To: All Faculty and Staff Members
From: Human Resources
RE: Health Reform Update
In January of this year, Human Resources conducted several Health Care Reform educational sessions in an effort to provide accurate information about the legislation and the University’s intent to maintain an employer-sponsored health plan. Continuing to build on this information, DU Human Resources has created a new website dedicated tohelpingclarify the many news updateson health care reform: email highlights some key facts and recent developments.
Beginning Jan. 1, 2014, the health reform law requires most individuals have health insurance or risk paying a penalty. You may have seen advertisements about options that will be available to you through the Colorado Health Benefit Exchange, known as Connect for Health Colorado, beginning in 2014. See below for more information on the exchange.
As your employer, the University cares about your health and well-being. And, although we cannot make health care coverage decisions for you and your family, we want to continue to provide information to help educate you about what will be available, your choices, options and how the health care reform law affects you.
In one new development, on July 2, 2013, the U.S. Treasury Department announced that it is delaying the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act’s employer “shared responsibility” (i.e., “play or pay” mandate) and related employer and insurer reporting obligations until 2015. Because the University’s intent is to maintain our employer-sponsored plan, this decision has little impact on us. This announcement will not affect your current coverage and it does not eliminate the need for each individual to have health insurance or pay a penalty beginning Jan. 1, 2014.
We recently provided a Summary of Benefits and Coverage (SBC), which enables you to compare important information about the University’s health coverage options in a standard format. The SBCs for all plans are available for review at
We also assembled FAQs from the Health Care Reform Educational Sessions held in January. They are available for review at You may also contact Human Resources with questions at .
Colorado Health Benefit Exchange (Connect for Health Colorado)
While the University is maintaining the employer-sponsored plan, employees may choose coverage under the Colorado Health Benefit Exchange (the “Exchange”) as of Jan. 1, 2014. Benefit plans and rates will be available for review starting Oct. 1, 2013. The exchange provides a website that allows you to shop for coverage and compare available plan options based on price, benefits, and quality. Preliminary plan and rate information is available at
Note: The University is not able to advise employees on plans offered through the exchange. However, our intent is to keep you informed and provide education. There are some things to keep in mind:
- The University’s plans meet the definition of qualifying and affordable coverage required by the health care reform law. Therefore, you will not qualify for federal financial assistance if you decline coverage under our plan and purchase your insurance through the exchange.
- If you purchase insurance through the exchange, you will pay your premium individually with after-tax dollars and will not be eligible for a subsidy from the University.
- The July 2 decision does not impact the individual mandate or exchanges, therefore if you choose to drop DU’s coverage to purchase coverage through the exchange, this action is not considered a qualifying event. You will not be able to drop coverage as of January 1 as a result of obtaining coverage through the exchange. Election changes will be permitted at the next annual enrollment period for the plan year beginning July 1, 2014.