I. Leadership
1.1. Does the organization’s leadership change regularly?
[ ] Yes[1]
[ ] No[0]
1.2. Is the amount of time the leaders remain in their position sufficient for acquiring experience and learning leadership functions?
[ ] Yes[1]
[ ] No[0]
1.3. Is there the possibility of reelecting successful leaders?
[ ] Yes[1]
[ ] No[0]
1.4. How many people within the organization have acquired the capability and qualities to be effective leaders?
[ ] No one possesses these qualities [0]
[ ] Few (1 to 3)[1]
[ ] Some (4 to 6)[2]
[ ] Many (more than 6)[3]
1.5. How many are put forward for leadership tasks?
[ ] Only a few are ready to be leaders.[1]
[ ] The group of candidates is limited but adequate.[2]
[ ] There is never a lack of candidates (candidates who are
prepared, enthused, and available to assume a leadership
1.6. How amenable are former leaders to continued participation in the organization?
[ ] There are no previous leaders; the organization is new.[0]
[ ] Almost no participation by former leaders.[1]
[ ] Some participation by former leaders.[2]
[ ] Active participation by former leaders.[3]
1.7. Do the leaders tend to come from a few certain groups or families and are always the same, or do the leaders represent a wider circle among the community?
[ ] From few groups[1]
[ ] From various groups within the community[2]
[ ] From almost all the groups within the community[3]
1.8. What percentage of those that occupy leadership positions within the organization are women?
[ ] <10%[0]
[ ] Between 10 % and 25%[1]
[ ] Between 24% and 50%[2]
[ ] More than 50%[3]
Leadership quality and skills
In general, how would you characterize the quality of leadership in this organization in terms of …
Excellent / Good / Adequate / Deficient1.9. …education/training? / [3] / [2] / [1] / [0]
1.10. …dynamism/vision? / [3] / [2] / [1] / [0]
1.11. …professionalism/skills? / [3] / [2] / [1] / [0]
1.12. …honesty/transparency? / [3] / [2] / [1] / [0]
Relationship between leadership and staff
1.13. How would you characterize the relationship between the executive director and the management and technical staff?
[ ] Harmonious; without major problems[3]
[ ] Coexisting; with occacional rivalries[2]
[ ] Conflictive; with many problems[1]
[ ] Dysfunctional; there is no communication or coordination[0]
1.14. What level of acceptance and legitimacy does the leadership have, especially among grassroots organizations whose communties are underrepresented?
[ ] The leaders are openly accepted and everyone recognizes their legitimacy to represent their interests. [3]
[ ] The leaders are accepted by the majority of the community; the majority recognize their legitimacy. [2]
[ ] The leaders are accepted by a minority of the community members; leaders have little legitimacy. [1]
[ ] The leaders are not accepted and do not have legitimacy within the community. [0]
II. Participation
Levels of participation in important meetings
2.1.Should the frequency with which the organization meets with ______be greater, less, or remain the same (adequate)?
Type of / Frequencymeeting / More / Less / Adequate
Congresses / [1] / [2] / [3]
Assemblies / [1] / [2] / [3]
Directories / [1] / [2] / [3]
Committees / [1] / [2] / [3]
Participation in decisionmaking
2.2. What have been the two most important decisiones taken recently?
Decisión # 1: ______
Decisión # 2: ______
2.3.Thinking about these decisions, what was the decisionmaking process?
2.4.In comparison with other decisions, was this response more, less or the same as these decisions?
(Code Decision # 1 first, then continue with Decision # 2)
Topic / Prior dissemina-tion of informationSí = 1
No = 0
/ Opportunity for informal discussion
Sí = 1
No = 0
/ Consultation with grassroots
Sí = 1
No = 0
/ Widespread debate, opposing opinions and frank discussion
Sí = 1
No = 0
/ Dissemina-tion of results
Sí = 1
No = 0
Decisión # 1
Decisión # 2
2.5. In the last three meetings, what has been the level of participation of women, of youth, and of the poorest and most isolated communities?
