Consultation for Higher Level Teaching QualificationsPortfolio
April 2011
The ISTD is developing a higher level portfolio of teaching qualifications to allow ISTD qualified teachers the widest possible opportunity to build on their initial teaching qualifications, gain recognition in the education sector and open more doors cross-sectorally.
The proposed qualifications included accredited teaching qualifications on the Qualifications and Credit Framework (QCF) at Level 6, a conversion route to BA honours and a Masters programme. It is hoped that these qualifications between them will provide:
- An accredited qualification for those who wish to continue their professional development
- An accredited qualification to recognise expertise for experienced practitioners
- A pathway to achievement for those who require qualifications to work in the further education or state school system
- An accredited qualification for ex-professional dancers with a personally tailored training programme
This document gives details of each of the three qualifications. Your feedback on the proposals will help shape the final qualifications and their delivery. It will also ensure we are able to focus on the aspects most important to you and ensure the final qualifications are fit for purpose.
Thank you for taking the time to consider the proposals.
How to respond
The closing date for the consultation is Thursday May 12th. Please ensure your feedback is received via the questionnaire by this date to guarantee it is taken into account.
Level 6 Diploma in Dance Teaching (Working title)
Key objectives
To provide experienced dance teachers and ex-professional dancers with a personally tailored training package and accredited qualification that builds on the requirements of the Level 4 qualification and assesses a more refined, sophisticated level of teaching with a key focus on the in-depth knowledge of the teaching of a specific genre.
It is hoped that the qualification will also provide opportunities for teachers to move from the private sector to work in the lifelong learning sector, and potentially, should the recommendations of the Wolf report[1] be fully supported by the Government, the state school system.
The proposed qualification is not compulsory. It is designed for those members who wish to progress in dance teaching with a focus on their relevant genre. The qualification will be equivalent in level to the final year of a degree and allow those who achieve it to apply for Licentiate status of the Society.
Qualification Design
The qualification is formed of seven units and follows the structure of the current level 3 and 4 accredited teaching qualifications. A breakdown of the units, their working titles, basic content and assessment methodologies are detailed on page 5 - Level 6 Qualification Unit Breakdown.
The proposed qualification is focussed on the teaching of a specific genre. Potential learners will be required to possess a highly developed level of technique in a specific genre as well as be an experienced teacher or, in the case of ex-professional dancers, have a high degree of experience in the profession. The qualification will allow experienced dance teachers and/or ex-professionals to use their existing knowledge and experience, to develop their pedagogic skills, to refine transferable skills and to allow for progression within employment both within and between sectors.
The balance is weighted heavily on teaching dance in a specific genre as opposed to generic teaching. This has been a result of feedback from members requesting a specific focus on teaching technique at a higher level.
Entry requirements
Applicants should have one of the following:
- The Level 4 qualification (Certificate in Dance Education(CDE) or Level 4 Diploma in Dance Education (DDE)) or Associate Diploma in the relevant genre (or another recognised dance teaching qualification of the same level or higher) and have experience of regular dance teaching over three years (approximately 1,800 hours). This is based on 20 hours per week over 30 weeks per year for three years.
- OR five years of regular employment as a professional dancer with a highly developed level of technique in the relevant genre. If the applicant does not already hold an Advanced 1 qualification on application, their technical ability and potential will be assessed as part of the application process.
Those applicants who do not meet the requirements of 1 or 2 above will have their applications assessed on an individual basis to ascertain their suitability for the qualification.
Programme Delivery
Due to the nature of ISTD members who are very often self-employed, have families or may be unable to commit the time or resources to studyfull-time, the programme will be as flexible as possible. This allows applicants to combine work and study to suit them. Some areas of the programme will be directly taught through tutorials, intensive courses, peer groups etc; however, many aspects will be accessible via distance learning.
The delivery of the programme will take place through the ISTD with specifically appointed and trained tutors, who may specialise in a specific genre where required. These tutors will be appointed with agreement of the relevant faculty. The delivery may also include specially designatedSatellite Centres. Options for training will be available through intensive training courses, refresher/training days and distance-learning study. All learners will also be assigned a personal mentor.
