Risk Assessment
Ladenford Den
Date / Detail / NameJune 2016 / Initial issue / Linda Brown, Fiona Dalziel
Oct 2016 / Review of control measures / Linda Brown
June 2017 / Annual Review
Address of property Ladenford Den, Lour, Forfar DD8 2LF01307 462388
Management System
Ladenford Den is the County Campsite of Girlguiding Angus. Safety within the hut and campsite is managed by the Ladenford Committee, the chair of Ladenford Committee being the responsible person
Control and Monitoring
The Committee meets four or five times a year and safety is always an item on the agenda. It is their role to monitor, review and improve the safety systems that are in place for the site.
Regular safety checks are made by users of the premises and issues are reported to the Committee.
Leaders of groups using the premises have been informed of the relevant safety information and risk assessments for the premises.
Scope of this risk assessment
It covers the building infrastructure and normal day to day activities and practices held within the hut and campsite. The risk assessment is not intended to cover planned Guiding activities that fall outwith these boundaries. In these situations qualified leaders are responsible for ensuring adequate control measures are put in place to mitigate the risk of accident or injury occurring as part of the task risk assessment.
Considerations specifically relating to fire safety are covered in the Fire Risk Assessment Management Plan.
This risk assessment was completed during June 2016 and will be reviewed in October 2016. The content will then be reviewed by the Ladenford Committee on an annual basis or whenever there is a change to the building use, fabric or fittings.
Description of Premises and their use
The hut consists if a single building of timber construction. The space is sub divided into the following rooms:-
- Main hall
- Two sets of toilet/shower facilities
- Leader’s Room
- Kitchen
- Access hallway
- Campstore
- Outside steps
The hut is regularly used for indoor holidays, training activities and day events. The head count varies dependent on the activity but may range from 10 to 26 including leaders and other adults. This number can increase for short periods when parents are present to collect children.
Campsite and woods
The camping area is divided into two grassed areas surrounded by woodland. There is a burn running below the campsite area.
The campsite and surrounding area are regularly used for short stay camping and day events. The head count can vary but typically ranges from 10 to 50 users. This number can be as much as 350 for large scale events.
Car park and internal road
The main car park has space for 10 to 12 cars and is connected by an internal road to limited parking for up to four cars near the hut.
Risk Assessment
Girlguiding Angus, Ladenford Den, Lour, Forfar DD8 June 2017
Hazard / Who is affected / Risk / Level of risk / Control measures / Review date- Building construction
1.1.Windows / All / Broken glass, risk of lacerations/cuts / Low /
- Control of activities eg. use of heavy balls
- Protective wooden shutters over windows
1.2.Blocked drainpipes/gutters / All / Slippery surfaces, risk of slipping/injury / Medium /
- Regular inspection/cleaning
1.3.Stairs / All / Slippery surfaces, risk of slipping/falling / Medium /
- Use of handrails, non-slip wooden surface
- Solar lighting
1.4 Veranda / All / Slippery surfaces, risk of slipping/injury / Medium /
- Use of handrails, non-slip wooden surface
1.5 Shutter steps / Adults / Risk of slipping/falling / Medium /
- Use of handrails
- Do not use steps if alone
- Services
2.1.Water / All / Leaks, burst pipes, contamination / Low /
- Regular inspection of pipes
- Lag pipes
- Drain system in winter (Nov – March)
2.2.Electricity – condition of building infrastructure / All / Electrocution
Fire / Low /
- 5 yearly inspection of fixed electrical infrastructure (distribution boards, cabling, conduit, light fittings & sockets, earthing)
2.3.Electricity – overloaded sockets / all / Electrocution
Fire / Low /
- Minimize use of extension leads
- All equipment to be PAT tested annually
- Users to make themselves aware of how to isolate power
2.4.Electricity – trailing/damaged cables / All / Electroctution
Trip hazard / Low /
- Check condition of leads before using
- Ensure leads are positioned/protected to reduce trip hazard
- Main Hall
3.1.Slips, trips & falls / All / Slipping on wet floors, falling over beds or luggage, slipping/falling whilst running / Medium /
- Wet floor sign to be used (it’s in cleaning cupboard)
- Leaders to ensure no running or playing whilst beds are out
- Use of lockers to store luggage & equipment
- All games to be supervised by leaders
3.2.Stacked tables, chairs and beds / All / Tables/chairs/beds toppling over / Low /
- Tables to be stored with long edge on floor
- Chairs to be stacked no more than six high
- Beds to be stored folded up and away behind curtain when not in use
3.3.Fire Hazard / All / Blocked fire exits / Low /
- Fire exit signs in use and exit routes clearly visable
- Storage provided for equipment/luggage
3.4.Fireplace / All / Logs falling out of fire, chimney fire, risk of burns, risk of Carbon Monoxide poisoning / Medium /
- Fire use to be supervised by leaders
- Fireguard to be used at all times – do not dry wet clothing on fireguard
- Chimney to be inspected/swept annually
- Carbon Monoxide monitor to be installed
- Entrances/exits
