Minutes of the Glasgow and Western Isles (Region 9)CommitteeMeeting
Held onWednesday 8 April 2015at10:30 am in Highlander House, Glasgow
George McGuinness, MBE, Chair / Baillieston TRA / GMcGLilian Woolfries, Secretary / Banner Residents Association / LW
Margaret Fawcett / Ladywell & High Street TARA / MF
Betty Sutherland, Treasurer / Royston TRA / BS
Esther Thomson / North Cardonald TRA / ET
Greg Hine / Govan C TARA / GH
In Attendence:
Ann Marie Stanley / Scottish Government / AMSShona Ritson / Scottish Government / SR
No Apology received:
Laura Macdonald / Cearns Community AssociationItem / Action
1 / Introduction and Welcome
GMcG welcomed everyone to the meeting and thanked them all for attending.
2 / Previous Minutes
The previous meeting had included members of Region 8 and the committee agreed it had been a successful meeting and good to hear the views of other committee members. All members agreed that it was a good idea to have joint meetings with the other Regional Networks who hold their meetings in Highlander Housethose being regions 1, 4 and 8. Further discussion regarding this will be undertaken at the next meeting once AMS has spoken to Susan McLellan who leads on Regions 4 and 8.
The minutes of 4th February 2015 were proposed by BS and seconded by MF. / AMS
3 / Matters Arising
The bank account has to dealt with and the signatories changed, Betty will pursue getting this sorted out. / BS
4 / Chairs and Secretaries Meeting (C&S)
GMcG reminded committee members that the next C&S meeting was to be held in Europa Building on 21 April 2015 and asked if there was anything members wanted to put forward. There was a discussion about the meeting with Mr Neil and Mrs Burgess on 13 May 2015 and the topics to be discussed.
5 / Pre Meeting with Chairs
GMcG advised that a pre meeting with Chairs would take place after the Chairs and Secretaries meeting on 21 April. A discussion then took place to decide what it was the group would like to ask the Minister with suggestions relating to the Housing Act, the Private Rented Sector, Letting agents - who is monitoring how the legislation is being implemented, and the Scottish Housing Quality Standard.
6 / SHR Responses
The committee considered their responses.Although most agreed with the process they felt the flow chart was helpful but needed amending and that tenants should be involved at the start of the process. GH to prepare a draft response to be circulated to the committee by 17 April. AMS read out an overview of the 2nd part. A copy of the reply will be sent round members for comment by the 17th April.
It was agreed that GH would respond on behalf of the region by the 24 April. / ALL
7 / SHR Liaison Group – Update
It was agreed that GH would be prime contributor to SHR with LW being depute. This is contrary to previous minuted discussion at the last meeting. LW said she was quite happy for GH to be the lead. GMcG thanked GH for taking the role. / GH
8 / Second Consultation on a New Tenancy for Private Sector
The committee discussed and agreed their response which Lillian will submit on behalf of the committee by 10 May 2015. / LW
SHBVN were meeting with RN reps to develop an interactive toolkit for tenants.
10 / Welfare Report – Letter to Prime Minister
GH passed round a letter, which had been drafted to the Prime Minister, and asked that any comments be sent directly to him prior to 29 May 2015. The letter will be sent after the June meeting. A copy of the letter will also be sent to Rita Smart as she is a member of the Welfare Reform Committee. / GH
11 / AOCB
12 / Date of Next Meeting
The next meeting will be on 10 June 2015 in Highlander House at 10:00am
13 / Close of Meeting
GMcG closed the meeting and thanked everyone for attending.