Chris Bourg, Ph.D.
Chris Bourg, Ph.D.
420 James Road #18, Palo Alto, CA94306
| (650) 619-7826
Professional Employment:
Head, InformationCenter
Stanford University Libraries, 2006-present
Responsible for managing major public services at Stanford’s main library: reference, instruction, interlibrary services, media and microtext center, user services technology, newspaper and current periodicals collection, and the Stanford University Libraries’ web environment. Responsible for a staff of 20 FTE, approximately 50 student employees, and a budget of over $1.7 million. The position entails substantial intellectual engagement with faculty and students, and a special focus on understanding and responding to the research and learning needs of undergraduates. Exercises editorial oversight of entire library web presence, and manages interactive InformationCenter website and blog. Coordinates annual Library Open House, student orientation activities, and other major outreach efforts.
Associate Director for Communications, Associate Publisher
StanfordUniversity Libraries, 2004-2006
Responsible for management of the Stanford University Libraries’ web environment, and for print and electronic publications of the Stanford University Libraries. Responsible for ensuring that the Libraries’ online resources met the diverse needs of Stanford students and faculty. Made recommendations to senior library staff regarding major developments related to web and print publishing efforts. Developed and managed a patron assessment program.
Curator for the Social and Behavioral Sciences
StanfordUniversity Libraries, 2002-2004
Responsible for collection development for Sociology, Psychology, Communication and Journalism. Collaborated with faculty and students in those departments in support of their research and teaching efforts. Provided advanced reference for subject areas and for research design and methodology in all the social sciences. Served as Public Services Manager for the SocialScienceResourceCenter. Special projects included Stanford University Libraries web site redesign project, and university-wide library survey project.
Lead Consultant, Statistical Software Support
Social Sciences Research Group, StanfordUniversity Libraries, 1998-2002
Played key role in planning the overall program direction and in developing and coordinating outreach efforts. Developed and implemented HonorsCollege workshop series, as well as other by-request workshops. Provided consultation to faculty, graduate students, and undergraduate students in the use of statistical software and contributed to the development and maintenance of training documents. Interviewed and trained new consultants.
Assistant Professor, Department of Behavioral Sciences and Leadership
United StatesMilitaryAcademy, West Point, NY, 1994-1997
Designed and taught courses in Leadership, Introductory Sociology, Social Inequality, The Family, and Military Sociology. Served as advisor on 3 senior Honors Theses. Served on the United StatesMilitaryAcademy Human Resources Council. Developed and led Leadership Orange program, a training program for public and private sector leaders in Orange County, NY.
Company Commander, 69th Signal Battalion, United States Army
Augsburg, Germany, 1990-1991
Commanded a Headquarters Company of over 50 soldiers and 20 civilians. Company provided administrative, logistic, and training support to 4 communications companies located throughout southern Germany. During Operation Desert Storm, assumed Rear Detachment Command responsibilities for an Explosive Ordnance Detachment deployed to Iraq.
Battalion Staff Officer, 69th Signal Battalion, United States Army
Augsburg, Germany, 1988-1990
Served as senior logistics and maintenance officer for Signal Battalion; established policy and provided support and training for 4 communications companies throughout southern Germany.
Professional Service:
Customer Service Group
Stanford University Libraries and Academic Information Resources, 2007-present
Invited to participate with University Librarian and library directors in process of strategic planning for library customer service directions and initiatives.
Aquifer Services Working Group
Digital Library Federation, 2006-present
Working with colleagues from several participating institutions to design and conduct assessment of American Social History Online, a collaborative digital history collection. Provided advice and direction on user functionality and services.
Digital X Group
StanfordUniversity Libraries and Academic Information Resources, 2004
As part of a select group of managers, proposed new organizational structures and functions to provide effective digital library services and strategies. Presented proposal to University Librarian.
StanfordUniversity Academic Council, Committee on Libraries, 2004-2005
Working with University Librarian and Committee Chair, created and distributed agendas and supporting documents. Recorded, transcribed and distributed meeting minutes, and assisted in preparation of presentations to Academic Council.
