01-10 Track/Soccer Facility
Work potentially includes a new restroom, press box, bleachers and lighting for the track and a new locker room/ field house for the soccer/ track facility.
A meeting was held in the President’s office on October 20 to discuss the status of the project and anticipated funding. A revised preliminary budget (reflecting construction cost increases since October, 2003) was presented. The project is currently under review by Administration/Athletic Department.
FP&C can potentially provide all design and some construction services for this project.
03-15 Bell Tower
New Bell tower /plaza to be located on the existing AROTC site.
The Architect is currently modifying the preliminary design schemes based on comments from the December 13 meeting. The Development Office has requested that FP&C look into the possibility of a presentation of the design at the USA Homecoming.
04-01 Shelby Interdisciplinary Science Building
The project is currently on hold.
04-25 Nursing & Allied Health Building
Work includes the relocation of the College of Nursing and the College of Allied Health to the main campus of the University.
A meeting was held in the President’s office on January 25 to discuss project programming and budget and to present the site analysis prepared by the Architect. The current program lists a total gross building area of approximately 125,000 to 130,000 square feet. The possibility of leaving Speech and Hearing in its present location was discussed. This will be evaluated by the Office of Academic Affairs and College of Allied Health and a recommendation will be presented to USA Administration by the first week in February. Based on the current construction climate and the costs of comparable projects a preliminary budget of $200/SF or more was discussed (depending on final percentage of lab space and actual start of construction). The Architect will follow up on actual program/costs of several of the projects that were presented. A tour of these facilities is also a possibility. The Architect also presented a site analysis on three potential sites. Based on this presentation it was decided to go with the site located at the corner of University Blvd. and USA North Drive. Programming will continue through mid- march and as soon as a decision is reached on the final program area the Architect will begin preliminary design/planning.
04-26 Campus Design Enhancements (Portals)
The project is currently on hold.
04-33 Tennis Courts – Entry gate
Work involves the design and construction of a new entry “gate” structure for the varsity tennis courts. A preliminary design/estimate was presented to the athletic Department for approval. Waiting on go-ahead.
04-37 Library-Rm 305 Renovation
FP&C provided an estimate to the Library administration – waiting on approval. All work to take place in Summer, 2005.
04-38 Athletics-RM 1104 Renovation
FP&C provide an estimate to Athletics – waiting on approval.
UCOMM – Communications Renovation
Estimate in progress.
HPELS Renovation
FP&C to provide design input for estimate.
Alpha East – Third Floor Renovation
Estimate in progress.
01-14 Primate Research Facility Addition
30,000 SF addition to the existing Primate Research Lab to include animal housing and research areas.
Architectural design is complete through partial design development phase. The Proposal for architectural services has been approved and design development /construction document work can begin immediately.
The College of Medicine will be responsible for all costs over the $4 million grant.
· This project involves federal funds.
01-15 Mitchell College Of Business – Library (Learning Resource Center)
New 15,000 SF, free-standing, learning resource center for the College of Business. This facility will potentially house a business library, E-commerce lab, financial investment room, computer labs, faculty offices and associated administrative space.
Construction document work is in progress and is approximately 30% complete. The Architect has indicated that he plans to “joint venture” with another architectural firm to complete the drawings. It is currently anticipated that this work will be completed by March, 2005. Bidding will be dependent on a final resolution of funding. FP&C has been asked to contact interior designers and landscape architects to provide services for this project. This is in progress. Per the Office of Sponsored programs, the University has received preliminary approval of a H.U.D. grant. This money will be used to partially fund the design/construction of the new building.
· This project involves federal funds.
02-02 Children’s & Women’s Hospital – Parking Lot Renovation
Work includes new parking and drainage and the addition of a landscaped island that would extend the sculpture park to the front door of the hospital.
Children’s and Women’s Hospital staff have completed the requested emergency evacuation/safety plan and this, along with the revised plan for vacating Center Street, has been submitted to the City for final approval. The approval by the City is to be used as a basis for negotiations with the City Administration on construction of a fully enclosed culvert under the parking lot. To date, funding has not been identified for this project.
