25610/11 To Record the Members Present: 7.28pm.
Councillor Mr J Allen [Chairman]
Councillors: Mrs J Bulman, Mrs D Dobson, Mr J Edmunds, Mr R Gardiner, Mr M Pearmain, Mr M Steptoe (District and Barling Parish) and Mr S Sterry.
Also present:
County Councillor Mr R Pearson.
Members of the public: Mr S Waters.
The Parish Clerk, Mr B Summerfield.
25710/11 Apologies and reasons for absence:
To be received by the Clerk in person via: email, letter and telephone.
Councillors: Mrs I Knight (holiday).
25810/11 To Receive Declarations of Interests:
i All Councillors (as the Parish Council) declared an interest in the item: Village Hall Committee ( as Trustees ).
ii All Councillors as the Parish Council declared an interest in the item: Playspace.
iii All Councillors as the Parish Council declared an interest in the item: Barling Millennium Parish Park.
iv District and Barling Magna Parish Councillor Mr M Steptoe declared a possible conflict of interests in planning applications when representing the Parish Council at District level and therefore would:
i judge each Planning application with that in mind
ii declare the personal interest conflict, when it arose
iii will not make up his mind (for or against) until the application comes before the District Council.
v The Clerk advised all Councillors to update their ‘Declaration of Interests’ ( lodged with the legal department of the RDC) as and when there were any changes.
vi Councillor Mr M Steptoe declared an interest in Barling Primary School, LWR as a school governor.
25910/11 Guest Speaker
26010/11 Public Forum: ( 5 minutes set aside for councillors, visiting councillors and members of the public).
i Councillor Mr R Pearson reported; General all round chasing of Pothole repairs – Sutton Road Bridge/Purdeys revamp abandonment being chased – Sutton Road traffic chaos caused by a gas leak on Southend Road, Rochford and Cuckoo Corner road works – HT Engineers, Highways, ECC’s Lyn Harvey and Ian McCullock both retired.
ii Councillor Mr M Steptoe reported: Nancy Varty sends her regards – National Census due to be carried out soon – Castle Pub to Kimberley Road to be swept – Woodlands leaflet available - Land by the Castle Pub is thought to contain archeological cemetery remains from the Bronze Age - A Joint Surgery to be held at the Castle Pub, Little Wakering to meet the MP James Dudderidge, County Councillor Roy Pearson, representatives of Sutton and Barling and Councillor Steptoe between 2-4pm on 12th March 2011.
26110/11 To Receive the Full Minutes of the Village Hall and Wildlife Committee Meetings
The Council resolved to agree the Minutes above.
Proposed by Councillors: Mr R Gardiner, seconded by Mr J Edmunds and agreed by all.
The Chairman signed the Minutes as a true record.
26210/11 Matters Arising: (not included on the Agenda)
26310/11 To Receive the Minutes of the Parish Council Meeting of 13th January 2011.
The Council resolved to agree the Minutes above.
Proposed by Councillors: Mr J Allen, seconded by M Steptoe and agreed by all.
The Chairman signed the Minutes as a true record.
26410/11 Matters Arising (not included on the Agenda)
(Minute 233) Security patrol on the haul road.
To report misuse of the haul road, ring security Mobile Number 077699 70784 (24hrs / 7days week).
26510/11 To Receive the Minutes of the Public Meeting of 17 January 2011.
The Council resolved to agree the Minutes above.
Proposed by Councillors: Mr J Allen, seconded by Mr M Steptoe and agreed by all.
The Chairman signed the Minutes as a true record.
26610/11 Matters Arising: (not included on the Agenda)
Clerk to chase Highways Officer, HT Engineer, Mr Andy Hilsdon re: progress.
26710/11 To Receive the Minutes of the Roach Group Meeting of 18 January 2011.
The Council resolved to agree the Minutes above.
Proposed by Councillors: Mr J Allen, seconded by Mr J Edmunds and agreed by all.
The Chairman signed the Minutes as a true record.
26810/11 Matters Arising: (not included on the Agenda)
i A Village Design Statement and/or a Village Plan were discussed.
ii A suggestion that two members would represent the Council at Roach Meetings.
iii Separate meetings for the four Councils to discuss the individual parishes progress forwards, were being carried out.
iv Councillor Mr M Steptoe advised that the individual Parish Plans were very important but would carry more weight (district wise) if produced as a collective product.
v Councillor Mrs J Bulman has a photograph of the meeting of the original Roach Group.
vi The Clerk to set up a meeting with Stella Meesters re: progress of the Parish Plan
vii Resolved: a Parish Plan be developed by the BMPC for Barling Magna.
Proposed by Councillors: Mr J Allen, seconded by Mr S Sterry and agreed by all.
