Magic Happens Rabbit Rescue
Baton Rouge, LA


MHRR believes strongly in education and discussion rather than discrimination. Certain household pets or lifestyles do not automatically rule out a home for adoption. Please be honest and detailed when answering this questionnaire. This helps us determine which pets would be most ideal for your home and to make sure both you and your pet are happy for a lifetime. *Required

Full Name* ______Email* ______

Phone number* (______) ______Address* ______

Which is the preferred method Address ______

for us to contact you? City State, Zip

___ Email ___Call ___Text Message

Which specific pet(s) are you looking to adopt?*


Which traits (physical characteristics such as size or breed) or personality type (calm, good with dogs) are most important to you?*


Who is the pet being adopted for?*

__ Myself __ My family __ My child(ren) __A friend to my current pet

Who will be the primary caretaker?* ______

Are you at least 18 years of age?* __ Yes __ No

Do you own your own home?* __ Yes __ No, renting __ No, live with family/friends who own

Does everyone who lives in the household agree to getting this pet?* ___ Yes ___ No

Have you owned this type of pet before?* __ Yes __ No __ No, but I’ve helped care for one

If yes, please describe the type of care provided, how long you owned the pet, and do you still have the pet?*


What type of housing will you provide for the pet? Please describe the habitat’s materials & dimensions.*



Where will the pet primarily kept?* ______

Where will the pet get his/her exercise time?* ______

How often will the pet be allowed to exercise outside of his/her habitat?* ______


What are your plans for the pet during vacations?* ______


Which veterinarian will the pet see for annual checkups and illness/injury?* ______


What will happen to the pet if members of the family lose interest or you move to a place that does not accept pets?* ______

Are there other pets in the home? If so, please list them.* ______

If there are other pets, will they have access to the pet? If so, in what capacity? ______



If you are adopting this pet to be friends with another similar pet, please answer the following questions. If this will be a single pet, no further answers are needed.

Is the other pet male or female and is he/she fixed?

___ Male, neutered ___ Female, spayed ___ Male, not neutered ___ Female, not spayed

If your pet is not fixed are you planning on getting it done? ___ Yes ___ No ___ Not sure

Do you have a temporary cage or setup for the new pet until they have sufficient time to meet and bond?

___ Yes ___ No ___ Looking to borrow temporarily


Is there a specific adoption event or date that you are looking to meet us at?


How did you hear about MHRR?

___ An adoption website (,, etc.)

___ Social Media (Facebook, Instagram, etc.)

___ Internet Search

___ Referred by a friend

___ Referred by another rescue

___ Referred by a pet store

___ Saw MHRR at an event or presentation

___ Adopted previously

___ Other: ______

Any additional information you would like to add or questions for us? ______


The above answers are as true to my knowledge as possible.

______Date ______



Print Name

Adoption fees are non-refundable donations. If you have any questions or concerns regarding the health or behavior of your adopted pet, please contact MHRR immediately.