03-14 Chemistry Building – Structural Assessment
Work includes the investigation/analysis of the cracking and separation of the existing exterior masonry walls and recommendations for repair.
The Architect has engaged the services of a structural engineer to assist them in providing a recommendation on corrective action. Conditions are being monitored.
04-02 ILB Mechanical Renovation
Work includes the replacement of the complete mechanical system including equipment and distribution.
Construction Document work is in progress and is approximately 60% complete. FP&C presented the proposed design/construction schedule and estimate of probable construction costs to USA Administration on January 28. Based on this a meeting with the Engineer and USA Administration will be set up during the first week of February.
04-36 KPH Mammography Suite
Work involves the renovation of the existing 2,000 SF medical records area located on the first floor of the west tower of Knollwood Hospital for a new mammography suite.
Design/document work has been completed – the documents have been submitted to the Alabama Department of Public Health for approval.
FP&C is providing design services for this project.
00-42 Cancer Center – KPH
New 102,000 SF comprehensive cancer center to include research and clinical functions as well as administrative/ academic offices and support.
Phase1 – A letter of intent has been issued for the Structural Steel package. A meeting was held on January 28 with USA Administration to discuss the Construction Manager’s recommendation to accept the original Site Work and Concrete/Foundation bids. It was decided that, if the Concrete/Foundation bid could be extended until February 8/9, we would accept the bid and award the Contract to the original low bidder. Due to the amount of value engineering cost reductions in the Site Work package it will be necessary to re-bid this work along with the Phase 2 packages.
Phase 2 - The Architect is currently completing the Phase 2 design package which is scheduled to go out for bid in February, 2005.
Negotiations with the Construction Manager for Part B, Construction Phase services have been completed and contract award is in progress.
FP&C continues to work with Alabama Power Company and other utilities to develop a new “feed” for both the Cancer Research Institute and the existing hospital.
A proposal for Landscape Architecture services have been approved and contract award is in progress. Proposals for Interior Design services are still being evaluated and a recommendation should be made by mid February.
FP&C is currently working with the CRI team and USA Telecom to procure the services of a consultant to develop plans for a telephone/communication system within the building.
A grant proposal for additional laboratory funding was submitted to N.I.H. on September 10.
· This project involves federal/PSCA funds.
02-07 Engineering Lab Renovation
Work includes plumbing and HVAC revisions to the existing design.
USA Administration has directed FP&C to issue Plumbing and HVAC design revisions for bid. Bid packages have been issued with bids due on February 10.
04-18 Life Science Building – Auditorium
Work involves reroofing and repair of existing interior finishes.
The apparent low bidder was deemed to be non-responsive and the project is currently out for re-bid. Bids are due on February 10.
FP&C provided design services for this project.
00-08 Archeology Building/A&S Museum
New 9000 SF Archaeology museum including archaeology office and storage area and a gallery for Arts & Sciences.
Construction officially began on August 30, 2004 and is approximately 20% complete. Structural/masonry work is in progress.Construction is scheduled for completion in July, 2005. FP&C is working with the College of Arts & Sciences and Archaeology Department on furniture selection/procurement. Additional funding has been secured for design of the exhibits and this work is in progress.
· This project involves federal funds.
00-39 Stanky Field – Stadium Redesign
Renovation of the existing stadium to include new seating structure, seating, press box, stadium club and restroom/ concession upgrades.
Installation of the stadium seating is complete – punch list work is in progress. General Construction work is in progress with “substantial” completion scheduled for mid-February, 2005. Masonry work continues to impact the schedule. The Press Box/ Stadium Club roof is being installed and interior finish work is in progress. Kitchen/Concession equipment installation is in progress. Furniture and audio-visual equipment for the Stadium Club and press box has been ordered and delivery has been scheduled prior to the opening. The installation of the “backstop” structure and screen should be complete by February 3. FP&C continues to work with the Development office to produce a signage/donor recognition wall and a site for the statue.
