Speech and Debate
Course Syllabus 2016-2017
Teacher: Ms. Peace
Classroom: 2112
Contact Info:
· Email: .s
· Phone: 919-776-7541 ext. 2647
· 1st Block : Speech and Debate
· 2nd Block: English 1
· 3rd Block: English 1
· 4th Block: Planning
Course Description:
This course explores concepts in public speaking, critical thinking, argument and debate. Students will study different styles of speeches, learn rhetorical strategies and practice the art of persuasion and debate. A major focus of the class will be the elements of rhetoric as it pertains to information, persuasion, and debate. Students’ primary source of learning will be through trial and error. Students will receive weekly feedback on speeches (formal and informal). Research of famous speeches and their impact on the culture of the time, detailed study, application, and integration of persuasive techniques, and analysis of current events and the speeches that accompany them will be integral to the class. The first quarter will focus on speaking. The second quarter will focus more on debate styles.
Course Objectives:
This course is designed to help students:
1. Gain confidence and experience in public speaking
2. Perform a variety of speeches in class that require persuasive, impromptu, debate, speaking, and listening skills.
3. Actively listen and engage in genuine dialogue and criticism
4. Read an audience and adjust accordingly
5. Understand all the elements of a speech
6. Organize thoughts in a fluid, essay-like manner and research, using a wide variety of sources.
7. Dynamically deliver a variety of speech styles including: informative, impromptu, persuasive, autobiographical, etc.
8. The ability to practice and execute excellent delivery of material while maintaining physical posture, eye contact, and varying vocal tones.
9. Engage in sophisticated, intellectual debate. Recognize and engage on both sides of an argument.
10. Attain an improved idea of leadership and communication
Course Policies/Expectations:
· Be here, be present, be on time!
· Put your trash in the TRASHCAN, #NOMAIDSOVERHERE
· No food or drink in the classroom, unless approved by me. Water bottles are okay.
· Take pride in your work and its outstanding completion!
· Take note of the attire required based on the speeches!
· General policies: You will have a speaking assignment each Friday. Each Monday will be “Feedback Day.” Since speaking well is a learned trait, I am offering you the opportunity to Re-do speeches. You will have the opportunity to redo a speech the following Wednesday (if you received a 79 or below).
· All assignments must be turned in by the due date.
· You have one week from the due date to submit a late assignment for partial credit of a 70.
· You have one week to complete a missed test or quiz.
· Speeches and presentations 60%
· Quizzes 10%
· Written work & research 10%
· Participation 20%
Plagiarism is the unauthorized use of another’s work. This means that you use the words of someone else, and don’t give them credit for it (i.e.—put it in quotations/cite the source.) If you are using three or more consecutive words found in a source, you need to cite that source. If you don’t, you are plagiarizing. Any student who is found plagiarizing will receive an automatic zero with absolutely NO make-up assignment. If you have ANY questions about how to cite a source, please come to me or go to any of the media center staff. We would be delighted to help you.
1. Be on time and on task when the bell rings—please see tardy information below.
2. Come to class prepared.
3. Come ready to learn.
4. Respect yourself, others, and the school (including my classroom and the equipment).
5. No cell phones or mp3 players will be allowed to be used in my classroom unless you are instructed to do so. If I see that one of these electronic devices is being used and you are off task, it will be confiscated.
Tardies: You are tardy if you are not in your seat when the final bell rings. Two tardies will result with a call home. The third tardy will result in a referral. For 6 tardies, there will be a referral for 1 day of ISS. Nine tardies will result in 1 day of OSS.
1. Warning
2. Writing Assignment of my choice
3. Individual meeting with me
4. Meeting with you, your counselor, and me (with a call home)
5. Formal Call home and Detention
6. Referral to office
Bathroom Policy
You will be given a pass with 10 opportunities to leave the class. If you use your bathroom passes before the semester is up you will not be permitted to go to the restroom during my class. You may not use the restroom while I am giving instruction. You MUST have your pass in order to go to the restroom. Only one person is allowed to go to the restroom at a time. If you lose your pass, it will not be replaced!
Tips for Students:
You will survive this class by stepping out and being counted. Stepping back is only useful if a car is about to hit you!
“Our deepest fear is not that we are inadequate. Our deepest fear is that we are powerful beyond measure. It is our light, not our darkness that frightens us most. We ask ourselves, ‘Who am I to be brilliant, gorgeous, talented, and famous?’ Actually, who are you not to be? Your playing small does not serve the world. There is nothing enlightened about shrinking so that people won’t feel insecure around you. We were all meant to shine like children do. It’s not just in some of us; it’s in all of us. And when we let our own light shine, we unconsciously give other people permission to do the same. As we are liberated from our own fear, our presence automatically liberates others.” – Marianne Williamson (adapted from Coach Carter)
Dear Parent(s)/Guardian,
I hope that we can work together to ensure that your student gains the most that she or he can throughout this academic year. Please feel free to contact me at any time with any concerns you may have about what it happening in our class or elsewhere around Lee County High School. THANK YOU for your time, support, and everything that you do for your child/children!
I ask that you and your daughter/son sign and return this sheet, so that we will all be aware of the responsibilities we are about to assume together.
Student X:______
Teacher X:______