Fall 2014 – Meeting #3
Quorum: 6Voting Members / Wednesday, September 17, 2014
4:00 PM | CSRC
Dean DuJuan Smith – Advisor
Jacob Schulz – President
Brandon Gaskew– Vice President
Brian Waddell – Speaker of the Assembly
Gabriela Bedolla- Treasurer
Danielle Leibowitz – Student Member of the Board of Trustees / Assembly:
Joseph Washington
David Zheng
Mercedez Jones
Diana Abdelfattah
Joe Anderson / Christen Lee
Mateo Uribe
Jackie Sanchez
Taha Husain / Associate:
Matt Pasko
- Call to Order – Attendance Speaker Waddell
- Reading and Approval of the Minutes: Assembly
- Reading and Approval of the Agenda: Assembly
- Guest Speaker(s): Officer Canizales – Subcommittee CAST
- Reports
- Executive Staff
- Advisor
- Student Member of the Board of Trustees
- President
- Vice President
- Speaker of the Assembly
- Treasurer
- Assembly
- Sustainability and Infrastructure Committee
- Interpersonal Relations Committee
- University Relations Committee
- Communications and Recruitment Committee
Danielle Leibowitz
Jacob Schulz
Brandon Gaskew
Brian Waddell
Gabriela Bedolla
Joseph Washington
Mercedez Jones
Sun Choi /
- Resolution Proposals
- Resolution 2014-3F-405
- Resolution 2014-F3-805
- Resolution 2014-F3-804
- New Business
- None
- Items for Discussion
- None
- Voting in New Members
- Public Forum and Announcements
- Adjournment
Meeting Minutes #2
- Call to order
[Facilitator Name]called to order the regular meeting of the Undergraduate Student Government at 4:00 PM on September 10, 2014.
- Roll call
[Secretary Name]conducted a roll call. The following persons were present: Dean DuJuan Smith, Jacob Schulz, Brian Waddell, PriyaUppuluri, Joseph Washington, Sun Choi, Joe Anderson, Diana Abdelfattah, Christen Lee, Flordalia Rodríguez-García, and Mateo Uribe.
- Approval of minutes from last meeting
[Secretary Name]read the minutes from the last meeting. Motion to change the heading from “Summer Meeting #3 August, 14th” to “Fall Meeting #1 September 3rd”.The minutes were approved.
- Approval of agenda
Motion to add to the Agenda Resolution 2014-1F-802 under New Business.Approved. Motion to amend the Agenda to correct the name “Mateo U” to “Mateo Uribe”, change “Fall 2014- Meeting #1” to “Fall 2014- Meeting #2”, and the date from “September 3,2014” to “September 10, 2014”.The Agenda was approved.
- Guest speaker(s): None.
- Reports
A) Executive Staff
Advisor: Dean DuJuan Smith- Doesn’t have a report, but will like to take the moment to correct the use of “I motion”, the proper use in Robert’s Rules of Order is “I move to”.
President: Jacob Schulz- Met with the president of Student Activities Board and wants to know if USG should host another “Recess” in the spring semester. Also had a meeting with the president of Student Alumni Ambassadors with Mercedez (details in her report). Attended his monthly SLM, an item of discussion was CTA reroutes and commuter students finding it problematic. Switching from Dropbox to U of I Box system.
*Special Report: PolatipSubanajouy renounces from the assembly and wishes USG best wishes*
Vice President: Brandon Gaskew- Not present. Read by Jacob. Met with Flordalia and Christen to discuss office policies. Wants a clean and maintained office environment; will be giving violations/warnings to members. Looking forward for the ASGA conference, IRC director, Joseph cannot attend and decided to invite Flordalia. Upcoming Pop-up pantry project. Finally will be absent for several days for LSAT reasons and only wants to be emailed if it’s really important. Furniture will be removed next week, no office hours because of renovations.
Speaker of Assembly: Brian Wadell- Thrilled to be speaker this year! Wants members to start deciding which committees will they like to be part of as well wants directors to begin choosing office hours.
Treasurer: Gabriela Bedolla- Has done refund request, met with student organizations to request funding information. Will leave meeting early.
B) Assembly
Sustainability and Infrastructure Committee: PriyaUppuluri- Still deciding meeting times/days for SIC. Wants to continue working on GMIC’s old ideas and planning to take on new objectives.
Interpersonal Relations Committee: Joseph Washington- Is thankful to be IRC Director. Hopes to find members interested in the committee and to email him. First task will be Student Org. Social/
University Relations Committee: Mercedez Jones- Absent. Joe reads on her behalf. Has met with Annie and Katrina from SAA to brainstorm ideas to reach out to student organizations for lobby work. Also planning to talk to Deans of different colleges to have students excused for Lobby day so more will be willing to go. Working on a new committee called Commuters About Safe Travel (CAST) with two university police officers.
Communications and Recruitment Committee: Sun Choi- Is glad to be CRC director this year. Still working on the promo video just adding finishing shots. Is working to create a Doodle poll for anyone who is interested in joining the committee. Working with Brandon for year-long plans.
- Resolution proposals: None.
