April 12, 2016 at 4:30 pm

Meeting called to order: 4:33pmMeeting adjourned: 5:30pm

SSC Members

Member Name / Attendance
Karla Meza / Present
Teresa Giron / Absent
Maria Avila / Present
Patricia Diaz / Present
Maria Briseno / Present
Maria Alvarado / Present
Paola Guerrero / Present
Griselda Lara / Present
Tracy Dominguez / Absent
Maggie Malone / Absent
Victor Albores / Present
Reem Ktiri / Present
Brianna Hilario / Present


  1. Title 1 Expenditures
  2. At risk families. Low income families. For every kids that's at risk the federal government gives us money per child
  3. 1st use- Place paraprofessionals in classrooms- Salaries
  4. 2nd use- To reduce class size. The more students need help the smaller the class size. Less than 30 kids.
  5. Are these the best ways to spend our money?
  6. Other ideas
  7. LCAP Goals
  8. Common Core SBAC goals
  9. Increasing the number of students with teh highest scores
  10. Shrinking the number of students with the lowest scores
  11. Computer Skills Goal
  12. Parent Survey Results
  13. Student Survey Results
  1. Present and Discuss School Wellness Policy
  2. What do you think are the biggest health problems that JJMS students are struggling with?
  3. Sleep
  4. Nutrition
  5. Exercise
  6. Counseling: Support for stress for trauma
  7. Are you aware of the resources that are currently available at the school?
  8. PE and Sports program
  9. Social Worker on campus
  10. How well do you know that Schools nutrition policy?
  11. How well do you know the School Safety Plan?
  12. Partnership with Tarzana Treatment Center


●Student suggested removal of apparatus for new multipurpose room

●Moving the lunch area into the gym

●Investing into more paraprofessionals in a classroom

●Make lessons with real world connections

●Typing Class (Skillbuilder for typing) for improving

●More bullying awareness activities for students & parents

●Proactive Parent Meeting (student/parent lead parent meeting)

●Future Changes in the Parking Safety?

●Parking Safety at 6:15 dismissal

●Possible Brunch (Breakfast during break)

●Agreement with School Wellness- Emotional Stress & Sleep

●Playing music during lessons to relax the mind of students

●Tracking parent participation & at the end of 3 years have an incentive

●Schedule 2 events at the same time

SSC Meeting Sign in Sheet

Tuesday, April 12, 2016 at 4:30 pm

Parent Name/ nombre del padre / Student Name/ Nombre del estudiante / Grade