Parish Life
30th October, 2016 – 31st Sunday in Ordinary time year C
Weekend Mass Times St. Mary’s Castlegregory
Sunday – 10.30am
Parish Office – St. Mary’s Presbytery, Castlegregory
Monday - Closed
Tuesday 10.30am to 4.00pm
Wednesday 10.30am – 4.00pm
Thursday 10.30am to 3.00pm
Friday 10.30am to 4.00pm
(Check out newsletter for any changes in times of opening hours due to holidays etc)
Tel: 066 7139145 – Mobile 087 1438060 – Email:
Kerry Diocesan Website –
Notices for Newsletter to reach office by 11.30am on Fridays
Priest: Fr. Michael Hussey 087 1438060 - Secretary: Bernie Dowling
Weekend Mass Times
Clochán Bréanainn
Séipéal Naomh Bréanainn
An Satharn – 6.45 i.n.
Confession before and after Mass on Tuesdays
Parish Pastoral Council: Chairperson: James Kildea, Julia Dowling, Vincent Filgate, Bernie Dowling, Patricia Hennessy , Audrey Stephens, Joan Herbst, , Sheila Kelliher, Eileen Nicholl, Siobhan Hennessy, Síle Mulcahy, Anne Dennehy, Angela O’Sullivan, Eileen O’Grady, Kathleen DowdLiturgy Group ContactsChairperson –
Anne Dennehy Secretary – Maunie Kelliher - Maire Begley (organist/adult choir) Pat Finn & Trish Browne (Folk Group) Síle Mulcahy (St. Brendan’s Choir) Area Pastoral Council Representatives; James Kildea and Bernie Dowling, Eileen Nicholl Finance Committee: Joan Ferriter, Gerard O’Donnell, Kathleen O’Rourke, Bernie Dowling, Fr. Michael Hussey. Building and Maintenance:Sean Lyons, Denis Dowling, Pat Joe Flynn, Micheál O’Leary, Trish Browne, Sheila Kelliher, Pat Finn, Tommy Fitzgerald, James Kildea,
Parish Reps for Safeguarding Children: Kathleen Spillane,Susan Browne and Kathleen Brosnan - Safeguarding Tel no 087 3800220
Youth Council:Cathy Browne, Darragh Rohan,Jena Cronin, Shannon O’Grady, Amy Byrne, Eva O’Connell, KateShannon, Sinead Sheehan,Timmy Walsh, Ellen Goodwin, Shannen Cronin-Maunsell, Cody Stafford, Claire Dennehy, Carrie Dowling, Niamh Shannon, Caitlyn Browne, Lucy Walsh, William Goodwin, Orla Goodwin, Leanne O’Grady,Rebekah Crean, Andrea Quirke, Lin Ye Moriarty, Patrick O’Donoghue
Week beginning 30th October2016
31st Sunday in Ordinary Time
Today's Gospel is the familiar story of Zacchaeus, the chief tax collector. Tax collectors in Jesus’ time were considered the lowest of the low, because they grew rich through extortion and exploitation of the people. Zacchaeus would have been a very unpopular character. But, his unpopularity with the people did not deter him from wanting to see Jesus for himself. He had obviously heard about Jesus and maybe it was curiosity that drew him to Jericho that day. He climbed a sycamore tree, hoping to get a glimpse of Jesus as He passed by. What a surprise for Zacchaeus when Jesus noticed him, and better still Jesus asked him to come down from the tree because He was going to stay at his house! Jesus didn't snub him or condemn him, instead He spoke to him as a friend would. Zacchaeus responded with enthusiasm opening his home and his heart to Jesus’ invitation obviously touched by Jesus’ kindness towards him. Zacchaeus experienced the love of Jesus and he had a change of heart, he acknowledged his wrong-doing and was willing to change his ways for the better. The people were shocked at Jesus and complained. They did not want a sinner to be saved, but Jesus saw the possibility of goodness in Zacchaeus' heart. Curiosity may have brought Zacchaeus that day but his encounter with Jesus changed him forever. In the first Scripture reading, we hear that God is merciful to all and overlooks people's sins so they can repent. Zacchaeus is the example for us to follow. Jesus wants us to be saved and seeks us out, but we must be willing, like Zacchaeus, to meet Him halfway. We are reminded of that lovely image of Jesus knocking at the door “I stand at the door and knock; if anyone hears my voice and opens the door, I will come into his house and eat with him and he will eat with me” (Rev 3:20). How do we recognize Jesus today? We see Jesus in other people, through our experiences and most importantly in the Blessed Eucharist. We need to be open to the grace of God to be able experience His Love which is life-changing.
Prayer for Peace in the Middle East Especially in Syria
Lord Our God, Father of all humanity change the hearts of all peoples and their rulers, so that peace may be established among the nations on the foundation of justice, love and righteousness.
May the Spirit of Peace descend among the people of Syria and upon our world until all conflicts cease and peace reigns on earth. Amen
Pray for our Departed
Mary Spillane, Ballintrasna & Fahamore
Peg, Maurice, Dan & Charles O’Connor, Glenahue
Nora Lynch, Ballyguin, First Anniversary
Kathleen O’Donnell, Main St. First Anniversary
Bridget O’Brien nee Moriarty, Kilshanning West
Tom & Anne O’Neill, Cloghane
Pray for the Sick of the Parish
Remember the sick of the parish in your prayers, those in hospital, nursing homes, those undergoing treatments and waiting test results. Lord, may Your healing hand touch them.
Priest on Deanery Duty
Priest on duty in the deanery this Sunday 30th October, 2016 is Fr. Eoghan O’Cadhla.In the event of an emergency, please call 066 9156131.
Intentions for this Weekend
St. Mary’s
10.30am – Intention: Mary Spillane, Ballintrasna & Fahamore
St. Brendan’s
6.45pm – Vigil Mass – Intention: Peg, Maurice, Dan & Charles O’Connor, Glenahue.
Weekday Masses – St. Mary’s
Monday 31st October – 10.00am –Intention: Kathleen O’Donnell, Main St
Tuesday 1st November – Holy Day Feast of All Saints – 10.30am – Intention: Bridget O’Brien nee Moriarty, Kilshannig West
Wednesday 2nd November – 10.00am – All Souls Day
Thursday 3rd November – 7.00pm Intention: Tom & Anne O’Neill, Cloghane
Friday 4thNovember– 7.00pm – Intention: All the faithful departed
Weekday Masses -St. Brendan’s
Monday 31st October –6.45pm: Vigil Mass - Feast of All Saints (Holy Day)
Tuesday 1st November – No Mass in St. Brendan’s
Wednesday 2nd November – 7.00pm – All Souls
First Friday 4th November – 10.00am – Intention: All the faithful departed
Intentions for Next Weekend
St. Mary’s
Sunday 6th November– 10.30am – Intention: Area Mass for remaining areas
St. Brendan’s
Saturday 5th November:vigil Mass – 6.45pm Intention: Patrick O’Sullivan, Cloghane
Rota for next weekend
Reader: Sunday 6th November– Caoimhe Moriarty
Eucharistic Ministers Months ofNovember: Eileen Walsh, Mary Lynch
Marie O’Donnell
Altar Serversnext Sunday 6th November: Emma Lynch, Regina Flaherty, Meabh Rohan
Alter Society – Month of October: Eileen Dowd and Helen O’Mahony
Church Flowers- Next weekend– Rosarii
Parish Youth Council - this Sunday 30th October there will be a second collection after Holy Communion for our parish youth group to help towards resources and planning for the coming year. A copy of their Newsletter will be available and one of the members will speak.