26910/11 Village Sign Committee:
i Councillor Mr R Gardiner reported his receipt of the colour examples of both sides of the cast sign.
Councillors approved the designs.
ii The question of a wait for up to a year for Mr Brian Gaze or up to 6 months wait for the lady apprentice.
iii Resolved: the lady apprentice is selected.
Proposed by Councillors: Mr S Sterry, seconded by Mr M Steptoe and agreed by all.
Councillor Mr R Gardiner to further process and chase the work!
iv Clerk reported a funding grant for the Parish Sign work from the Community Initiatives Fund @ £ 3,359-00.
27010/11 Website.
The Clerk reported that he hoped that a basic website will be running by the end of the month.
27110/11 Playspace.
Mr Pitts report: Nothing to report.
27210/11 Planning.
i The Delegated Planning Quorum decisions: None.
The Chairman allowed:
ii New applications:
Councillors: Mrs J Bulman and Mr J Edmunds declared interests as neighbours of the following application.
i Application no 011/00045/FUL 3a Church Road, Barling (Construction of Front porch) –
The PC has no objection.
Councillor: Mr J Allen declared an interest as a near neighbour of the following application.
ii Application no 011/00067/LDC Junatison, Barrow Hall Road
(Application for a Certificate of Lawfulness for Proposed Outbuilding to Provide 3 Stables and Store/Tackroom, Concrete Yard and Fencing for Use Incidental to the Enjoyment of the Dwelling House on the Site (Stonebridge Paddock) – The PC have no objection providing:
i the application satisfies Green Belt rules
ii exists within the original footprint
iii if allowed, requests a condition that restricts the application to no other use.
iii Application no 011/00039/FUL Little Wakering Hall, Wakering Hall Lane (Formation of Ménage in Existing Paddock) - The PC have no objection providing there is no additional lighting/floodlights.
iii Appeals: None.
iv Delegated and Development Committee Planning decisions:
i 10/00772/FULL Land Adjacent 195 LWR was recorded.
ii 10/00770/FUL Junatison, Barrow Hall Road was recorded.
v Alleged Planning Contraventions: None.
27310/11 Village Hall Committee interim report.
Councillor’s reported repairs to be completed: Hand Dryer, Door Safety Glass, Fire Alarm problems and front door lock combination to be changed. Bookings reported up.
27410/11 H&S Advisory Committee (Councillors: Mr M Pearmain, Mr R Gardiner, Mrs I Knight, Mr S Sterry and Mr C Wood).
Councillor’s reported: Slow progress due to Xmas and flue – Councillor Mr M Pearmain has sent by email to all a Chris Woods initial report, a Lone Working Document and Fire Risk Document – Councillor Mr S Sterry has condensed the Railway’s H&S document, worked on a Volunteers Declaration form and will be producing them after his team building exercise in Bedfordshire.
27510/11 Barling Wildlife Parish Park Committee interim report
i The Clerk’s report re: Burrow Dike crossing:
i Contact and correspondence with the Anglian Waters Land Agents have raised the prospect of the Anglian
Waters land (identified as north of the Burrow-dike (to the top of the sea wall) running from the right hand
corner of the lower meadow and covering land around to the footpath crossing (FP 6).
ii The Council expressed an interest based on the cost (freehold/leasehold), green maintenance costs, responsibility
for the sea wall maintenance, etc.
The Clerk to forward the Council’s interest
ii The Clerk’s report re: Land to the West of the Lower Meadow:
i A telephone call from Mr T Bradley of High House, Barling Road offering the above field.
ii The Council expressed an interest based on the cost (freehold/leasehold), lease length, FP 2 access, etc.
The Clerk to forward the Council’s interest
iii The Clerk’s report re: HSE First Aid box:
i Two types of H&S wall mounted First Aid boxes for the Wildlife Park were shown to cost £142 and £200.
ii Councillor Mr S Sterry volunteered to provide H&S First aid boxes at cost.
iv The Clerk’s report re: Health risks from emptying dog bins on WLP:
i Enquiries with RDC has not revealed any helpful information.
ii As all dog waste ends up in bins collected as non recyclable, a request for a non recyclable bin to be made and
added to the RDC collection round, emptied from the entrance to the Wildlife Park, once a fortnight.
The Clerk to write the request to the Portfolio holder for Waste, RDC.
v The Clerk’s report re: Container/planning/CiF:
i the planning is approved for the container, subject to a screening plan agreed with Planning, RDC.
ii Community Initiatives Fund has granted funding for the container, base, application and planting @ £2,573-00.
vi The Clerk’s report re: Mr Pitts Spring Grass cuts:
i Mr Pitts will start the Spring grass cuts in the top meadow (car park to the barn) at the start of March, subject to grass growth unless directed otherwise.
ii Mr Pitts will start the Spring grass cuts in the lower meadow (barn to burrow-dike) at the start of April/May subject to dryness of the area unless directed otherwise.
vii The Clerk’s report re: Insurance claims:
are in progress having received photographs from councillor Mr M Pearmain.
