/ Missouri 4-H
University of Missouri
4-H Center for Youth Development
4-H Shooting Sports Project Record
Name / Age
Address / City / State / Zip
Phone / Email
County / 4-H Club
Shooting Sports Enrollment
Project Number & Name / Leader’s Name / Years in Project / Number of Meetings Held / Number Attended

Suggested Project Requirements

  1. Meet 4-H Shooting Sports Safety requirements.
  2. Attend project meetings – minimum of 10 hours.
  3. Attend county-sponsored Shooting Sports project training/events.
  4. Keep a list of firearm and/or archery equipment you have acquired.
  5. Keep a record of the number of rounds/arrows you have fired.
  6. Keep a record of all expenses involved in the project.

Project Goals

(What would you like to do, learn, and accomplish in shooting sports this year? List at least three project goals.)

Learning Activities

Designate level of participation with the appropriate letter: local or club (L), county (C), regional (R), state (S).
Title of presentations, talks, demonstrations / Tours, workshops, contests attended / Exhibits

Equipment Inventory

Beginning inventory (equipment on hand at the beginning date) Date: ______



Cost or Value

Total Value (a)(add cost or value column)


Date / Supplies(s) or equipment (e) purchased or fees (f) / Designate
s, e, or f / Cost
Total Costs (b) (add cost column)

Inventory Value

1. Cost or value of equipment acquired during the year (sum of e above)
2. Add value of beginning inventory (a) / +
3. Ending Inventory Value (add line 1 and line 2)

Evaluation(How well did I do?)

Did you achieve your goals? When? How?

What was your biggest accomplishment?

What was your biggest disappointment?

Shooting Log

Date / Location / A / S / ml / 22 / BB/P / AP / Explanation / Total # of Rounds Fired

Shooting Sports Story

In the space below, write a narrative about your 4-H shooting sports project this year. Attach an additional piece of paper for your story, if needed.

  • Share the knowledge you gained, skills you learned, and attitudes you developed this year.
  • What did you enjoy most about the project this year?
  • Tell about any fun or unexpected experiences in which you participated as a result of joining this project.
  • Tell about improvements in your scores, skills learned, and knowledge gained
  • Tell how you have used the information and training you learned this year. (for example: hunting, competition, safety, etc.)
  • Tell ways you have shared your knowledge of Shooting Sports with others (such as one on one, group training, leadership you provided related to Shooting Sports, etc)

/ ■ Issued in furtherance of Cooperative Extension Work Acts of May 8 and June 30, 1914, in cooperation with the United States Department of Agriculture. Michael D. Ouart, Director, Cooperative Extension, University of Missouri, Columbia, MO65211. ■ University of Missouri Extension does not discriminate on the basis of race, color, national origin, sex, religion, age, disability, political beliefs, sexual orientation, or marital or family status in employment or in any program or activity. ■ If you have special needs as addressed by the Americans with Disabilities Act and need this publication in an alternative format, write: ADA Officer, Extension and Agricultural Information, 1-98 AgricultureBuilding, Columbia, MO65211, or call (573) 882-7216. Reasonable efforts will be made to accommodate your special needs.
Y7405 / Revised 8/06
