British Society of Echocardiography Peer Review Endorsement


The purpose of the scheme is to provide independent, expert, peer review of research proposals with a view to provide constructive feedback designed to enhance projects either

prior to initiation or prior to submission to funding bodies. The ultimate aim of the process is to improve the quality of echocardiographic research undertaken to improve patient care and thereby improve the chance of obtaining grant funding and publication in high quality journals.

Intended audience

Cardiac physiologists, registrars and consultants embarking on research projects at any level (MSc, MD, PhD) or prior to seeking grant funding.

BSE Peer Review Process

Part 1: Proposal review and feedback

Timescale: 6 weeks

Investigators will be invited to submit a structured project proposal summary (Appendix 1).

The proposal will be assessed by 3 expert reviewers from BSE peer reviewer panel. A peer review form providing constructive feedback will be completed by each reviewer (Appendix 2). Peer reviewers will remain be given the option to be anonymous if desired. Investigators may provide names of reviewers they wish to exclude. The feedback form will be sent to investigators within 6 weeks of application.

Part 2: BSE endorsement

Timescale: 2 weeks

Reviewers will grade proposals either suitable for endorsement or requires further work.

If 2 or more reviewers grade the proposal as suitable for endorsement a letter stating BSE endorsement will be sent to the investigator. Where further work is recommended the investigator will be encouraged to enhance the proposal and re-submit for endorsement.

Peer Review Panel

There will be 10 - 15 reviewers. Reviewers will be selected to include experts with interests in different echocardiographic modalities and disease areas. Each reviewer may be asked to review 2 to 3 proposals per year and be asked to serve a 3-year term.

A list of current peer reviewers will be published on the BSE website.


British Society of Echocardiography Peer Review Endorsement

Applicant Details
Application Request / BSE Endorsement / YES/ NO
BSE Peer Review Feedback / YES/NO
Study Details
Study Title
Aims & Objectives
Sample Size
Inclusion criteria
Exclusion criteria
Outcome measures/end-points
Statistical Analysis
Expected value of results
Funding body
Funding amount


British Society of Echocardiography Peer Review Endorsement

Project ID
Researcher name
Reviewer ID number
Date of reviewer comments
Importance of topic
Scientific quality methods
Adequacy of statistical analysis
Overall evaluation
BSE Endorsement
Further work required prior to endorsement