27610/11 Correspondence. Copies of all correspondence are available on file.
i An e/letter February 2011 from Steve Shaw re: Sustainable Communities act update was recorded.
ii An e/letter February 2011 from RDC re: Annual Civic Dinner on Friday 25 March at the Mill Arts and Events Centre, Bellingham Lane, Rayleigh at 7pm @ £37-00 per ticket was recorded.
Councillor Mr J Allen as Chairman agreed to represent the BMPC at the council’s cost.
iii An e/letter and Petition, February 2011 from Janice Rigby, Rochford PC re: ECC cancellation of the Sutton Ford/Purdeys Ind. Est. improvement works was recorded.
iv An e/letter January 2011 from Mrs L Cox re: Application for an Allotment was recorded.
v Four thank you letters were sent off by the Clerk.
vi Email correspondence from Mr P Beasley was forwarded to Highways.
vii Email correspondence from Councillor Mr L Street re: Plastic waste escape from the Barling Tip, was forwarded to Cory’s – Clerk is presently waiting a response – Clerk will chase and if there is no response, forward to the Environmental Agency. Copy all to Councillor Mr Mike Steptoe.
viii Publications and General Information inc: EALC County Update and Bundles, Making the Links, Fieldwork, Bus timetables, Bus Maps, Meetings open to the Public, etc were placed on the table and noted.
27710/11 Finance.
i A Financial Statement for the period ending January 2011 was recorded.
ii An Invoice February 2011 from Mr Pitts re: 306999 general maintenance @ £ 40-00 was recorded.
iii An Invoice February 2011 from A&J Lighting re: 23247 Streetlighting @ £ 132-00 was recorded.
iv An Invoice February 2011 from CPRE : Annual subscription @ £ 29-00 was recorded.
v An Invoice February 2011 from Mr M Pearmain re: Barn maintenance/repairs (WL) @ £125-04 was recorded.
vi A payment, February 2011 from Rettendon P. C. re: share of the upgraded Clerks computer @ £205-99 was recorded.
vii A payment, February 2011 from Sutton P. C. re: share of the upgraded Clerks computer @ £19-00 was recorded.
viii The payment January 2011 to Mr R Pitts re: 306998 General and green maintenance @ £137-00 was recorded.
ix The payment January 2011 to Argon/Summerfield re: Upgraded computer @ £549-99 was recorded.
x The payment January 2011 to Ordinance Survey re: Supplied Map @ £ 31-14 was recorded.
xi The payment January 2011 to Wheeldon and Deacon (Chartered Surveyors) re:15621 Valuation Survey of the Village Hall @ £440-63 was recorded.
xii The payment January 2011 to Mrs I Knight re: Wildlife requisitions @ £ 42-92 was recorded.
xiii The payment January 2011 to A&J lighting re: 23148 for 343/354 LWR @ £137-53 was recorded.
xiv The monthly notification of a D/D to E-on re: Streetlighting energy @ £232-21 was recorded.
xv The HSBC bank statements for February 2011 @ £30,000-00 was recorded.
xvi Councillors resolved all payments, the monthly financial statements, transfers and countersigned cheques.
Proposed by Councillors: Mr M Pearmain seconded Mr M Steptoe and agreed by all.
27810/11 Report from Members on Outside Bodies. To receive verbal reports:
i Monthly Crime report: None
ii Flood Watch report: Flooding from the field at the end of BHR/Barling Road.
27910/11 East Area Committee and RHALC
i The minutes of the East Area Committee Meeting of 12th January 2011 were recorded.
ii The minutes of the RHALC Meeting of 20th January 2011 were recorded.
28010/11 Streetlights:
i Councillor reports: two reported out on LWR!
ii Clerk's survey of 24th January 2011 were forwarded and the two reported repaired.
iii Two Great Wakering streetlight faults were forwarded by the Clerk.
iv To receive a letter from A&J Lighting re: renewing the Service Agreement (3 or 5 years) which inc: Once annually, all fittings are to be thoroughly cleaned and tested, checked for correct operation and general visual inspection. Any obvious worn parts will be replaced. Replacement parts and prices as on the attached sheet. All reported failure of lights to be attended within 48 hours. Call out charge is £55-00 plus parts.
v Resolved: a 5 year A&J Lighting Solutions Service Contract @ £908-80 per Annum.