Product Information Database User Guide
Table of Contents
Product Group Tabs
Alphabet Search
Product Search Facility
Grid Pages
Grid Filter
Grid Sort
Viewing Documents
Key Areas
The image below displays the Product Information Database home page and highlights the key areas and how to access them.
This image displays one of the Product Information Database grids and highlights the key areas and where to access them.
Product Group Tabs
There are 6 product group tabs on the Product Information home page. Each tab displays a grid with the relevant product records. Click on any tab to view its contents.
Alphabet Search
By clicking on one of the letters the Product Information Database will search for all products beginning with that letter. Alternatively you can click the ‘Numerically Named Products’ link to search for any products whose name starts with a number or the ‘Show All’ link to return all products.
Product Search Facility
You can access this from the ‘Search’ button on the right hand side of the home page or via the ‘Product Search’ link in the menu bar. The image below shows the Product Search Facility. Enter the relevant information into the form and click ‘Run Search’.
There are free text-entry fields (where you can type what you would like to search for), drop-down lists (where you can select from existing data), and calendar fields (allowing you to select a date).
Utilising several of the search fields, you can create a highly specific search to narrow your results.
There are also a number of pre-defined searches available via a drop down menu.
Grid Pages
Paging has been enabled on all product grids where a search returns more than 25 records. Click on a page number to move to that page or click the link to move to the next or previous page sets.
Grid Filter
After performing a search results can be further refined by using the grid filters. These are available at the top of each grid column by clicking .
Select the option from the drop down that best suits your search requirements and then enter your criteria in the box that appears. To clear a filter that has been applied select the ‘Clear Filter’ option from the dropdown. Filtering can be done on multiple columns if required.
Grid Sort
Grids can be sorted on any column by clicking the column title.
Viewing Documents
Links are provided to SPC, PUAR, PAA and EPARdocuments were available. To view these documents click on the relevant link in the grid.
Snapshots of the Product Information Database are available to download in Excel and XML formats. These files are updated daily. To download these click on the download links on the home page.