Annual General Meeting of the Wetherby Cricket League

To be held at Wetherby Cricket Club on 31st March 2015

The meeting opened at 7.10pm


John Heath (League President), Zai Ali (League Chairman, Members of the Board, Wetherby ACO , Ground Association, and 29 of the 30 Clubs in the League.


ZA introduced Barry Oliver League Sec – who has taken over from February 2015 and Paul Robinson who had taken on the role of Head of Senior Cricket.


None received.

1.Minutes of the Previous AGM

No one had comments

1.Chairman’s Report

Declining numbers of clubs and players are a problem across the UK not just in the WCL. ECB aware that there has been a 7% decline in players who still play cricket from the results of the Players questionnaire 4 years ago. No easy solution but changes to the rules are being put forward to see if we can help alleviate the problem in the League.

The Chairman thanked all board members, coaches, umpires and groundsmen who help to make games happen as well as the players.

Thanks also to Dan Hewer for his work as Head of Senior Cricket. He has now moved jobs and resigned during the last year. Thanks to Helen Heald for all her hard work in both Junior and Senior Committees, she also attends all cup finals and scores for the League Team.

1.Accounts and Financial Report

Senior fines have reduced by 25%

Loss at dinner has increased – we are holding the price – so the loss is the difference between ticket income and actual costs.

Trophy costs will be lower this year.

No junior sponsorship last year so shirts etc cost more. More home games were played by the League junior sides last year and each home ground receives £100 per game .

Umpire costs – It was agreed to pay umpires additionally by the league when they travel over 20 miles to a game. These costs are identified separately in the accounts.

Questions from the floor

Why have Junior Fines increased?

The Website identifies the problems early so fines are being set as the processes are now more stringently controlled.

Can we put our money in a high interest account? Or a saving account?

The Banks do not have a higher rate savings account for Teams/Leagues or Charities.

Large Website fee – is that a one off costs last year?

There will be some additional costs involved in some changes to the website re player pool etc. These will cost £900 but no further major costs foreseen.

Where are “Bonds” identified in the Accounts – is it under fines?

No, they are placed under sundry creditors.

If you have bonds from last year when can we have the money back?

Cheques to repay any outstanding monies to clubs will be sent out shortly less any fines for missed games etc.

Accounts agreed nem con.

1.Senior Cricket Report and Rule Changes

Paul Robinson outlined his new role. He has been Head of Senior Cricket since Jan 2015 and has attended 8 meetings to date. This is as a result of the Chairman asking for “Volunteers “at Novembers League meeting.

Captains meeting last September indicated that they wanted earlier starts and much earlier finishes. It was also unhappy with the rain rules.

The rules were reviewed in January by a small sub-committee; suggested changes were put forward for the SCC and League management Committee to review changes. The changes were also in line with information given at an ECB/YCC/YCB meeting in early February which stated that :

7% drop in active players in cricket over last 4 years

Increase in matches conceded (5% up on last 4 years)

Nearly 80% of players answering the questionnaires wanted a shorter format

If possible games to be finished by 6:30.


Main Changes for Season 2015

1Start time of 1pm for a seasons trial

1Rain Rules- Interruption of play of more than 15 minutes in an innings means, overall, the game will be shorter

1In Division 5, as a season long trial overs to be reduced to 35 per side with no bowler bowling more than 9 overs.

1In div 1 and Div 2 away team captains to mark pitches, Outfield, Facilities and scoring facilities (via the website)

1The Aire Wharfe League has offered access to a pool of Juniors (up to U19) who could play in our teams without the need for a Transfer Form.

1Changes to the League website to enable simpler operation of the player pool to allow players who want to play a better chance of getting a game.

1Fines to be reduced to £35 ALL payable to OPPONENTS for any conceded match .

The League is keen to take action to stop the decline in the number of teams and players playing in the WCL.


R Hampshire Barwick – in Elmet – dead against 1 o’clock start particularly – they have players who will struggle to manage this.

Proposal for this year – this will be reviewed at the end of this season.

It will be voted on next season.

Players can still turn up and play as a “player” up to 2:30.

What happens if you only have 7 to start?

Start the game – as people arrive they can play. If you are batting and are all out before they all arrive that is the final score for your innings

The Chairman asked if people had a problem playing the last game last year starting at 12:30? 3 clubs struggled to get teams starting at 12:30. Everyone else managed.

Kippax were very supportive for the change as they have a young team who want to start earlier to finish earlier.

A Quick vote was taken on start time – the following clubs said “No” to the changes

Amaranth , Barwick in Elmet, Green Hammerton, Meanwood , Scholes , Shadwell , Thorner Mexborough . The meeting was reminded that this request came directly from the Captains meeting last year. The meeting AGREED to a 1pm start for the 21015 season.

Why are we reducing overs in Division 5? Older players want to play more –and some want to play more not less. Can Teams turn up and decide between them to play more overs?

A quick vote was called involving only the teams in Div 5

Crossgates Shorten70 overs

Headingley BramhopeShorten80 overs

Green H ammertonNo



SherburnShorten 70 overs


St ChadsShorten70 overs

Kirk Hammerton was not present.

It was agreed that:

It was decided, for this season, Division 5 will have 80 over matches, with a maximum of 10 overs per bowler,

1.Junior Cricket Report

Successful year last year – more teams have come in but some have left (Old Mods)

Trial T20 U19 competition this year with a Wetherby League team, then it will be up to Clubs to start U19s teams.

1.Yorkshire Cricket Leagues Pyramid Structure

Ed Rawling gave a brief overview of what is happening. Ie 4 Premier Leagues in Yorkshire – North Yorks/South Durham, Yorkshire premier League North, Yorkshire Premier League South and Bradford League.

As a League we have had 4 meetings with York & District Senior League /Yorkshire Cricket Board/Yorkshire Cricket Club and an informal meeting with the Aire Wharfe League.

It is clear that there is no real understanding of how the pyramid is to be structured below the top layer of the pyramid.

WCL will review next year as we should see a clearer picture of what it means to us. We will still be talking to Aire Wharfe as well as Y&DSCL.

We will keep you informed.

1.Umpires Report – Dave Copley

Disappointing year – 5 umpires have dropped out so we have 27 umpires some of whom can’t do every week.

While we offered a £100 rebate from club fees to the League if a club would put someone in the umpires pool- only 1 person took this up.

We had 3 applicants for the Level 1 course – two didn’t turn up.

A Scorers course was run at Barwick in Elmet – no one attended from the Wetherby League.


Ian Cunningham was not available to attend to demonstrate the changes to the website

1.Election of Officers

No nominations so the League Committee stays as it is


aOutstanding League fees – please send a cheque to Z Ali as soon as possible

aYCB – the WCL are paying higher affiliation fees this year – T20 tickets for YCC in return are part of this deal.

aWetherby League –should we have a Facebook page?

Ed Rawling explained what the ECB feedback on Facebook, Twitter etc. We would need to monitor the Facebook pages to ensure that there are no negative comments. The WCL would need to have a team of moderators.

WCL do have a Twitter feed in place.

aDave Copley asked if people can please re-mark the crease lines at tea time – please do it.

The Meeting closed at 8:10