This comment and response form pertains to the June 1, 2016, State Board of Education meeting, when the request was included among the Commissioner’s Reports.

Topic: Monmouth-Ocean Educational Services Meeting Date: August 3, 2016

Commission Enlargement of Purpose Request

Code Citation: N.J.S.A. 18A:6-69 Level: Adoption

Division: Field Services Completed by: Office of Regionalization

Consolidation and Shared Services

Summary of Public Comments and Responses:

The following is a summary of the comments received from the public and the Department’s responses. The commenter is identified as follows:

1. Howard Lerner, Ed.D., Chairman

New Jersey Joint Council of County Special Services

1. COMMENT: The commenter expressed concern the Monmouth-Ocean Educational Services Commission’s (MOESC) proposal to enlarge its purpose and service area may lead to competition with other public providers and could potentially undermine the ability of existing county-established entities to provide high-quality, cost-effective services to students with disabilities in county special services school districts (CCSDs) and school district programs.

RESPONSE: MOESC has provided a wide variety of educational services in Monmouth and Ocean counties, as well as educational and business services to other school districts and municipalities throughout the State, since its inception. One basis for MOESC’s request for an enlargement of purpose is the accurate representation of the services it offers and geographic areas currently served. Additionally, MOESC seeks authorization to expand its services based on service needs it has identified in the course of doing business beyond Monmouth and Ocean counties while not competing with other public providers. MOESC’s provision of quality services to students with disabilities is included among its many services, benefits the students served, and is not intended to undermine other county-established entities from doing the same.

2. COMMENT: The commenter stated it is not concerned by the quality of the services provided by MOESC, but rather the expanded services may result in duplication of programs and services that CSSDs provide to the neighboring counties of Mercer, Burlington, and Atlantic.

RESPONSE: The enlargement of purpose will allow MOESC to offer services to school districts and municipalities that would benefit from services offered. MOESC does not seek to duplicate programs and services currently offered by other public providers to school districts and municipalities in other counties, including Mercer, Burlington and Atlantic, but to enhance the programs and services offered.

3. COMMENT: The commenter stated each CSSSD or educational services commission (ESC) should be recognized as the primary provider in their own county. While the Joint Council of County Special Services School Districts respects MOESC’s stated goal of finding new revenue, this goal should not interfere with the CSSDs providing special education programs and services in their counties.

RESPONSE: CSSDs and ESCs, along with their functions, are defined by statute, which does not create a hierarchy of authority among them to perform such functions. MOESC provides a variety of programs and services to school districts and municipalities, including special education programs and services. MOESC’s goal in providing services is to address identifiable needs, not to interfere with the CSSDs’ provision of special education programs and services in their respective counties.

4. COMMENT: The commenter stated that MOESC or other similar entities seeking to expand beyond their own counties should be required to collaborate with the CSSD or other public providers established to serve the county to jointly review requests and determine the need for new services beyond Monmouth and Ocean counties.

RESPONSE: There is no statutory requirement for the State Board to place further restrictions on an approval of an enlargement of purpose of an ESC.

Adoption Resolution

August 3, 2016




WHEREAS, in accordance with N.J.S.A. 18A:6-52, the State Board of Education approved the establishment of the Monmouth-Ocean Educational Services Commission in or about September 10, 1969; and

WHEREAS, the Monmouth-Ocean Educational Services Commission currently provides diverse educational services to a number of school districts in Monmouth and Ocean counties, as well as educational and business services to numerous school districts and municipalities throughout the State of New Jersey; and

WHEREAS, the educational services provided to school districts in Monmouth-Ocean include, without limitation, nonpublic schools, cooperative transportation to and out-of-district schools, cooperative purchasing, adult education, summer school, computer serves, specialized consultants, printing and duplicating services, equipment maintenance services, and other specialized services, data processing, special education, research studies, cultural programs, in-service programs; and

WHEREAS, the Monmouth-Ocean Educational Services Commission also delivers various of the aforementioned services beyond the greater Monmouth and Ocean County areas and has identified additional services and entities beyond Monmouth-and Ocean Counties who would benefit from those services offered beyond those identified in its original petition; and

WHEREAS, the Monmouth-Ocean Educational Services Commission seeks to enlarge its purpose so that it may expand and enlarge its areas of service and the geographical areas served (and to be served); now therefore be it

RESOLVED that, pursuant to N.J.S.A. 18A:6-69, the State Board of Education grants approval to the Monmouth-Ocean Educational Services Commission to enlarge its purpose to expand and enlarge its areas of service and geographic areas served (and to be served).


David C. Hespe, Commissioner Mark W. Biedron, President

Secretary, State Board of Education State Board of Education