YEAR 1 and YEAR 2
Year / CYCLE BSubject/Term / People who help us / Snow and Ice / Dinosaurs / Transport / Under the Sea / Seaside
Literacy / Handwriting focus
Kung-fu punctuation
Persuasive writing- letters
Descriptive writing- job descriptions
Create a fact file book
Comprehension tasks / Read a range of fiction and non-fiction texts
Information texts
Describing settings- 2A sentences
Character descriptions / Read a range of fiction and non-fiction texts
Create our own dinosaur
Create wanted poster for dinosaur
Write adventure story involving time-machine
Instruction writing (Link to D and T) / Transport poems
Poems on a theme
Information texts
Similes and BOYS sentences
Writing letters / Sharing a shell- Julia Donaldson
The Rainbow Fish
The Snail and Whale
Writing/assessing book reviews
Information texts about sharks
Story-writing/changing parts of a story / At the Beach- Roland Harvey
Writing postcards
Seaside poems
Instruction writing (link to D and T)
Persuasive writing- leaflets encouraging people to visit the seaside
Maths / Number and place value
Number facts
Multiplication- 2s, 5s and 10s
2d and 3d shapes / Number bonds to 20
Number facts
Multiplication and division using arrays
Measures (m and cm)
Comparing and ordering lengths / Addition and subtraction
Position and direction
Fractions (1/2 and ¼) / Number and place value
Capacity and volume
Telling the time (o clock and half past)
Statistics / Number and place value
Number facts
Multiplication and division using arrays
Position and direction (rotation)
Properties of 3D shapes / Number and place value
Number facts
Multiplication and division using arrays
Cover all measures including temperature
History / Differences between emergency services in past and present
Famous figures- Florence Nightingale
Robert Peel / First person to reach the North Pole
Race for the Pole
Creating postcards (literacy link) / Research people to find first fossils
Discuss changes caused by time
How is the world different now to back then? Past and present. / Significant individuals- story of the Wright Brothers
The first aeroplane flight
Difference between transport in the past and present / History of shipwrecks
Discuss difference between ships in past and present
How have they changed over time? / History of the seaside
How has it changed?
Look at how people used to dress to go to the beach
Compare with Victorian children
Geography / Name and locate the four countries/capital cities in the UK and surrounding seas / Name and locate the seven continents and oceans
Locate the Arctic regions
Research animals in polar regions / Follow a map to find a buried fossil on the school grounds
Design a map to direct an explorer to our school
Locational/directional language / Use aerial photographs to locate landmarks and basic human and physical features- link to spy planes in WW2 / Treasure hunt- using a map of the school
Use maps and atlases to locate the seven oceans
What is the climate like in the surrounding islands? / Identify the surrounding seas around the UK using an atlas
Human and physical features by the sea
Science / Materials
Distinguish between objects and materials
Identify materials and their uses
Explore which materials bend/twist etc.
Find out how solid objects can be changed / Identify a variety of animals (fish/amphibians)
Carnivores and herbivores
How have animals adapted to suit their habitat?
Identify plants and animals in a habitat / Identify and group dinosaurs according to their appearance/diet
Food chains
Identify food chains in the present and in the dinosaur era / The human body- offspring and basic needs
Labelling the human body
Importance of exercise
Forces that act on a car/plane when it moves
Conducting experiments to find out why things roll / Lifecycles of a frog
Growth and change
Living things, what lives
under water?
What are they like? How do they eat and move?
Comparison between
living things
Why do fish swim?
How do they swim?
Why do whales live in
the sea?
To observe similarities
and differences in
relation to sea creatures
To talk about what is
like under the sea / Minibeasts
Identifying and naming minibeasts in our local area
How do they survive?
Identifying plants and trees in our local area
Structure of plants and flowers
How and why plants grow
Seasonal changes
Position of the sun
Why does the day length vary?
Why do we have day and night?
ICT / BBC- dance mat typing
Using search engines online
Internet safety / Using search engines to research about animals
Copy and paste information
Create class fact file / 2 Code- create and debug simple computer programs
Predict behaviour of simple programs / 2 Code- create and debug simple computer programs
Predict behaviour of simple programs / Research a shark online
Create a leaflet explaining why people should help to save the shark / Use natural art to design landscape pictures of the seaside
Use software to enable them to edit pictures of seaside in real life (use on leaflets- Literacy)
R.E. / What did Jesus teach? / Christmas- Jesus as a gift from God / Judaism- Passover / Easter-Resurrection / Judaism- The Covenant / Judaism- Rites of Passage and good work
PSHE / How to stay healthy
What foods should we eat
Brushing our teeth/staying active / Recycling
Global warming
‘Litterbug Doug’ story / How we feel- discuss good and bad feelings
How we can manage change and loss (death/moving home) / Road safety
Create posters about how to stay safe on the road at day and night / Help to Save the Shark
Endangered animals
Danger of household products- link to oil spills in the sea / Safety at the seaside
Link with RNLI
Set challenging goals for next year
Music / Singing songs and rhymes about the people who help us / Create musical instruments out of recyclable materials / Create a dinosaur dance
Use drums to imitate stampede / Singing songs and rhymes about modes of transport / Create a song by blowing bubbles in water and blowing into bottles / Create musical instruments out of junk found at the beach (school trip)
Art/Creative Development
D.T. / Hand prints using paint- fire men holding hose
Make their own post box out of a shoebox / Use a range of recyclable materials to create an arctic scene
Create a smoothie using fruit / Create dinosaur eggs using balloons and paper Mache
Making dinosaur skeletons using pipe cleaners / Design and make an aeroplane
Discuss how we can make it fly for longer-link to forces
Evaluate product / Pebble painting
Creating shark teeth to hang on to necklaces
Create ships out of junk and test whether the float or sink / Create a necklace out of shells
Seaside sandwiches- choose fillings and cut and make
P.E / Fundamental Skills
Tag Rugby / Multi-skills
(Throwing and catching) / Gymnastics / Football
Dance (Sophie) / Netball
Rounders / Athletics
Fundamental skills