Rotary Charge #1
______Name______your election to membership in the Chippewa Falls Rotary Club is based on the premise that we believe you to be a worthy representative of our community, that you are in sympathy with Rotary's ideals, and that you are prepared and willing to translate those ideals into realities in your business and community life. Membership in Rotary is a distinct honor and privilege and, of course, it involves corresponding duties and obligations.
Those who know you will judge Rotary by your conduct.
We would impress upon you the importance of regular attendance. Should you miss a regular meeting of this club, you are privileged to make up the absence by attendance at some other club or online. You can check our web site for more information.
Rotary is non-sectarian, non-political and non-discriminatory.
Finally ______Name______the cornerstone of Rotary is fellowship, work, fun, use of the first name, a common ambition to serve, and the application of the golden rule in your business and private life. “However you desire to be treated, treat others in this same way.”
Fellow Rotarians, I commend to you, Rotarian ______Name______whom we now formally and most heartily welcome into the Rotary Club of Chippewa Falls. Do not fail in your duty toward him/her. ______Name______welcome to Rotary.