- New business
Resolution 2014-F2-803- General board meeting food. Whereas, money from the budget should be allocated towards purchasing food for the general assembly to consume during general body meetings and the general assembly is better prepared to endure long meetings and process information while fed. Let it be resolved, that 1,500 dollars will be allocated for the purchasing of food for General Assembly meetings for the 2014-15 academic year. Approved.
Resolution 2014-2F-801- Undergraduate Student Government budget. Whereas, the University has allocated 105,050.00 dollars for the funds and expenditures of the Undergraduate Student Government. Let it be resolved, that this budget has been approved by the general assembly. Approved.
Resolution 2014-1F-802- General Assembly Meeting dates for the Fall 2014 and Spring 2015 terms. Whereas, the Assembly must approve the set of meeting dates for the year. Let it be resolved, that USG General Assembly meetings will be held on the following dates at 4:00 PM in the Commuter Student Resource Center. Debate: Eliminating some dates now since according to the constitutions we only need ten, some members believe it is too soon to decide which dates should be dropped. Approved.
- Items for discussion
President’s annual report- Upcoming goals for this year are civic engagement (getting students to vote), collecting teacher data on what works and doesn’t work for with faculty members and each college possibly creating this committee. Have member retention on what cause people to leave USG and collect data. Increasing representation of UIC committees and chancellor’s committees. Have a good relationship with student organizations (Student org. outreach). Finally increase USG visibility and promote ourselves on campus outlets. Questions/comments? An idea to reach out to students is to conduct a survey to know how students want to be seek out. USG could contact deans from different colleges to find students who are interested in joining so their college can be equally represented. Have open house meetings or invite presidents of student organizations to join us on weekly meetings. Last resort is to send mass mail to get colleges interested.
Printing of Weekly packets- We need to reduce the number of packets to save paper and ink. We could use the overhead/projector as an alternative. There has been a past resolution where the number of printed packets was reduced.
- Adjournment
[Facilitator Name]adjourned the meeting at 5:00 PM.
Minutes submitted by Secretary of Assembly: Flordalia Rodriguez-Garcia
President’s ReportPresident’s Report 9 – 17 – 14
Hello Everyone, I hope this week has gone well for all of you. Here are my updates for today’s meeting:
1. Constitution Day
a. I along with Gabriela participated in Constitution Day with the Political Science
Department. We registered students to vote and it went very successful.
b. A few weeks ago, I invited the Lt. Gov. Candidates to participate in a debate. Paul Vallas,
from the Quinn Campaign is open to participating in a debate. We are waiting to hear
from Evelyn Sanguinetti from the Rauner Campaign. I will keep you posted. If both
candidates agree to participate in the debate, then it will be held during the National
Student Issues Convention on October 31st. It will most likely be held in the Cardinal
2. Furniture Delivery
a. We will be receiving the new furniture on Friday, September 26th. Once we receive the
new furniture, we will need assistance in transporting materials up to the office ( not
furniture). As you know, everything is out of order and we need to organize the office
once the furniture has been delivered. Perhaps, we can cancel the meeting that is
scheduled for October 1st and use that time to organize the office. Please let me know
what you would like to do.
3. Chicago Coalition of Colleges and Universities
a. This Sunday, we will be hosting the Chicago Coalition of Colleges and Universities
Meeting. Danielle and Flordalia will also be in attendance. I will provide you with a
report of that meeting next week.
4. Athletics
a. I met with Ryan Ptak and Kyle Decker from the Athletics Department. They would like to
collaborate with USG and the other Student Governance Groups on campus. One idea
that was mentioned was having a USG night. We could table at one of their basketball
games, recruit members, etc. They said they would even let us walk out on the
basketball court during half time and they would make an announcement for us.
Another idea that was thrown around was USG participating in some type of gimmick
tournament against administrators or professors during half time at a basketball game
or even a soccer game. If you have any ideas, please let me know. They are open to
anything. If we do a scavenger hunt this year, then perhaps we could include Athletics in
that event.
5. Memorial Grove Re-dedication
a. I also attended the Memorial Grove Re-dedication ceremony prior to this meeting.
6. Lecture Center A Open House
a. In case you didn’t read your massmail, there is going to be an open house for the brand
new Lecture Center A. It will take place on Monday, September 22nd from 5:00 pm –
6:30 pm. I am supposed to deliver a few remarks along with the Interim Provost and the
Vice President’s ReportLSAT: I am taking my LSAT next Sunday. Therefore, unless you have a class with me I will be MIA from the world. I will only check my email once a day next week. If you really need to reach me just text me. But please don’t contact me unless it is something serious. I unfortunately will not be attending next week’s meeting.
ASGA: The only thing left to take care of it ground transportation. I am working with Crystal to take care of this. I am keeping the members attending the conference updated, and told them I will brief them once everything is finalized. Thus, please don’t ask me any questions unless it is important, otherwise I won’t answer it.
Email: If you are a committee chair or e-board member, you have NO EXCUSE for not answering an email within 48 hours. And, I should not have to wait 48 hours for a response. I know that everyone is busy, but for the rest of your life you will be busy. Thus, learn time management.
