Before handing the meeting over to Stuart Baxter, Irene distributed copies of the Annual Chair’s Report for 2017 and copies of the Local Priorities Scheme budget sheet for 2017/18.
She gave new members and observers an insight into some of the events organised throughout the year by MICC.
She also issued copies of the current Balance Sheet then gave an overview of the Treasurer’s Report for the year ending 31 March 2017.
Stuart Baxter, Area Manager - Musselburgh took over as chair of the meeting for the remainder of the AGM.
Stuart took the opportunity to thank the Community Councillors for all their hard work throughout the past year.
1. Election of new Office Bearers
Nominations were invited for the position of Chair:
Irene Tait was nominated by C McAlpine seconded by R Bush
Stuart confirmed that Irene Tait was duly re-appointed as Chair.
Nominations were invited for the position of Vice Chair:
E Ramsden indicated that she did not wish to continue as vice chair. S Baxter thanked her for her hard work throughout the past year and wished her well.
Stuart then asked for nominations for this position. Bernard Harkins was nominated by Irene Tait and seconded by Ruby Bush.
Stuart confirmed that Bernard Harkins was duly appointed as Vice Chair.
Nominations were invited for the position of Secretary:
Margaret Stewart was nominated by C McAlpine seconded by B Harkins
Stuart confirmed that Margaret Stewart was duly re-appointed as Secretary.
Nominations were invited for the position of Treasurer:
In her absence Irene Tait indicated that Cathie McArthur was happy to stand again as Treasurer unless anyone else wished to do so. There were no other nominations therefore C McArthur was nominated by E Ramsden and seconded by M Stewart.
Stuart confirmed that Cathie McArthur was duly re-appointed as Treasurer.
The elected Chair took her position and after thanking Stuart Baxter for chairing the first part
of the meeting she invited him to stay for the full meeting. She then proceeded with the full
Present: I Tait (Chair), M Stewart (Secretary), E Ramsden, C McAlpine, R Currie, L Adams,
B Harkins (Vice Chair), B Tindall, D Stewart, J Reid, R Bush.
1. In Attendance: A Campbell (Musselburgh Courier), Cllr. S Currie, S Baxter, Area Manager
(Musselburgh), Cllr. A Forrest, Louise Dickson, Christine Schaeffer
2. Apologies for Absence: Cllr. J Williamson, Cllr. K Mackie, C McArthur (Treasurer), H Kilday,
PC D Smith
3. Minutes of the meeting held on Tuesday 26 September 2017. These were approved as a true record, proposed by R Currie and seconded by E Ramsden.
4. Matters Arising from the Minutes
a) Tesco Art’s Fund Monies
No further update.
b) Bollards in Pinkie Road
Cllr. Forrest told the meeting that the cycle path had been widened. With the installation of traffic lights the damaged bollards will be replaced.
c) Musselburgh Fire Station
David Ward, Liaison Officer, Fire Brigade gave an informative talk at the last committee meeting to CC members.
d) Clock above the High Church
CC members have been invited to visit the old High Church building which is now occupied by Astrosat on Wednesday 13th December. Thanks to R Currie for organising.
e) Bench missing from the Town Hall area
The Chair had contacted Mark McGrath after Ruth’s enquiry relating to the missing bench at the Town Hall, he informed her that the bench was broken and would not be replaced.
g) Lack of consultation relating to major events
Following on from an item raised at the last meeting, a discussion took place relating to the lack of community input in the planning sporting events which affect the town throughout the year and which it would appear there are more and more of these events happening with the Edinburgh Marathon, Ironman, half marathon and the recent Tour of Britain cycle race. It was felt that there should be a 2-stage process with consultation with the community before events are given approval.
5. Police Report
During the period since the last police report (26/09/2017) there have been 499 calls made to the police from the Musselburgh area. 110 crimes have been recorded of which 38 have been solved
Substance Misuse
Ø There has been 10 calls relating to drug misuse on the area. This has resulted in 6 people being reported for possession of controlled drugs.
Ø Numerous pieces of information received from members of the public regarding drug misuse in the ward area. (any info on drugs to be passed to Police or Crimestoppers on 0800555111
Antisocial behaviour/Vandalism
Ø 40 Public nuisance calls resulting in a number ASBO tickets being issued. 8 calls were youth related congregating at Brunton Hall and Loretto Playing fields. There were several calls to Pinkie St Peters youths on the roof and the astro turf.
Ø 15 noise complaints and 6 Neighbour disputes
Ø 11 reported vandalisms in the ward area.
Ø High visibility patrols carried out in Musselburgh Town Centre and surrounding areas at the weekends, particular attention given to the public houses to prevent any disorder
Ø There have been 10 assaults reported 5 have been solved.
Speeding/Road Traffic
Ø 8 reported for 9 different traffic offences including 4 vehicles seized under Section 165 RTA no insurance. Various parking issues are being reported outside schools traffic wardens being asked to give them attention.
Acquisitive Crime
Ø 12 reports of shoplifting – 8 of which have been solved
Ø 5 reports of sheds being broken into
Ø 3 business house breakings all solved
Ø 1 car stolen with true key
Ø 1 motor bike stolen.
Ø 6 Thefts of fuel
Ø 17 minor thefts.
6. Chair’s Business
1. Constitution
The Chair circulated copies of the Constitution and after discussion this was adopted with no amendments necessary.
2. Christmas Market -
The Chair gave un update on the Christmas Market which is on Sunday 3rd December from 11.00 – 3.30pm. We have 18+ confirmed stalls to date. East Coast Radio will be playing live from the event as well as carol singers from staff and pupils from Musselburgh Grammar School. This will be followed by the Torchlight Parade leaving the Town Hall at 6pm leading to the Carol Service and the switching on of the Christmas lights.
3. Remembrance Service
The Chair asked for names of CC members who would be attending the service of Remembrance at Inveresk Church on Sunday 12th November.
7. Planning
1. Planning applications downloaded from ELC website for w/c 2 September and 9 September were circulated for info.
8. Correspondence
a) Community Fire & Rescue Plan for East Lothian
A link to the Community Fire & Rescue Plan for East Lothian was circulated and there is an opportunity to give feedback before the closing in mid December.
b) East Lothian Community Hospital Engagement Event 2nd November 2017 at 7 p.m. in the Hospital Construction Offices on Hospital Road
An invite for a joint event being held by Haddington & Lammermuir Partnership and the East Lothian Community Hospital Project Team Flyer was circulated for information.
c) Agenda for the meeting of East Lothian Licensing Board 26 October 10.00 am Council Chamber, Town House, Haddington – circulated
d) Agenda for the Meeting of the East Lothian Integration Joint Board 26 October 2pm Council Chamber, Town House, Haddington – circulated
e) Poppies – Dates and times for those helping with Poppy Appeal were noted. The dates are Saturday 4th and 11th November. Meet at Brunton at 10am.
9. Any Other Competent Business
1. C McAlpine voiced her concerns over cars parking irresponsibly in Inveresk Road. Cllr. Currie offered to bring this to the attention of Transportation Department.
2. Cllr. Currie then raised the issue of safety around the area at the War Memorial where buses frequently mount the pavement in order to get round the corner where queuing traffic is waiting to go up Dalrymple Loan. He has asked Transportation Department to look at this area with a view to putting something in place around this area.
10. Date of next Meeting:
The next FULL meeting will be on Tuesday 14th November
Meetings start at 7.30pm prompt