
Banner Financial Aid Change Request Resolutions

SYSTEM: Banner Financial Aid

PATCH NAME: pcr-000117229_res8200102

DATE: 8/01/2014

NOTE: Be sure all Oracle users are logged off and cannot or will not log on.

If you do this by starting the database in Restricted mode,

then all user IDs used in the installation will need the

Restricted Session system privilege for the duration of this

installation. (For more information refer to the Oracle Server

Administrator's Guide.)

It is advised to shutdown GURJOBS and restart it after the

installation is complete.


Make sure Oracle is down when the backup is taken. This ensures

a consistent backup. Verify that all database files, redo logs,

and control files have been successfully backed up.


Change Request (Defect) #: CR-000117229

DEPENDENCIES: of rprcp15.pc is a new object. of rorfs14.pc is a new object. of rgjbjobsi_08200102.sql is a new object. of rgubobjsi_08200102.sql is a new object. of rgjbpdefi_08200102.sql is a new object. of rgjbpvali_08200102.sql is a new object. of rgjbpdfti_08200102.sql is a new object. of rgobfeobi_08200102.sql is a new object.


PROBLEM (CR-000117229):

The FISAP and DL Comparison processes must be created

and delivered as a regulatory patch so clients can

process their 2013-2014 FISAP data and do 2014-2015

Direct Loan reconciliation.

IMPACT (CR-000117229):

Clients need a 1314 version of the FISAP and a 1415

version of the DL Compare process.

RESOLUTION (CR-000117229):

The 1314 version (RORFS14) of the FISAP and the 1415

version (RPRCP15) of the DL Compare process have been created.




1.To download and unpack the Change Request patch '.trz',

go to the Ellucian Client Support web site:

and click on

theEllucian Hub button to sign into the Ellucian Hub. Choose the Ellucian

Download Center or the Ellucian Support Center application.

To reach the Download Center from the Ellucian Support Center, click on the

'Banner, PowerCampus, Advance and all other Ellucian products'

link under the Download Code heading on the left.

On the right side of the Ellucian Download Center window, enter the name

of the patch (pcr-000117229_res8200102) in the field labeled

'Find Patch / Release by Filename', then click the 'Find It' button.

Check the check box next to the name of the .trz file and click the ZIP

Selected Files button. Click on the 'Click Here to Download the ZIP File'

button to download into your download area. Unzip the file on your PC,

then ftp the .trz file to your server.

2.Position yourself in the subdirectory created when the

posting was unloaded.

3. To grant the required User DBA privileges, invoke

SQL*Plus and run the procedure:

sqlplus /nolog @rgivedba [Enter]

Note: You will be prompted for the SYSTEM password.

Review: rgiverole.lst

4. To apply required data, do the following:

4a. Invoke SQL*Plus and run the following script:

sqlplus general/password [Enter]

startrdr_gendml [Enter]

This will generate the following scripts, which will

be applied in the next part:







4b. This part will apply the scripts generated in the

previous part.

sqlplus general/password [Enter]

startrdr_applydml [Enter]








5. To restore the default User

privileges, invoke SQL*Plus and run the procedure:

sqlplus /nolog @rresrole [Enter]

Note: You will be prompted for the SYSTEM password.

Review: rresrole.lst


6. Review resmigr.shl for correct directory path names

and make sure the environment variable $BANNER_HOME

is set to the appropriate directory. Then migrate and

link the new objects to your permanent directories

and produce an error log for the migration by typing:

shresmigr.shl >resmigr.log 2&1 & [Enter]

Review: resmigr.log

7. Compile C Programs

WARNING: Before beginning this step, please issue the below command

to define the necessary environment variable required to successfully

compile/generateEllucian delivered objects.

export DFLT_BANINST1_PASS=the_value_of_baninst1_password;

To compile in the background and produce an error log

for the affected C program, type:

shrccomp.shl >rccomp.log 2&1 & [Enter]

Review: rccomp.log

8. To update object security for the new objects,

invoke SQL*Plus and run the procedure:

sqlplusbansecr/password [Enter]

startrobobj [Enter]

Review: robobj.lst

9. To record this patch in the General gurpost table,

invoke SQL*Plus and run the procedure:

sqlplus general/password [Enter]

startrinspost [Enter]

Review: rinspost.lst


6. The file resmigr.pl will do the appropriate deletes

and copies. Before running the migration script you

must check the BANENV environment variable. This value

may be determined by executing the SET command from

the DOS prompt.

If BANENV has a value of REG, the value used for

BANNER_HOME will be taken from the registry entry:


If BANENV has a value of ENV, the value for

BANNER_HOME will be taken from the environment

variable BANNER_HOME.

Review the script for correct directory path names.

To run the migration script and produce an error log

for the migration type the following:

perl resmigr.pl >resmigr.log 2&1 [Enter]

Review: resmigr.log

7. Compile C Programs

WARNING: Before beginning this step, please issue the below command

to define the necessary environment variable required to successfully

compile/generateEllucian delivered objects.

SET DFLT_BANINST1_PASS=the_value_of_baninst1_password

To compile and produce an error log for the affected

C program, type:

perl rccomp.pl >rccomp.log 2&1 [Enter]

Review: rccomp.log

8. To update object security for the new objects,

invoke SQL*Plus and run the procedure:

sqlplusbansecr/password [Enter]

startrobobj [Enter]

Review: robobj.lst

9. To record this patch in the General gurpost table,

invoke SQL*Plus and run the procedure:

sqlplus general/password [Enter]

startrinspost [Enter]

Review: rinspost.lst


Banner, Colleague, PowerCampus, and Luminis are trademarks of Ellucian

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2014 Ellucian Company L.P. and its affiliates

Contains confidential and proprietary information of Ellucian and its

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In preparing and providing this publication, Ellucian is not rendering

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for which it is provided will guarantee compliance with applicable federal

or state laws, rules, or regulations. Each organization should seek legal,

accounting and other similar professional services from competent providers

of the organization's own choosing.

Prepared by: Ellucian

4375 Fair Lakes Court

Fairfax, Virginia 22033

United States of America

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