How to Add, Subtract, Multiply, & Divide Decimals

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Adding Decimals

  1. Rewrite the problem vertically with the PLACE VALUES LINED UP.
  2. If you need to, fill in empty spaces to the RIGHT of the decimal with zeros.
  3. Add the numbers together – you may add the addends in any order.
  4. You can add together as many numbers as you want at one time.
  5. Place the decimal in your sum between the same place values it came from.

Addition Example

12.347 + 9.62 =


+ 9.620



Subtract one addend from the sum and you should get the other addend.


- 9.620


Subtracting Decimals

  1. Rewrite the problem vertically with the PLACE VALUES LINED UP.
  2. If you need to, fill in empty spaces to the RIGHT of the decimal with zeros.
  3. Subtract the numbers –DO NOT CHANGE THE ORDER!
  4. You can only subtract two numbers at a time!
  5. Place the decimal in your difference between the same place values it came from.

Subtraction Example

12.347 – 9.62 =


- 9.620



Add the difference (the answer) to the number you subtracted and you should get the original number.




Multiplying Decimals

  1. Rewrite the problem vertically. You do NOT NEED TO LINE UP THE PLACE VALUES!
  2. Multiply the factors.
  3. Count the total number of decimal places in the factors to the RIGHT OF THE DECIMALS.
  4. Starting on the farthest right of your product, count moving left the same number of decimals that you counted in step 3.
  5. Place the decimal where you stop counting. Zero fill to the left if you need to place the decimal point farther to the left than you have digits.

Multiplying Example:

12.347 * 9.62 =

12.347 (3 decimal places to the right of the decimal)

x 9.62 (2 decimal places to the right of the decimal)




118.77814 (5 decimal places = 2 + 3 from factors above)


Divide the product (answer) by one of the factors and the quotient will be the other factor.

118.77814 ÷ 9.62 = 12.347

Dividing Decimals

  1. Rewrite the problem with the divisor on the outside of the “house” and the dividend on the inside of the “house”.
  2. If the divisor has digits to the right of the decimal, move the decimal right to the very end of the divisor.
  3. Move the decimal in the dividend to the right the same number of places.
  4. Move the decimal up to the top of the “house”.
  5. Divide

Division Example

118.77814 ÷ 9.62 =

9.62 - move the decimal in 9.62 two places to the right and make that number 962


962. and move the decimal in 118.77814 two places to the right – 11877.814


Multiply the quotient (the answer) by the divisor and you will get the dividend.

12.347 * 9.62 = 118.77814