what their call signs were and what was going on. Jim then addressed the fact that at one time we had a volunteer who had multiple certifications and was not picked as chief and left the department angry but unfortunately at that time that individual had family issues and was working several jobs to make ends meet and did not have the extra time to devote to running the Hanover Fire Department. As far as Chief Tatum, he does have first responder certs and ICS 400 and has gone all the way through ICS 400, which is the highest level you can get for command and control. The board will set some goals for more certs for Carl, however, he is full time Army and goes out on so many calls so at this time getting more certs is not as important as everything else Carl is doing for the department. We are the only district that is debt free thanks to all of Carl’s hard work. We are currently worth 1.279 Million Dollars with a budget of only $245,000. Jim also said he has never seen any signs of retallations to anyone. Carl also addressed the issue of some properties being in serious disarray with lots of trash and debris everywhere and he stated that he had received a request from the county commissioners to check out these properties and come up with a fire plan. He sent back his answer along with pictures. The county commissioners mandated that the prosperities need to be cleaned up. At this point we went around the room and had everyone introduce themselves. Then Deputy Chief Junglen went through some of the accomplishments of our department for the last year and a half. We have 21 active members with many certs such as 9 first responders, 6 fire fighters 1 & 2, 8 EMT’s, 3 IV certified and by the end of next week we will have 7, S130-190 we have 14. We have changed the requirements necessary in order to be on the Hanover Fire department, which includes a lot, more training and now have a more active and happy department. Mr. Klein asked several questions about what we do and how we do it and he said he was very satisfied with the way our department is being run. The grant money brought in this year which were written by Chief Carl Tatum is right around $100,000. This is also the first year that Hanover Fire Department is 100% compliant on all their pump testing, ladder testing and SCBA testing. We are working at building up our image within the district that had been tarnished by past disgruntle members. Jim Reid stated that since it is obvious that the District has come such a long way in the last 2 years with very dedicated people it hurts him when he gets these anonymous letters filled with lies or half truths as it is unfair to our people especially when these accusers do not even show up to face us. All of the 10 people who did show up in support of the Chief and the board said many wonderful things about Carl Tatum and the board and thanked them for all of the scarifies and the many positive things that have been accomplishments over the past 2 years. Jim Reid finally told the audience that we will now go on with the rest of the meeting and they are welcome to stay or may leave if they chose and several did stay.

MINUTES: Paul made a motion to accept the minutes and Cathy seconded and all voted I.

TREASURER’S REPORT. Paul gave us a copy of the treasures report and reviewed a few items with us and then Dwayne made a motion to accept and Cathie seconded and all voted I.

CHIEF’S REPORT Carl gaveus a copy of his report to review and also went over several of the items with us.


NEW BUSINESS: Paul said we need to review the budget and have the public comment on the 2012 budget at the November meeting.

OLD BUSINESS: We talked about giving the volunteers a jacket for Christmas as a thank you for all of their hard work and sacrifices for the community.

COMMENTS FROM THE BOARD Dwayne: He does appreciate all of the volunteers. Chief: He has talked to the brother of the owner of station 1 about buying that property. Cathy Junglen: she is working on the problems with the pension fund and we had a discussion about it and what can be done to help with the solution. Paul said we need to have a pension board meeting. Cathie Wolff: We all hope that Jim Reid will stay on the board to finish the many things they have been already been started. Jim: Told Carl I am proud of you and you have done a great job. You just need to keep on trucking. He also said that the board has changed a lot and we need to just keep going forward. Paul: Said he would like to thank Carl, Jim and Cathie Wolff as for up until four years ago he was the point of all of the problems and was the one always being chewed on and for the last 2 years he has been off the hook. He then made a motion to adjourn.