12& 13November 2016 CELL LEADER’S WEEKLY RESOURCE Compiled by Pr. Janan Goh

1.WORKS (30 minutes)

  1. Looking Ahead

1)Reminder: Christmas Harvest & Christmas Production(December 2016)

By now, leaders would have received a copy of the Christmas Harvest even via the CMS community email. The hardcopy was distributed at the November Leaders Meeting.

Remember to start planning for the Christmas harvest event NOW! 

After the message by Pr Jim Yost this weekend, it is important to use this Christmas period as a platform to reach out as well and to be bold to talk about Jesus at every given opportunity.

2)Zone Prayer (22 November 2016)

For the coming Zone Prayer, please encourage your cell members to participate. Check with your Zone Leadser or Zone Pastor if you need further info.

One key item to pray for is the coming Christmas Harvest event and the Christmas Production.

  1. CMS (Action required this month, 5 minutes!)

Are the CMS records of your CG members updated?

If not, it may be a good time to update it as a group!

Based on the new system, all members are responsible for their own update of personal data.

  • Get everyone to access the CMS and login via their email.
  • If they forget their password, ask them to use the ‘Forget Password’ feature in the CMS which will email to them a new password.
  • Once they enter, go into the Profile and get everyone to verify their info, in particular, handphone number, address.
  • Inform them that this info is only available to responsible church leaders and staff. DUMC abides by the Personal Data Protection Act, based on Malaysian law.

The CMS records are vital for DUMC to have a comprehensive database to ensure that members are informed promptly on all matters and relevant communication can be channelled as fast as possible.

2.WORD (60 minutes)

Missions Weekend

The Church of the Future (Acts 11:19-30)

By Pastor Jim Yost

  • Read the scripture passage.
  • Do a THREE-MINUTE SUMMARY of the sermon highlighting theKEY POINTS. Do not preach the whole sermon again, as majority of your members would have heard the sermon already. Allocate more time for sharing in the cell through the application questions below.
  • Sermon Resource at:

Use the WORD Activity sheet accordingly or as your guide

WORD Activity Sheet (for Printing)

REALITY CHECK #1: Church of the Future

Your cell group is the church! That means, for DUMC to be…

“the church of the future” = “New Testament church in Antioch”

… every cell group needs to play their part!

Let us first examine this together:

Antioch church attributes. Are we…? / Yes/No / Why are we not there?
What can we do to get there?
1) A CG that is persecuted because of our Christian witness
2) A CG that is witnessing and have the ‘breath’ of evangelism. We love to talk about Jesus to anyone and everyone!
3) A CG that promotes the Lord Jesus Christ
4) A CG that teaches the Word of God in such a way people want to obey Jesus and live a transformed life
5) A church that is led by the Spirit through prophecy

SPIRITUAL GUIDANCE #2: Guidance by the Holy Spirit

Let us pray to God to allow Him to guide the CG into the action item. Above all, let us pray to have the desire to step up to make DUMC God’s Church of the Future

ACTION #3: Becoming the Church of the Future

Write down the commitment as a CG to be the church fo the future



Soft copy of the DUA is available at: 1