4.1.Obstructed, unlit, uneven surfaces, blocked fire exit / All / Trips/falls, confusion, possible injuries during an emergency / Low /
- Keep exit routes clear/use of fire exit signs
- Ensure fire exits are not blocked externally
- Practice fire drill on arrival
- Solar lights, use of mains outdoor lighting
- Campstore
5.1.Working at height / Guide age + / Falling/injury / Medium /
- Use approved fixed access ladder only
- Inspect ladder regularly
- Do not work at height alone
5.2.Camping equipment / All / Mould/mildew spores, risk of ill health
Risk of injury when lifting/moving heavy equipment, and storing equipment at height / Low /
- Ensure tents are dry and aired prior to storage
- Store heavy equipment low down
- Use cartie to transport heavy equipment
- Check ladders are safe
- Always work in pairs
- Toilets
6.1.Bacteria / All / Health risk / Medium /
- Regular cleaning of facilities by users
- Ensure supply of soap, paper towels & hot water
- Provide signs reminding users to wash their hands
6.2. Wet floors / All / Risk of slipping/falling / Low /
- Regularly inspect floors & clean up spills
- Use of wet floor sign if necessary
6.3.Cleaning materials / All / Fumes/chemical burns / Low /
- Cleaning materials to be stored out of reach of young children
- Discourage use of bleach due to hazards & septic tank
- Always read labels and follow manufacturer’s instructions for use
- Kitchen
7.1.Sharp objects / All / Risk of cuts / Low /
- Control access to sharp knives
- Young children always to be supervised in kitchen
- Dispose of broken glass carefully (wrap in newspaper and placed in general waste)
7.2.Food and drink / All / Risk of food poisoning/ill health
Vermin / Low /
- Ensure food is stored correctly in fridge
- Always use the correct coloured chopping board
- Insist on good hand hygiene/use hand washing sink
- Ensure food is cooked thoroughly and stored appropriately
- Store food in sealed containers
- Do not leave food at Ladenford on departure
7.3.Wet floors / All / Risk of slipping/falling due to spills / Low /
- Clean up spills promptly
- Use appropriate mop and bucket
- Use of wet floor sign if necessary
7.4.Kitchen equipment including hot surfaces / All / Injury (cuts, burns, scalds, electrocution) due to improper use or unsupervised use. / Low /
- Kitchen and contents maintained & inspected regularly
- Any damage or disrepair dealt with at first opportunity
- Instructions for use of equipment available to read
- Young children to be supervised in kitchen
7.5.Cleaning materials / All / Fumes/chemical burns / Low /
- Cleaning materials to be stored out of reach of young children
- Discourage use of bleach due to hazards & septic tank
- Always read labels and follow manufacturer’s instructions for use
- Campsite
8.1.Open fires / All / Risk of fire spreading, injury, damage to property and burns / High /
- Cooking fires only to be used in designated areas
- Fire buckets containing clean water always present
- Leaders to train users in fire safety and supervise as appropriate for age
- All users to be aware of fire extinguisher/sand buckets in the campstore
- Young people at main campfire to be supervised at all times, no crowding around fire or bending over fire
- See separate risk assessment for pyrgraphy
8.2. Trip hazards on campsite and grounds / all / Risk of tripping over guy ropes or pegs, uneven ground, slopes in woods / Low /
- No games to be played around tents
- No running between tents
- Leaders to advise of risks and supervise appropriate to age
- Young people not to go off into woodland alone
8.3.Heavy equipment / All / Risk of strains and sprains whilst moving heavy equipment eg. tents, altar fires, wood / Med /
- Leaders to supervise and advise young people
- Trolley available to be used
- Always two people to move heavy objects
8.4.Pioneering Poles / All / Risk of crush injury, sprains or strains / Low /
- Adult leaders to supervise
- See separate risk assessment for pioneering
8.5.Campfire circle / All / Risk of tripping or falling over low seating at campfire / Low /
- Adults to supervise
8.6.Water in the burn / All / Risk of drowning, injury by falling or getting stuck in the mud / Med /
- Leaders to supervise any water activities
- No-one should go near water alone or without permission
- Use of designated bridges to cross the burn
8.7.Tree climbing / Young people / Risk of falling/injury / Low /
- Trees may be climbed with leaders permission and supervision
- No young person should climb a tree alone
8.8.Outdoor Sink / All / Risk of scalding if carrying hot water away from sink
Fumes/chemical burns from cleaning products / Low /
- Hot water to be transported in buckets with handles rather than basins. Buckets not to be too full.
- Cleaning materials to be stored out of reach of young children
- Discourage use of bleach due to hazards & septic tank
- Always read labels and follow manufacturer’s instructions for use
- Car parking and road
9.1.Safety of vehicles / Adults / Risk of damage or theft / Low /
- Ensure cars are kept locked
- Keep gate closed (but not locked)
9.2.Safety of users / All / Risk of injury / Low /
- Keep barrier to campsite closed
9.3.Vehicles on campsite / All / Risk of injury to users, damage to grass / Low /
- Display speed restriction sign (5 miles per hour)
- Authorised cars only to drive along road, keep movement of cars to a minimum.
- Barrier to campsite to be kept closed
2017 – additions to risk assessment marked in blue