Instructor Mr.Skach School Year 20016-17
Course: 921/922 Course Title: Sophomore Physical Education and Driver Education
Period: 1,3,4,6,7 Time: 7:15-8;10,9;15-10:10,10:15-11:10, 12:15-1:10,1:15-2:10
Course Description:
This course is for all Sophomore students and will include three nine-week sessions of physical activities and one nine-week session of driver education. During the course, students will participate in various types of physical activities and fitness training and will evaluate skill performance and levels of fitness. Students will record data on the effects of various activities upon health-related levels of fitness, interpret the data, evaluate personal fitness levels, determine short-term fitness goals and design a plan to achieve identified goals. In addition, students will demonstrate proper safety procedures and appropriate game strategies necessary to achieve individual and group goals in a safe physical activity setting. Students are required to pass this course to meet State mandated and District graduation requirements. A physical education activity study guide will be supplied.
Enduring Understandings:
1. The students will understand that participating in, and interpreting the effects of various types of physical activities and fitness training is necessary to achieve individual health goals.
2. The students will understand that demonstrating safe practices in the physical activity setting and in other situations as well as applying proper procedures will help reduce health risks and prevent injuries.
3. The students will understand that evaluating physical movement skills for efficiency and effectiveness and applying proper principles will improve skill performance.
4. The students will understand that recording personal fitness data over a period of time will help them design a personal fitness program to reach health related goals.
5. The students will understand that working cooperatively with others by selecting and applying appropriate game strategies will help achieve group goals in a competitive and non-competitive situation.
Credit: One (Regular) (Pass/Fail) Level: 10 Prerequisite: None
Areas of Study: Badminton I, Floor Hockey/Aerobics I, Soccer I, Softball I, Weights and
Fitness I, Basketball II, Flag Football II, Swimming II, Tennis II, Volleyball II, Weights and
Fitness II, Classroom Driver Education
Activities and options listed may be altered by a school according to resources and availability of facilities
Textbooks: Drive Right Text and workbook, Rules of the Road, Study Guide
Safety Statement:
Physical Education provides an excellent opportunity for students to develop as a total person. Sport skills and participation in games is one of the chief tools of the physical education classes. Emphasis is placed on safety of the individuals in these classes. All physical educators key on prevention of injury, but are prepared to handle injuries, give appropriate action, and follow through with the recovery if the need does arise.
Time Lines and Activities:
Due to scheduling needs, approximately one-half of the Sophomore students will have Driver Education/Physical Education during Semester I, followed by Semester II Physical Education. The other half of Sophomore students will have the opposite schedule.
Due to resources and availability of facilities, the order of physical education activities may differ.
Department Grading Scale: Physical Education Points per Quarter:
A = 90 – 100%
B = 80 – 89% Daily Participation 150 pts.
C = 70 – 79% Written 75 pts.
D = 60 – 69% Skill 75 pts.
E = 0 – 59% 300 pts.
Physical Education Semester Grading:
1st Quarter 300 pts. (40%)
2nd Quarter 300 pts. (40%)
Semester Exam 150 pts. (20%)
750 pts.
Teacher Schedule:
Mr. Skach Daily Schedule:
1st Sophomore Physical education
2nd Prep
3rd Sophomore Physical Education
4th SophomorePhysical Education
5th Prep
6th Sophomore Physical Education
7th Sophomore Physical Education
Make- up Work:
All make-up work must be completed within one week of the EXCUSED absence.
Medical/Parent Excuses:
1. A maximum of 2 parent excuses during each quarter is permitted. These requests will excuse a student from participating in activity for the day. The student must still dress in uniform. Make-up work is required
2. A medical doctor's excuse is required to excuse a student for 3 or more days during a grading period. This note must be presented to the school nurse.
a. Medical excuse for less than 3 weeks, student stays with class, dresses in uniform,
Make-up work is required
b. Medical excuse or more than 3 weeks, student is assigned to study hall by counselor, make-up work is required.
c. Medical excuse for a semester or more, P.E. credit waved, another class assigned for credit.
A Student is considered to be properly dressed only if they are wearing………..
Hillcrest issued Physical Education T-Shirt and Physical Education Shorts!!
Exceptions to this include ONLY the following:
1. Hillcrest “rental”
2. Hillcrest “Strongest” t-shirt earned by student.
3. Hillcrest “Fitness” t-shirt earned by student.
Course Requirements:
1. BE ACTIVE!!! Stay on task and complete all assigned lifts!
2. Come prepared to participate in the proper Hillcrest uniform and gym shoes.
3. Be ON TIME to class and to your assigned attendance area.
4. No Profanity.
5. Stop all activity when the whistle blows.
6. No food, drink, or candy is allowed in any gym area.
7. No arguing with classmates or the teacher.
8. You are not dismissed from class until the teacher dismisses you. Please stay in the proper areas until you are dismissed.
9. A positive attitude should be shown at all times.
10. Study for all tests.
11. Does all makeup work for excused days not in attendance.
12. Support classmates with positive reinforcement at all times.
Class Consequences:
1. Verbal Praise.
2. Extra Credit to individual(s)
3. Class free day/choice activity
4. Phone call/post card sent home.
1. Verbal warning
2. Individual conference with teacher
3. Phone call home
4. Conference with dean and teacher
5. Detention
6. Referral
H:\Sophomore PE and Drivers Ed Syllabus.doc