Transfer LAE Module Worksheet
Student Name: / ID #:Institution(s): / Date:
This form is to be used only for students who transferred in 60+ hours or an associate’s degree from previous institutions.
Transfer LAE Module Category / Qualifying Course(s) / EquivalentSemester Hours / Total
English Composition/
(Course equivalent to 3 credit hours) / 1) / 5) / 1) / 5)
2) / 6) / 2) / 6)
3) / 7) / 3) / 7)
4) / 8) / 4) / 8)
(Course equivalent to 3 credit hours) / 1) / 5) / 1) / 5)
2) / 6) / 2) / 6)
3) / 7) / 3) / 7)
4) / 8) / 4) / 8)
(Courses equivalent to 6 credit hours) / 1) / 5) / 1) / 5)
2) / 6) / 2) / 6)
3) / 7) / 3) / 7)
4) / 8) / 4) / 8)
Social/Behavioral Sciences*
(Courses equivalent to 6 credit hours) / 1) / 5) / 1) / 5)
2) / 6) / 2) / 6)
3) / 7) / 3) / 7)
4) / 8) / 4) / 8)
Natural Sciences*
(Courses equivalent to 6 credit hours) / 1) / 5) / 1) / 5)
2) / 6) / 2) / 6)
3) / 7) / 3) / 7)
4) / 8) / 4) / 8)
(36 semester credit hours min)
TransferLAE module not yet completed.
Revised 3/13
Transfer LAE Module Worksheet
Hours remaining to be completed:Course(s) completed to fulfill deficiency:
Revised 3/13
Transfer LAE Module Worksheet
- _____English Composition/ Communication hours______
- _____Mathematics/Statistics hours______
- _____Arts/Humanities hours______
- _____Social/Behavioral Sciences hours______
- _____Natural Sciences hours______
- _____Total Hours (36 minimum)______
Revised 3/13
Transfer LAE Module Worksheet
Revised 3/13
Transfer LAE Module Worksheet
Successful completion of the Transfer LAE Module. ______
Advisor: Please make a copy of this form Advisor’s Signature (Date)
and forward to the Registrar’s Office.
2012-2013 Degree Requirements
This document is only meant to be a quick checklist of degree requirements. To see the degree requirements in entirety, please see Degree Requirements in the Muskingum University Catalog. For questions about meeting degree requirements, contact the Registrar’s office.
Minimum of 124 credit hours
Minimum overall cumulative GPA of 2.0
2.0 in the Major(s) and any Minor(s)
Minimum of 40 credit hours in 300- and 400- level courses
Satisfactory completion of at least 1 Major
Minimum of 12 credit hours of the Major completed in JR or SR year
Last 31 semester hours completed at Muskingum
Complete minimum of 32 hours at Muskingum
Satisfactory completion of the Transfer LAE Module
One 300- or 400-level writing unit course
One three-hour 300- or 400-level course from the Moral Inquiry categoryof the LAE
(HIST 315; PHIL 305, 331, 343, 361; PE 355; POLS 342, 343; RELG 354, 393, 451; SOCI 335, 369)
*Categories can be satisfied with courses from any of the following disciplines:
English Composition/Oral Communication
College level writing course and/or public speaking course
College Algebra, Statistics, Mathematics in everyday life, Pre-Calculus, Calculus
Art, Music, Theatre, Film, Literature, Religion, Philosophy, Ethics, World Language, Communication and History
Social/Behavioral Sciences
Anthropology, Criminal Justice, Economics, Geography, History, Political Science, Psychology, and Sociology
Natural Sciences
Astronomy, Biology, Chemistry, Environmental Science, Geology, and Physics
Revised 3/13