Proposed Level 6 progression routes
Version 2
Proposed Level 6 Qualification Unit Breakdown
Unit / Name and content of unitCOMPLETEONCE / 1 / Planning Techniques and Evaluation
Focus on lesson planning and self evaluative cycle for the lessons undertaken in Unit 2 below with a close link with Unit 7. The unit is genre specific due to the focus of Unit 2; however, once the candidate has completed this unit for one genre, they will not be required to complete it again for additional genres. The unit is internally assessed by the tutor with quality assurance verification by an External Verifier.
COMPLETE FOR EACH GENRE / 2 / Dance Teaching Practice in a Chosen Dance Genre
A minimum of 10 lessons and 10 hours teaching practice are required. The candidate undertakes teaching practice at a level they choose between Grade 5 and Advanced 2 inclusive or Dancesport equivalent. This includes Intermediate Foundation where it exists. The focus is on in-depth teaching at the correct level rather than a strong emphasis on set syllabus work. For Theatre genres the minimum class size is generally three with a minimum of four for National Dance. For Dancesport the minimum class size is one. The unit is internally assessed by the tutor with quality assurance verification by an External Verifier.
3 / Level 4 Certificate in Vocational Graded Examination in Dance: Advanced 1
This unit must be achieved prior to taking Unit 4 Dance Practice and Choreography in a Chosen Dance Genre. The unit would be assessed by an external examiner as currently for the Advanced 1. For Dancesport this unit would be altered to be an assessment of dance ability at a similar level.
4 / Dance Practice and Choreography in a Chosen Dance Genre
This includes syllabus knowledge of the genre up to and including Advanced 1 along with vocabulary knowledge up to and including Advanced 2 or Dancesport equivalent. The unit is a similar format to DDE Unit 4 Dance Practice and the Relationship between Music and Dance in a Chosen Dance Genre with a development from Level 4 of the choreographic aspects including group work. The unit will be assessed by two external examiners.
COMPLETE ONCE / 5 / Promotion of Health and Safety in Dance
This unit was formerly CDE Unit 4. The unit will be assessed externally. Those holding the CDE Unit 4 will be exempt from this unit.
6 / Lifespan Development and Learning in Dance
This unit was formerly CDE Unit 5. The unit will be assessed externally. Those holding the CDE Unit 5 will be exempt from this unit.
7 / Professional Reflective Practice
This unit is a focussed reflection of the learner’s personal and professional growth throughout the programme of study including continuing personal and professional development and widening professional practice..
Version 2
BA Honours in Professional Practice – DanceEducation (TBC)
Key objectives
Progressing from the Level 4 qualification (DDE or CDE), this qualification aims to provide dance teachers with the opportunityto develop their own practice, their professional careerand achieve a BA Honours qualification.
For members who hold the level 4 and wish to achieve Qualified Teacher Status (QTS) to work in state schools as a fully recognised teacher, this qualification will provide the swiftest route to progress on to a Post Graduate Certificate in Education (PGCE) programme or Graduate Teacher Programme (GTP).
Entry requirements
Applicants should hold either the CDE or DDE. For those applicants who do not hold either qualification, but who have substantial prior experiential learning (five or more years dance teaching practice), an experience practitioner route is available. This involves a module where applicants are required to evidence their prior experiential learning in view of gaining academic credit for this through assessment.
Qualification Design and Delivery
Due to the nature of ISTD members who are very often self-employed, have families or may be unable to commit the time or resources to studyfull-time, the programme will follow a work-based learning methodology. This allows applicants to combine work and study to suit them. Applicants are expected to work independently with the help of detailed module learning guides, online tutorial support and peer help.
While some module options would be directly taught, many aspects of the qualification would be accessible via distance learning and the university makes significant use of social networking software for tutoring, mentoring and peer support.
At this stage, the full menu of ISTD-run Continuing Professional Development (CPD)courses has not been fully agreed. However options are likely to include the history of dance, the promotion of health and safety in dance, lifespan development and learning in dance, intensive summer schools expanding on technical dance knowledge for dance teachers as well as the opportunities for teachers to develop their own technical knowledge within their genre or to expand their knowledge in another genre.