Email ethic (time and a place) Pop-Up Pantry: I don’t even feel like writing about this, because it would be too long. I will keep a
presentation during my resolution proposal. Sun is helping me organize a USG led food drive to get donations for the pantry. Expect more news regarding that in the coming weeks.
Student Orgs.
Speaker of the Assembly’s ReportHello Everyone ! I hope you are all having a stress free week.
Meetings: UIC Sailing Team, and other student Orgs.
Speaker’s Initiative toward more intra recruitment through other student organizations
Contacts some still needed
Sign in will start officially after office renovations
Committee membership get those in.
Treasury CommitteeTreasurer: TBA
Assistant Treasurer:TBA / Members:TBA / Meeting Times:
Hello Everyone,
Food did not happen this week because the order did not go through with catering services. But, I am 99% sure there will be food for the upcoming week.
I emailed with two new groups this week. I am hoping to set up a meeting with the Jane Addams School of Social work club with Chris and I since he already knows them a bit, and has expressed interest in proposal writing. I met with Xi Delta Phi last week and I wrote up a resolution proposal which you will see later. Since I might not be here when we get to it, are there questions?
I wanted to give a moment in my report to urge you to meet with Ms. Katherine Archuleta tomorrow from 1-2pm at Hull House. It just sounds really cool, but I have class. So, if you can go, it’s a great opportunity, especially if your career goal is in the field of politics.
I sent out an overview of our budget. If you have any questions please let me know now.
Constitution Day is today and hopefully by the time you read this I would have helped register many eager student voters. I have a goal of five.
Your Treasurer, Gabriela Bedolla
SIC ReportDirector: PriyaUppuluri
Assistant Director:TBA / Members:TBA / Meeting Times:
Hi everyone!
First, I would like to mention that as of now I am flexible on committee meeting times, but I have decided to make them at 1pm on Mondays. I am willing to have meetings on google hang out/ video chat if needed.
- Attended Eco Campus meeting today
- Attended Student Centers Board meeting today
- Met with the Office of Sustainability on Monday
- Coming up with ideas for a possible town hall regarding ACCC, campus wifi, and etc.
IRC ReportDirector: Joseph Washington
Assistant Director:TBA / Members:TBA / Meeting Times:
Hi Everyone!
This week I doubled a both a RHA E-Board member and USG member and with the help of Jacob
registered a number of people to vote. Also, I attended the Commuter Student Town Hall
hosted by CSRC. Will give verbal report on this event.
To those of you who don’t know IRC stands for the Interpersonal Relations Committee, which is
concerned with matters pertaining to surrounding community organizations, upholding the UIC
Urban Mission, working with the campus Cultural Centers, and working directly with Campus
Programs to serve as a liaison between USG and student organizations.
If you have any interest in being apart of the committee or just the desire to work with IRC
please contact me ASAP. I can be flexible with meeting times.
Have a great day!!
URC ReportDirector: Mercedes Jones
Assistant Director: TBA / Members: Mateo Uribe, Joe Anderson, Taha Husain / Meeting Times:
Hey Y'all,
First, I would like to apologize for not being here last week, but I came down with the respiratory illness that has been going around, and I am still feeling a bit So not too much happened this past week mostly because I was sick. Office (Canizales) and I spoke briefly about our subcommittee CAST. He spoke at the end of the commuter town hall this afternoon to talk about safe traveling for commuters and about the subcommittee to students.
We are still working on a meeting time for the group, and I will have that by this Friday so we can start meeting next week and work on starting new initiatives. Also, if you are still interested in joining my committee send me an email, give me a call, or talk to me after today’s meeting.
If you guys have any questions about my report from last week, feel free to ask now.
CRC ReportDirector: Sun Choi
Assistant Director:TBA / Members:TBA / Meeting Times:
Hello everyone,
- Had a meeting with Jacob on last Friday and we discussed about the new USG website
- Had a meeting with Timothy yesterday and he would like to take pictures of people who do not have their new photos at this point. So please email me if you want your new photos for USG website
- Committee meeting is going to be held this week. Thank you Diana, Flor, and Christen for showing their interests in CRC.
- Need a graphic designer for this year as soon as possible. Please let me know if you know someone who is interested in this position. I am going to send out the job description later in this week
Have a marvelous week!
Resolution 2014-3F-405
Hiring an Official USG Graphic Designer
The Undergraduate Student Government
Legislative Body
Date: September 17th, 2014
Chief Sponsor:
- The Communication and Recruitment Committee Director Sun Choi
WHEREAS, the Communications & Recruitment Committee is working on promoting various events hosted by USG; and
WHEREAS, CRC needs a graphic designer who can help to make eye-catching posters and fliers to promote such events; and
WHEREAS, the graphic designer can provide professional and innovative designs to promote any events; and
WHEREAS, the job description will be posted on the College of Art and Design website and Facebook; and
WHEREAS, there is a need for $800.00 to hire this graphic designer, $400.00 per each semester
LET IT BE RESOLVED, the assembly approves committee to provide $800.00 to hire a USG graphic designer who will help making this promotional movement during the fall semester 2014 and the spring semester 2015.
President,Speaker of the Assembly,
Jacob SchulzBrian Waddell