Technology Review and Budget Transmittal

This transmittal with all required information shall be completed and submitted with the Technology and applicable Electrical Drawings and Specifications before a design review will be completed. Provide a separate transmittal per building.

District /

Transmittal Date

Project Name / S.F. / Design Based on OSDM Year
Project CM /

Ref. Job #:

Technology Design Firm / Technology Designer
Technology Review Firm / Technology Reviewer

Submittal Complies With: OSFC D/D Submission Req. OSFC C/D Submission Req.

It is the Technology Designer’s responsibility to adhere to the OSFC policy that “The Bidding Documents must allow for unrestricted competition among interested suppliers and manufacturers to the extent that it is feasible.”

Technology Systems Review and Construction Budget Checklist

Indicate which technology systems are included for review with this submission and budgeted cost per S.F. or lump sum of each system. * Indicate reason if system(s) are not included in Project, on cost line.

Included / Not Included* / Technology System / DIV. 26 / DIV. 27 / 28
$/SF / Total / $/SF / Total
Technology Electrical Work
(Boxes, Raceway, Grounding & Power)
Technology Cabling
LAN Network Electronics
Wireless Network Electronics
IP-Enabled PABX System (Option)
Broadband Video RF Dist. Systems
Video Display Equipment
Interactive A/V Equipment
Digital On Demand Inst. Del.
Classroom A/V Systems
Central Sound & Paging Systems
Gymnasium Audio Systems
Auditeria Audio Systems
Music Room(s) Audio Systems
Classroom Sound Reinf. Systems
Wireless Clock System
CCTV – Legacy DVR-Based System
CCTV – New IP-Based System (Option)
Access and Intrusion System
Technology Construction Totals
Optional Systems – Not Baseline
TV Studio
Interactive A/V Equipment (over baseline)
CAT – 6 Upgrade
High School Auditorium
Enhanced Security Package
AV Control Systems
Other: (Provide Explanation)
Variance List

Project Variance

A variance is required as outlined in the OSDM. Project designs WILL NOT be approved if completed and approved variance request documentation is not included with phase submission.

Identify if any technology variances have been previously submitted and approved by OSFC. Attach approval documentation.

N/A – No Variances Required

  • Variance 1 – Description
/ OSFC Approval Date
  • Variance 2 – Description
/ OSFC Approval Date
  • Variance 3 – Description
/ OSFC Approval Date
Project Contact / Distribution List

Project Contacts

Position / Name / Email
OFCC Planner
OFCC Project Administrator
OFCC Technology Reviewer
Project Architect
Technology Designer

ATTACHMENT: OSFC Policy and Procedure Memorandum (Standards for Specifications) dated Dec. 2007, total of 2 pages.

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