Selected Publications:
Book chapters
Segal, Mady Wechsler and Chris Bourg. 2005. Professional Leadership and Diversity in the Army. In The Future of the Army Profession, 2nd Edition, edited by Don Snider and Lloyd J. Matthews. New York: McGraw-Hill.
Ridgeway, Cecilia L. and Chris Bourg. 2004. Gender as Status: An Expectation States Approach. In Psychology of Gender, 2nd Edition, edited by Alice Eagly, Anne Beall, and Robert Sternberg. New York: Guilford.
Bourg, Chris. 2003. Trends in Intentions to Enlist and Attend College. In Recruiting College-Bound Youth into the Military: Current Practices and Future Policy Options, RAND MR-1093, edited by M. Rebecca Kilburn and Beth J Asch.
Segal, Mady Wechsler and Chris Bourg. 2002. Professional Leadership and Diversity in the Army. In The Future of the Army Profession, edited by Don Snider and Gayle L. Watkins. New York: McGraw-Hill.
Bourg, Chris, and Mady Wechsler Segal. 2001. Gender, Sexuality and the Military. In Gender Mosaics: Social Perspectives, edited by Dana Vannoy. Los Angeles: Roxbury Press.
Bourg, Chris. 2009. Outreach. StanfordUniversity Libraries and Academic Information Resources 2007-2008 Report: Discovery and Outreach.
Bourg, Chris. 2008. Lifelong Information Literacy: The Information Center’s Gift to Undergraduates. Imprint Magazine, Volume 26, Number 1, Winter.
Bourg, Chris. 2005. Stanford “Groks” the RLG Union Catalog. RLG Focus, Issue 75, August.
Bourg, Chris, and Mady Wechsler Segal. 1999. The Impact of Family Supportive Policies and Practices on Organizational Commitment to the Army. Armed Forces & Society, 25, 4:633-652.
Book reviews
Bourg, Chris. 2004.Don't Ask, Don't Tell: Debating the Gay Ban in the Military. Contemporary Sociology: A Journal of Reviews, 33, 4:429-430.
Bourg, Chris. 2003. Married to the Military: The Employment and Earnings of Military Wives Compared with Those of Civilian Wives. Armed Forces & Society, 30, 1:170-172.
Bourg, Chris. 1999. Camouflage Isn't Only for Combat: Gender, Sexuality, and Women in the Military.Gender and Society, 13, 5: 686-687.
Selected Presentations:
Bourg, Chris. 2008. Using a “sociological imagination” to study library patrons. Invited talk at University of Notre Dame Libraries.
Bourg, Chris. 2005. Stanford “Groks”: Using Grokker at Stanford. Presentations at Coalition of Networked Information (CNI) Spring Task Force Meeting; and at the American Library Association Mid-Winter meeting.
Bourg, Chris and Ron Nakao. 2004. Responding to Digital Data Needs: The DEWI System. Presentations at the IASSIST Annual Conference; and at the Digital Library Federation Forum.
Bourg, Chris. 2002. Gender Mistakes and Inequality. Paper presented at the American Sociological Association annual meeting, Chicago, IL.
Bourg, Chris. 2001. Recognizing the Impact of Armed Forces on Systems of Inequality. Paper presented at the American Sociological Association annual meeting, Anaheim, CA.
Bourg, Chris. 2001. Bowling with Veterans: The Impact of Military Service on Subsequent Civic Engagement. Paper presented at the American Sociological Association annual meeting, Anaheim, CA.
Segal, Mady Wechsler and Chris Bourg. 2001. Professional Leadership and Diversity in the Army. Paper presented at the United States Military Academy Senior Conference XXXVIII, "The Future of the Army Profession", West Point, NY.
Bourg, Chris. 2000. Do Mistakes Matter? Examining the Impact of Status Mistakes on Interaction. Paper presented at the American Sociological Association annual meeting, Washington, D.C.
Correll, Shelley J. and Chris Bourg. 1999. Trends in Gender Role Attitudes, 1976-1997: The Continued Myth of Separate Worlds. Paper presented at the American Sociological Association annual meeting, Chicago, IL.
M.A.Sociology1994University of Maryland, College Park
Available upon request