Within the programme delivered by the university, there are three separate modules of varying credit value: programme planning, research methods and a work-based project.
As seen on the table overleaf the conversion programme will be divided into two parts:
- Achievement of 240 credits at levels 4 and 5 (first and second year degree level) delivered by the ISTD through CPD courses, the recognition of current ISTD accredited qualifications by Higher Education (HE) and the accreditation of prior experiential learning (APEL)
- Achievement of 120 credits at level 6 (final year degree level) delivered by the university as part-time work-based learning modules over a period of 15 months.
Proposed BA (Hons) Conversion Programme
Proposed BA (Hons) progression route
MA in Professional Practice: Dance Technique Pedagogy
Key objectives
This qualification is aimed at experienced dance teaching practitioners who wish to develop their dance teaching practice within the area of dance technique pedagogy. It is designed to allow applicants who wish to engage with Masters level study to reflect on and extend their existing knowledge base, to focus on their own development as a practicing educator through critical reflection, and to advance theirown pedagogic practice.
Entry requirements
Before entry to the programme the applicant should have either the Level 6 qualification, the ISTD Licentiate or ISTD Fellowship, and be an experienced dance teacher of at least five years.
Qualification Design and Delivery
As with the BA (Hons) conversion route, this programme will also follow a work-based learning methodology allowing applicants to combine work and study in a manner that suits them. Applicants are expected to work independently with the help of detailed module learning guides, online tutorial support and peer help. There are no traditional taught elements requiring attendance at the university; however, some of the ISTD-run CPD courses may require attendance in person.
At this stage, the full menu of ISTD-run CPD courses has not been fully agreed but is likely to include genre specific advanced dance pedagogy alongside modules to support professional development at postgraduate level. The programme delivered by the university will involve the following:
- Achievement of 30 credits through the Research Methods and Project Planning module, which will look at appropriate dedicated research strategies;
- Achievement of 60 credits through the Major Project module, which will allow the applicant to tackle a particular project in the field of dance education from a work-based or subject perspective, or both.
As with the BA (Hons) the programme will be divided into two sections:
- Achievement of 90 credits at level 7 (postgraduate level) delivered by the ISTD throughCPD courses and/or the accreditation of prior experiential learning (APEL);
- Achievement of 90 credits at level 7 (postgraduate level) delivered by the university as work-based learning modules over a period of 12 months.
Proposed MA progression route
Glossary of Terms
ADC / Approved Dance Centres – institution which is approved to offer the Level 3 and 4 teaching qualifications.APEL / The formal acknowledgement, through assessment, of learning acquired from previous experience
CDE / Certificate in Dance Education (level 4)
DDE / Level 4 Diploma in Dance Education
GTP / The Graduate Teacher Programme is a teacher training programme designed for graduates that allows individuals to attain their QTS while training and working in a paid teaching role.
PGCE / The Postgraduate Certificate in Education is the qualification designed for individuals with degrees who want to embark on their initial teacher training and attain their QTS.
QCF / The Qualifications and Credit Framework is the unified national qualifications system for England, Wales and Northern Ireland. Only qualifications on this framework will be recognised on the European Qualifications Framework.
QTS / Qualified Teacher Status is the accreditation that enables the holder to be paid as a fully qualified teacher in state-maintained and special schools in England and Wales.
Satellite Centre / Establishment approved to offer specific units of the Level 6 qualification. These could be current ADCs but do not need to be.
Work-based learning / Work-based learning islearning that provides a flexible learning experience that is delivered through work, in work, for work. It provides individuals with an alternative to conventional study and allows them to design their programme based on their interests and needs.
Equivalence of Levels on the qualifications framework
Level 3 / Equivalent to A Level standardLevel 4 / Equivalent to the first year of a degree or a Certificate of Higher Education
Level 5 / Equivalent to the second year of a degree, a Diploma of Higher Education, a Foundation Degree or a Higher National Diploma
Level 6 / Equivalent to a Bachelor’s degree with or without Honours
Level 7 / Equivalent to a Master’s degree or to a PGCE
Level 8 / Equivalent to a Doctoral degree
Version 2
[1]Further details of the Wolf report may be found here: