ICHRIE Winter Board of Directors Meeting
January 13-14, 2012
Westin Providence
1 W Exchange Street
Providence, Rhode Island 02903
Roll call completed
All present with the following variances: Chad Gruhl (1/14/12 only), Robin DiPietro (Skyped both days); Andy Nazarechuk was absent both days
- Secretary’s report
- Bylaws committee bringing forward the addition of the Director of Marketing
- Motion to accept (John, Josette); unanimous approval
- John moved (Josette seconded) for a special election for a new Director of Marketing prior to the summer conference (unanimous approval) [See note later where the president made a direct appointment, making this action unnecessary.]
- Nominating committee will begin background work to identify potential candidates.
- Target is to hold a special election in June (approximately)
- We will add this to the membership action to review and approve the bylaws addition by inclusion with the spring election ballot.
- President’s report
- Vote requested: Standing Rule 18 (revision; page 17 of the notebook)
- Add: Under special circumstances, in lieu of being determined as absent for a regular meeting, a board member,with the approval of the ICHRIE president, may attend…
- Dennis moved; Susan G seconded. Unanimous approval.
- Effective immediately.
- Toolkit will be presented again during the lunch later today. The launch of the Toolkit is scheduled for January 16, 2012.
- Share certification: STR/Steve Hood. Moving forward
- Emerging nations initiative: thanks for Carl Boger
- Website looking improved: thanks to Kevin Anderson
- Membership side of the site questions
- Can’t see the type of membership
- We will send directly to federation director’s of membership; no need to make this info available to all
- Search features have challenges: when searching for a country, once an entry is found, a user must start over with a new search.
- Concern is protecting member info
- Once a searchable database is released, we lose control of the data, and lose the ability to protect members
- Kathy will check into the ability of our existing website to allow the sorting of lists and the issuance of authorized users to send messages through our website; target is to report back to the board in July 2012.
- Thanks to Kathy for Knowledge Matters: very successful
- Proposal created for Industry Sponsorship for new members in developing nations. Sent to Constellation Brands (though RIT’s networking)to solicit their financial support.
- Thanks to Dina for her work in invigorating the SIGs.
- Adhoc Committee for Leadership Planning: a new committee has been created to deal with the issue of our senior leadership in the future.
- Each federation will have representation on the committee
- Kathy McCarty
- Chris Roberts (Central Federation)
- Rai Shacklock (EuroCHRIE)
- Caroline Cooper (NE)
- Lea or Andy F (Western)
- Reg F (Southeast)
- ??? (Asia: TBD)
- Two groups have shown interest our conference but wish to have discounted admission. We have asked for reciprocity and are awaiting their response before we move forward. [HR in Hospitality Conference and Expo]
- Susan G: could we expand this idea to HSMAI or perhaps other industry conferences to add discounted admissions? Kathy is meeting with HSMAI next week to explore how our organizations might work together and will report back about such possibilities. AH&LA is another group to target.
- USTA offered a conference speaker; our interest not high.
- Are there other ways to involve them?
- Perhaps strategic planning could look at this
- Vice President’s Report
- Strategic planning committee
- Developing a survey to assess member’s perception of our attainment of our goals
- Target to send out survey in spring; will present results at summer board meeting
- A second survey was issued regarding the deans/directors session at the conference
- Key insights learned: 135 of 400+ responded
- Speaker with roundtable discussions was preferred
- Onsite instead of offsite preferred
- Topic of high interest: what is no longer needed in the curriculum
- Creating a task force to reinstituting a forum for the 2-year members; purpose of the group is to identify ways to better serve those members and increase their membership
- Immediate past president’s report
- Nominating committee has a complete slate of candidates for the spring election cycle
- Ballots to be created Feb 1, 2012
- Deadline for voting to be 60 days later (mid-April)
- Awards committee
- Received a request to have the Lifetime Research Award be determined by past winners rather than the awards committee
- The board discussed this idea and has elected to reaffirm our current processes
- If past winners wish to be involved in the selection process, they are encouraged to volunteer to serve on the awards committee
- CEO report
- Sign the conflict of interest statement
- All members are asked to sign and submit it today.
- ESD bylaws changes (to be discussed on 1/14/2012)
- Knowledge Matters have committed to repeat the experience in 2012
- Rest simulation competition was highly successful
- Will be repeated
- We have asked KM about offering a hotel simulation competition
- HotelSIM (Peter Starks) has asked about getting involved; we have responded by limiting this to institutional members. If HotelSIM becomes an institutional member, we can revisit the topic
- Efforts underway to study what issues office staff are handling
- Logs being kept recording time on tasks
- They’ve been asked to be proactive rather than reactive
- Office: Kevin Anderson
- No new items to report beyond the written report submitted
- Carl saluted Kevin’s responsiveness
- Treasurer’s Report: John Drysdale
- ICHRIE is in good shape: way ahead of budget
- Ending the calendar year in a strong financial position
- Cash position is strong
- Budget it tight for the upcoming year, but looks workable
- John proposed we accept this budget; Peter seconded; unanimously approved.
- Chad: Conference report
- Two guest speakers are confirmed
- Diversity VP from Hyatt (Mendoza)
- Wyndham – sustainability (Faith)
- One slot to go (Roger Dow, President & CEO-UST)
- Alan Tuttle: Industry report
- Toolkit
- Link established with ICHRIE site
- Legal hurdles crossed
- Voluntary, but ready for members
- Reaching out to more firms, which could lead to more industry partners
- ICHRIE office will send this info to all industry partners
- Perhaps send the letter to past industry partners
- “Is there an APP for that?” - a potential session hosted by industry (in development)
- Still exploring the certifications that some programs issue; they will review them to confirm validity (does industry care?)
- Carl: Membership
- Ravi has agreed to spearhead the mentoring program
- ICHRIE Ambassadors Program
- Long standing members become mentors to new members of ICHRIE
- New members would select the mentor
- They are continuing to discuss the program, focusing upon identifying the value for having this program
- Intent is to further the strategic goal of membership retention
- They plan to present a draft of the program in May, with the goal of announcing the program at the conference in the summer
- Will focus upon converting potential members to institutional members
- Has identified 1,600 4-year schools around the world
- Gathering data about head of each program, contact info, etc.
- Will use that info to convert as many to ICHRIE as possible
- Carl has accepted a one-year presidential appointment as the Director of Marketing (2012-2013) [Note: this supplants the action noted under the president’s report above.]
- Looking at an Articulation Fair for the 2-year perspective; may look to the 2013 conference to hold the first event
- Carl has an entre to Qualtrics (Brian Smith); potential partnership and revenue sharing opportunity
- Suggestion: more emphasis upon social media; almost takes a person to routinely write the content for the Facebook, twitter, etc., outlets; Damian has volunteered to lead this initiative
- Recognition of members for their attendance at conferences
- Having them stand at the opening session to be recognized; to have the reviewers of conference submissions and the journals at the same time; Susan F suggested that the reviewers be recognized at the general meeting on Thursday to spread out the recognition activities
- Perhaps having ribbons distributed for the name badges at the conference
- Kevin informed us about a challenge sent to the federations to have them identify their members’ years of attendance
- Carl suggested that we allow members to choose a ribbon representing their number of years when picking up their registration materials at the conference
- Dennis: Research committee
- Reorganized the committee: 36 active members
- EasyChair adoption seems to be going well. It was used for the grad conference; zero complaints
- Auburn set up a virtual conference; had students send in papers and they used them to trial the system. Worked well
- JHTE call for editors
- Four qualified applications
- 01/27 is deadline for committee members to send their ranking of the applicants; 01/31 Dennis will send voting of the results to the full committee, and then shortly afterward report to the board
- Two potential publishers for JHTE
- By 11/30/2012 we can terminate our current contract with EBSCOHOST and sign a new e-publisher
- Hosteur
- Exploring why we need a new editor and why even retain the journal
- Concern about losing a member benefit by deleting Hosteur; could view JHTC as a replacement for Hosteur
- Committee considering the move to eliminate publication of the journal
- Carl suggested that we simply stop publishing rather than make a formal announcement about ending the publication; we can then wait to see member reaction
- Operate it through July to publish all that has been accepted; simply stop accepting new submissions; refer new submissions to JHTE, JHTC, JHTR or other external outlets
- Emphasize the new JHTC to showcase an addition to the publication stream of ICHRIE while we permit Hosteur to gently fade away
- Ravi: Marketing report
- Reviewed mission of ICHRIE with committee members in order to get an appropriate perspective for marketing
- Initially an American organization
- Tourism not a strong facet of it
- Name change discussion: to retain the ICHRIE acronym but update the actual words
- First step is to have the ICHRIE office staff identify the legal and operational costs involved
- The board will then consider how to budget for such costs in 2012-2013 and 2013-2014, etc.
