Maria Slattery Lesson Plan #1- General and Personal Space
Assessments may occur at any time during the lesson and should be noted in the appropriate section of the lesson; supporting assessment or lesson documents may be attached as a separate page.
Learning Objective:
I can move my body safely in the gym with others and I can demonstrate the concept of personal space. / Lesson Notes/materials:
One poly spot for each student.
One hula hoop for each student.
Music can be played while students are moving around the gym in their hula hoops.
Students will be moving in their own personal space on a poly spot.
Students will be moving in their own personal space around the gym while holding their hula hoops around their waist.
K.2 The student will identify basic structures of the body and basic spatial awareness concepts.
d) Demonstrate the concept of personal space.
K.4 The student will use appropriate behaviors and safe practices in physical activity settings.
b) Demonstrate general and personal space.
Link to Background Knowledge
What is the background knowledge that students need to meet the learning objective? May include pre-assessment or review of previous instruction.
Ask students: How can you move your body safely in the gym on the poly spots? How can you move your body safely in different directions inside the hula hoops? How can you stay in your personal space?
Engage and Explain
What is the knowledge or skill that students will need to be successful in meeting the learning objective?
Moving their bodies safely in general and personal space in the gym. Moving safely in the gym will help ensure students’ safety.
Warm-up- Ask students to identify the parts of their bodies that they can move and then have students move their different body parts to music. Students will move safely within their personal space on a poly spot by moving their bodies in different ways (reaching, stretching, balancing, bending, etc.) and moving different body parts to the left, right, forward, and backward, etc. The teacher will also teach the students the basic structures of the body to students when they are on their poly spots so that they will learn how to identify the basic structures of the body. Students will then walk around the gym in their hula hoops (pretending that the hula hoops are cars that they are driving) maintaining their personal space.
Engagement: Explain and then use a hula hoop to demonstrate to students what personal space is. Tell students that the hula hoop keeps your body from touching others. The teacher will demonstrate this by standing in one place. Then tell students that personal space covers the entire body from the head to the toes. The teacher then moves to another place in the gym and demonstrates that while he/she may get close to others, he/she still does not touch others because he/she is maintaining his/herpersonal space. Tell students to pretend that there is a bubble around themas they are moving around the gym and that they should not be touching others. The teacher will also demonstrate that his/her eyes are open and looking in the direction that he/she is moving to and that he/she is looking out for others. Students will then practice moving in their own hula hoops by walking around the gym in the same direction while maintaining their personal space in the gym and not touching others. The teacher will direct students on which direction they should move to in their hula hoops around the gym with verbal prompts.
Explain: Stop play to ask students the following questions: How did you safely move your body within your personal space while moving around the gym in your hula hoop? Was it easy not walking into others? Did you walk into anybody else? Did you maintain your personal space? What are some things that would make it easier for you to walk around the gym in your hula hoop?
Discuss ways with the students on how to be safe when moving their bodies around others in the gym in their hula hoops. Discuss with the students strategies that could be used to maintain their personal space when moving their bodies around others in the gym in their hula hoops.
Active Learning
How will students apply the new knowledge? Do it once and do it again
Students will continue to practice moving safely in their hula hoops (pretending that the hula hoops are cars that they are driving) around the gym. Students will alsocontinue to practice moving around the gym in their personal spacewithout touching others.
Students will continue to practice moving around the gym in their hula hoops (their cars), but this time, they will move at different speeds, they will move in different directions, and they will move in the directions of their choice. The teacher will provide verbal prompts to students as they move in their hula hoops at different speeds and in different directions. The teacher will also play Simon Says with students as the students move in different directions and at different speeds in their hula hoops. . The teacher and a few students will first demonstrate how to play Simon Says as the students move in their hula hoops in the directions that the teacher verbally states. Students will need to listen to the teacher for the Simon Says verbal prompts and move according to the teacher's verbal prompts and directions. If the teacher does not say Simon Says and a student moved in their hula hoop any way, the student will do a fitness task in an area on the side of the gym. The student will do the fitness task of their choice. There will be fitness task cards taped to the wall so that students can see the pictures of the fitness tasks so the students know what they should be doing as they do their fitness task. The teacher will also have music on as students are moving around the gym in their hula hoops as they are playing Simon Says.
Allow students to continue to practice and explore maintaining their personal space in the gym while their eyes are open and looking in the direction that they are moving to. Emphasize that students should keep their heads up to see where they are going while moving around the gym so that they will not be touching others. The teacher will stop play to remind students to keep their personal space while moving around the gym and the teacher will stop play if students walk into others during the activity.
What will you do for students who have early success?
Have students walk around the gym in a smaller space and walk faster
See if students can walk from one end of the gym to the other end without touching others – see who can do this the fastest / What will you do for students who need additional support (special needs, EL, or more time/practice)?
EL student= Pair the student up with a bilingual student in class to interpret for the student
Blind student= Utilize aides to guide the student around the gym; modify/shorten the distance that the student travels around the gym, add handles/some type of grip for the student to hold on to the hula hoop, aide can provide an auditory signal for the blind student to follow during the hula hoop activity, use a rope system to help guide students and to help the students move around the gym
Autistic student = Provide visual cues (arrows on the gym floor or hold up the arrows when the teacher calls out the certain directions to students) to show the direction of the movement and provide very specific directions to the student
Other additional supports for students can include the following: visuals on the wall showing which direction to move around the gym, bigger hula hoops
How will students connect new learning to previous learning? How will students make connections? Ask students questions on what they learned
Tell students what a great job they did on maintaining their personal space when moving around the gym in their hula hoops. Tell students that you liked how they demonstrated not touching others during the activity.
Ask students: Should you stay in your personal space? Should you be inother’s personal space? Why shouldn’t you be in other’s personal space?What are some things that you did so that you did not touch others during the activity? How can you play other games in physical education safely? / Assessment: How will students know if they got it? How will teacher know if students got it?
Students = Teacher provides verbal feedback to students on whether or not they are maintaining their personal space, teacher plays back the video to students to show them if they are maintaining personal space or not, teacher assists students if they are not maintaining their personal space, students are not touching others while in their hula hoops moving around the gym
Teacher= Teacher observes the students maintaining their personal space correctly by not touching others, having students give a thumbs up, thumbs sideways or thumbs down to demonstrate their level of understanding of the concept, videotape students practicing the skill correctly with an ipad to see whether or not they are maintaining their personal space, student exit slip - students will color the correct picture of students maintaining their personal space - this demonstrates whether or not the students understand what maintaining their personal space is
Next Steps
What is the real world application for this new learning? How does it connect to future learning?
Students will identify their personal space as they go through their school day.
Students will practice moving their bodies safely while playing other games in physical education.
Students will practice moving their bodies safely when playing at recess and with their friends at home.

Exit Slip

Directions: Color the students that are in their own personal space.