2.6. In comparison with other meetings, was this level of participation more, less, or the same?
Participation / Comparison with previousGroup / Active / Moderate / Little/none / meetings
Women / [2] / [1] / [0] /
Youth / [2] / [1] / [0] /
Poor / [2] / [1] / [0] /
2.7. To what degree does the organization truly represent its communities/members?
[ ] Highly representative[3]
[ ] Somewhat representative[2]
[ ] Slightly representative[1]
[ ] Not representative at all[0]
2.8. What percentage of the population in this community feels included as beneficiaries of the organization or feels its interests are represented by the organization?
[ ] <25%[0]
[ ] Entre 25 % y 50%[1]
[ ] Entre 51% y 75%[2]
[ ] Más que el 75%[3]
Participation by elites
2.9. To what degree to the more prosperous families in the community (those with land, businesses, or profession) attend meetings, hold positions or participate in activities of the organization?
[ ] Active [2]
[ ] Moderate [1]
[ ] Little/none [0]
2.10. What is the relationship of the more prosperous families toward the organization itself?
[ ] Sympathizers/supporters[3]
[ ] They could be a resource, but currently are an interfering element.[2]
[ ] They could be a resource, but currently are indifferent. [1]
[ ] Adversarial/negative element.[0]
III. Organizational culture
Rules, norms, and fulfillment thereof
3.1. How many members know the procedures, norms and tasks of the organization?
[ ] The majority of members know the procedures, etc [2]
[ ] Some members know about them[1]
[ ] Few members know about them[0]
3.2. How willing is the organization to confront problems with its members (if they were to happen) such as laziness, not attending meetings, avoiding work, or stealing property belonging to the organization?
[ ] The organization is very willing to confront damaging behavior. [2]
[ ] The organization is sometimes willing to confront damaging behavior on the part of its members. [1]
[ ] The organization has little capacity to confront damaging behavior. [0]
3.3. For serious cases, do guidelines or rules exist to sanction, fine or expel the transgressor?
[ ] Yes[1]
[ ] No[0]
IV. Organizational capacity and sustainability
Specific capacities
What is the organization’s capacity to…
Excellent / Good / Adequate / Deficient4.1. …carry out specialized tasks for its principle subprojects (i.e. credit, training, commercialization)? / [3] / [2] / [1] / [0]
4.2 …supervise and contract specialized consultants or staff? / [3] / [2] / [1] / [0]
4.3. …prepare financial reports for banking institutions, donors, or government? / [3] / [2] / [1] / [0]
4.4. …respond in a timely fashion to changes that affect the organization (i.e. price fluctuations, change of government)? / [3] / [2] / [1] / [0]
4.5. …develop specific plans for the future (instead of reacting to external offers or opportunities as they present themselves)? / [3] / [2] / [1] / [0]
4.6. …reflect upon and learn from experience (build an institutional memory)? / [3] / [2] / [1] / [0]
4.7. …resolve problems or conflicts with other organizations or social actores? / [3] / [2] / [1] / [0]
4.8. …resolve problems or conflicts within the organization? / [3] / [2] / [1] / [0]
Formulation of demands
4.9. Does the organization have clearly defined processes for identifying the common needs and priorities of its members?
[ ] Yes[1]
[ ] No[0]
4.10. In the last three years, have there been petitions or other expressions of demand formally presented by the communities?
[ ] Yes[1]
[ ] No[0]
4.11. Have there been other ways for grassroots members to express their demands?
[ ] Sí[1]
[ ] No (End)[0]
4.12. In what way has the organization addressed these demands?
[ ] Tries to process them one by one[0]
[ ] Tries to identify common elements[1]
[ ] Promotes demands of common interest [2]
SCAT Organizational Profile (Scoresheet)Annex F - 1