FP&C is also working with the Development office on a design for a “pavilion” and renovation of the existing dugouts.
FP&C provided construction services for the foundation and other portions of this project and is providing design services for the proposed pavilion and dugout renovation.
02-05 Research Park – Phase I
Phase 1 includes the area bordered by University Blvd., USA North Drive, and Health Services Drive and includes the Mentor Graphics/Bldg. #2 sites. Work includes the development of an entrance drive, utility infrastructure and associated landscaping to serve sites one through five. In support of this project the City of Mobile has agreed to provide a traffic signal and improve the University Blvd. /Gaillard Drive intersection (the main entrance to the Park).
The installation of bridge materials is complete. Roadway/infrastructure construction is in progress. Bids were received for the landscaping package and contract award is in progress. A signage package is currently being finalized and will be presented to the Administration for approval in the next few weeks. Intersection improvements by the City of Mobile are still on hold. The current schedule calls for completion of this project in March, 2005.
02-09 USA Transportation System
Work includes a new shuttle storage facility, addition to and renovation of the existing maintenance garage, road and tram ways and associated shuttle stop facilities.
Construction of the roadways, shuttle stops, bus barn and maintenance addition is “substantially” complete and punch list work is in progress. Renovation of the Maintenance Garage restrooms is in progress with completion scheduled for February.
FP&C is providing construction services on the Maintenance Renovation portion of the work.
· This project involves federal funds.
03-13 Student Services Building
New 43,000 SF building to house the student services functions currently located in the Administration building. This new building is to be located east of the Student Center courtyard.
The General Contractor has mobilized and site work is in progress. Work was temporarily held up due to relocation of an existing telephone cable under the building pad and the development of a temporary shoring design. This work has been completed and construction is in progress. A separate contract for an underground utility corridor (connecting electrical and telephone to the service points adjacent to the southwest corner of the Library building) has been awarded with construction scheduled to begin in February. A separate contract has also been awarded for compact shelving - FP&C is currently reviewing submittals for this work.
Furniture design/selection is complete and procurement scheduled to begin in February, 2005. The USA Credit Union has asked that an ATM be added in the lobby of the first floor – this revision is in progress.
03-25 SGA Pavilion
Work includes one covered “picnic” pavilion and three sand volleyball courts to be located adjacent to and just south of the new Intramural Fields. Project sponsored and funded by the SGA (pavilion)/Campus Recreation (volleyball courts).
Construction progress has slowed due to reassignment of personnel to Stanky Field and other critical projects. Roofing and masonry work remain. Construction should be complete in March, 2005.
FP&C is providing all design and construction services for this project.
04-04 Research Park - Office Building #2
New 35,000 SF speculative office building to be located on site #2 of the Technology and Research Park.
All bids have been accepted and Letters of Intent to enter into a Contract have been issued. The Site Work and Concrete contracts have been awarded and Site Work is in progress. Ground water has been encountered in the foundation excavation along the east retaining wall. This has impacted the schedule and will result in additional costs. Award of the remaining contracts is in progress. Construction time, including tenant work, is approximately 10 months. Occupancy tentatively scheduled for October, 2005.
04-20 Bookstore Canopy Repair
Work involves the repair of the existing plaster soffit of the covered walkway between the Bookstore and the Student Center cafeteria.
Due to inspections related to Hurricane Ivan, it was determined that there is potential for damage/failure over a larger area than was first suspected. FP&C has completed a follow-up inspection and will present estimates for three repair options to USA Administration.
04-29 Computer Services Second Floor Renovation
Work involves permanent partitions for six offices and the installation of glazing at the existing “atrium” openings, new carpet and wall covering for the entire second floor, and rebalancing of the existing HVAC.
Construction is in progress and is scheduled for completion in early February.
FP&C is providing all design and construction services for this project.
04-30 LSB – Marine Sciences Renovation
Work involves renovation of approximately 1200 SF of existing office space on the ground floor of the Life Sciences Building.
Construction is substantially complete with punch list work in progress.
FP&C is providing all design and construction services for this project.