- After that we will know better what we face and can look at the summer conference about forming an ad hoc committee to deal with the process of working with members to identify the need for a name change and the process for doing it.
- Caroline Cooper from J&W
- Presented some of the information about their plans for the summer conference for 10 minutes; no actions needed by the board
- Jhoni: At Large report
- Available to support where needed; nothing else to report.
- Susan Gregory: Director of Education
- Clarification of roles
- Question of JHTC arose
- In Section 16 of the Bylaws revise the phrase “include the editorial boards of the, Hosteur, …” to “include the editorial boards of JHTC and Hosteur,the case study competition,…”
- Bylaws committee will take up this issue during the next month or so; will report back electronically to board once a result is obtained.
- This education committee oversees and is the liaison with the federation counterparts as well as oversees the professional development committee
- Career Academy
- Moving forward for the annual conference building upon the past models
- Revenue Management certificate
- Pending
- Building faculty internshipsis a goal of this committee
- APAC happy with new rate scheme
- Conference planning moving along although slower in process
- Robert: EuroCHRIE
- 160 members so growth is strong
- Financially solvent
- Oct 25-27 will be the next conference in Lausanne, Switzerland
- 2013 it will be in Freiburg, Germany
- Now accepting bids for 2014
- Cvent will be used for the conference registration/management process; issues around money/payments are yet to be resolved; Kathy and Robert will work on this together to resolve
- Increasing attendance at the annual conference has been a key goal; the emerging nations membership rate will help in this regard
- Working on strategic alliances and a permanent office staff; working with the Institute of Hospitality [England] to possibly add a part time worker to represent EuroCHRIE year-around
- They are dealing with the issue of the ownership of the EuroCHRIE website; Chris suggested that they move their pages from that independent server to the ICHRIE server to avoid the risk/ownership issues; Kevin and Robert will work on this issue
- Clayton: NENA federation
- Hosted reception at the NY hotel show in 2011 once again; successful; will continue to do the same for 2012
- Initiative: kick off internship program for NENA members
- Considering a research forum in conjunction with the NY hotel show
- Working to establish a student scholarship by the federation
- Robin: Southeast federation
- Have been holding regional/chapter-level conferences; dealing with SE and Florida CHRIE chapters to merge; starting to happen
- Working to take advantage of the offer to host webpages for themselves on the ICHRIE site; Kevin has confirmed it is open and ready for uploads
- 203 members at last count; like the emerging nation rate and working to identify new members
- Damian: Central federation
- Hosting Alligator event once again at NRA/May during the show (5/5)
- Central is hosting a one-day event during the NRA show (Friday 5/4)
- Working to attract high school and 2-year members
- Marketing the federation at regional events to promote ICHRIE (Prostart, Hospitality MN, and the WisconsinHospitality Association)
- Peter: Western federation
- 1/26-27 is the western federation conference[host: UNLV]
- 30 presenters signed up
- 50+ registered
- Migrating to the web presence opportunity to host on the ICHRIE site
- Solvent with 203 members; 131 renewed so far
- Old business
- John moved(Damian seconded) to accept the minutes from the July 2011 full board meeting; all present approved with one abstention
- New business
- ESD bylaws (Josette)
- Josette moves to approve the ESD bylaws (Dennis seconded); unanimously approved
- Questions about the tenure of the chair of ESD emerged; which term; what years, etc. Josette will investigate and report in May to the executive committee (the position is a presidential appointment for 3 years, renewal up to two times)
- Robin: do federations have position descriptions provided by ICHRIE? No, that is a right and responsibility of each federation. The ICHRIE bylaws may be useful as a guide. NENA has been working on this, too. Clayton suggested that perhaps the four US federation presidents might want to collaborate to build standardized position descriptions. EuroCHRIE has done this already and offered their bylaws as a model.
- Move to adjourn (Susan G; John seconded); unanimously approved; meeting ended at 3:55pm 1/14/2012.
January 13-14, 2012 BOD Meeting Minutes - Providence, Rhode Island