Hungerford News Sheet.
Issue 241. The weekly Newsletter for Hungerford School and Children’s Centre.22ndSeptember 2014.
Conkers: Our conker competition starts this week (22nd). Parents are encouraged to string a few conkers in readiness. We hope to have a few to give away but the children will need to collect their own. A good sporting attitude will be observed with the children keeping to the rules. The play area will be on the play circle area during break times.
Work on the Goodinge Site:The main playground work is now complete. However, the garden area in the Nursery Playground needs urgent attention because the new playground looks so good! It is hoped that a parents working party can be held soon to tidy the space at the very least as there are no more funds available this financial year.
Harvest Festival:Advance notice: Our annual Harvest Festival Assembly will be on Friday 3rdOctober. As usual we will collect food (tins please) which will be displayed in the hall and then taken by Year 6 children to the Drovers Centre.
Parent Gardeners: Would you like to help with our growing areas? If you are interested please leave your name with the office and we will contact you. Green fingers are not essential!
Secondary Transfer: Year 6 Children will, in the next few weeks, be deciding which secondary school to select. Please note the system has changed this year. Applications can only be completed on line and information about the school choices is only available on line. We have asked for parent workshops to complete the forms and to help you make a decision. These will take place on 9th(to explain how to make a choice) and 10th October (to fill in the forms and if necessary to create an email account) both will be at 3.45pm.
If you wish to send your child to Camden School for Girls you must attend their open day. (Dates on line).
Parents are advised to visit the secondary schools before making their choices. Please let the office know which schools you have chosen. Parents who would like further advice are welcome to speak with the Head Teacher.
100% Attendance Awards: Congratulations to Rayane NacerAnila Harrop who were the proud recipients of bicycles in our end of term draw for 100% attendance with no lates during the school year. There were a high number of children who achieved the goal of 100%. Well done!
Breakfast Club: Want to give your child a good start to their school day? Then why not send them to Breakfast Club. It is open to all children in the school and is there to help all parents. Your child will enjoy a healthy breakfast, play games, improve their cup-stacking skills and talk to their friends. It costs just £2 per day. If you want to know more please see Traci B or Valerie.
Parents Contact Numbers: If you change your home contact number please make sure you inform the office. In an emergency we need to speak with an adult!
Morrison’s Garden Vouchers: We are collecting the garden vouchers from Morrison’s. Please remember to ask for them.
Daffodils: Please look out for the daffodil competition letter, which will go out later in the week as the daffodil bulbs have arrived. The event has been a great success for the last few years so we have decided to run it again. We hope that a significant number of children will take part. Please return the reply slip to make sure you receive your bulb for planting in October.
Friday assemblies: Year groups will be showing their work every Fridayin our sharing Assembly 10.20–10.40am
Parents are very welcome to attend.
Sept.26th Years 5 & 6 Oct. 3rdHarvest Festival
Diary Dates:
23rd & 26th Sept Year 6 to The Islington Museum.
3rd Oct. Harvest Assembly
13th Oct School Photographer individual photos
Week of 13th Y6 Cycle training.
Wed 22nd & Thurs 23rd Parents Evening
27th – 31st Oct- Half Term.
Friday 7thNov Community Family Fireworks.