Statewide Interoperability Executive Council Meeting Minutes

Thursday, December 11, 2014

Department of Safety and Homeland Security, 303 Transportation Circle, Dover, DE
2nd Floor Conference Room

Members Present:

Lewis Schiliro – Chair/Secretary DSHS
Bill Carrow – DE Police Chief’s Council

Gene Donaldson, DelDOT

LTC Angela F. Showell – DNG
Andrew Fulton - DPH

Matthew Hartigan – PSC
Joseph Thomas – Sussex County
Jeffery Miller – NCC/PSC
Michael Witkowski – City of Wilmington
Colin Faulkner – Kent County DPS
David Hall - DOC

Members Absent:
Mayor Donald F. Tinari - LLG
James Collins – DTI

Warren Jones – DVFA
Gov’s Office Rep
Additional Attendees:

Mark Grubb – DivComm

Tom Kadunce, DivComm
Beth Duncan - MicroTek

Joe Wessels – League of Local Government

Terry Whitham – Dover Speedway
Tim Dobrowolski –MicroTek
Kevin Sipple – Kent County

Isabella Kaplan – DTI

Nick Johnson - OMB
Eric Wagner – OSEC 9-1-1

Lisa Morris – DOJ
Colonel Dallas Wingate - DNG
M/Gen Frank Vavala – DNG
Jaime Wolthar – DNG

Cathy Benson - Observer

Welcome Remarks –Secretary Lewis Schiliro

The meeting was called to order with introductions at 9:00 a.m. by Secretary Schiliro, Chair

Approval of Meeting Minutes from Previous Meeting –Secretary Lewis Schiliro, Chair

SIEC Bimonthly Meeting Minutes
December 11, 2014
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Motion by Bill Carrow, seconded by Mark Grubb to approve theOctober minutes as presented.
Passedunanimously by the voting members present.

Subcommittee Updates

Operations – Gene Donaldson

Gene asked BillCarrow to provide an overview of the last meeting. Bill advised that during Returns Day reports surfaced that multiple radios could not talk to each other using S-IOPS3. DIVCOM investigated and did extensive testing and found three radios at one agency that had a bad talk-group ID. DIVCOM checked all other templates to ensure this problem was not more widespread.

Technical – Jim Cole

Jim provided an overview of the last meeting including progress on the I-95 & I-495 fiber projects.

Training and Exercise – Bill Carrow

Bill reported the T/A request had been approved for a workshop to update our SCIP plan.

Honorarium For Colonel Dallas Wingate.
Secretary Schiliro announced that Colonel Wingate, who has represented the Delaware National Guard on the SIEC for many years had received a new assignment and that LTC Angela Showell had been named to be the official representative on the SIEC. Secretary Schiliro thanked Colonel Wingate for his years of steadfast service to the SIEC. Others in attendance that made remarks and presentations included Mark Grubb, Bill Carrow, Joe Mulford and Major/General Vavala.

Scheduled Business Meeting

800 & 700 MHz System Update –Tom Kadunce

Tom advised both systems are operating normally. He also reported on the UPS replacement project scheduled for January for the three prime sites.

BDA Update –Beth Duncan

Beth provided an overview of the latest project status, including recent completions and planned starts.
She also reported on a recent conference call between DOJ and the Christiana Care legal department regarding the installation contract. Once the hospital signs the revised contract, installation can proceed.

Broadband Update – Mark Grubb
Mark reported on his recent testimony on the importance of the national public safety broadband network before the house subcommittee in Washington. He also advised there would be a MACINAC meeting in Richmond, VA January 28-29, and that Delaware’s FirstNet consultation had been scheduled for February 19.

Old Business
Exacom Update.
Tom Kadunce advised DIVCOM continues to hold weekly conference calls with Exacom technical staff while also checking all three county systems twice daily for any problems.
Tom also advised a major problem dealing with mis-matched radio alias on recordings has been corrected.

New Business

Community Reports:

Terry Whitham reported on current projects underway at the speedway.

SIEC Bimonthly Meeting Minutes
December 11, 2014
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Next Meeting
Thursday, February 12, 2015 at 9 a.m. at the DSHS 2nd Floor conference room.

A motion was made by Bill Carrow, seconded by Mark Grubb to adjourn. Meeting adjourned
at9:40 a.m.
2015 Bimonthly Meetings
April 9 August 13
June 11 October 8

December 10

Respectfully submitted,

Bill Carrow